Personal Information
Account Name:
Primary Language:
In-Game Stats
How long have you been playing SAES?
i have been playing since 2012 ( the i went inactive then i cam back on 2019)
How active are you on SAES:RPG?
What's your current organization and your rank?
currenlty only "o" (before i was on group's because inactive i got kicked)
Groups I am part of:
I was but now its not
Rate your Building Skills: 9.5/10
Rate your RP skills: 7.5/10
Rate your Creativity skills: 9/10
Rate your English skills: 8.5/10
My creativity is one of my strongest assets. I’m always coming up with new ideas for in-game structures and environments that can enhance the world around us. Whether it’s designing trucker rest sites, highways, or parks, I’m confident that my ability to think outside the box will add unique value to ZIP's projects
As I am still getting familiar with ZIP's internal structure and ways of working, I may initially take some time to fully adjust to the group’s processes and expectations. However, I’m a fast learner and eager to adapt, so I’m confident that this will not be a long-term issue
Why do I want to join ZIP?I would like to join ZIP to keep improving my building skills while contributing to the organization with my creativity and motivation. I'm passionate about creating unique and functional structures, and I’m excited to work on projects like trucker rest sites, highways, and beautiful parks. I believe these additions can enhance the overall experience for players and make the game world more immersive. Of course, I’m eager to share each of these creations with the community and work alongside other talented members of ZIP to make them a reality