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Everything posted by djshrek

  1. Type of activity: Trucking Mt Chilliad to DE Naval Base Date: 24/08/2022 Participants: Djshrek https://imgur.com/RFG8KTf https://imgur.com/ciLeEz1
  2. Type of activity: Trucking, Creek to Mt chilliad **Date:**24/08/2022 **Participants:**Djshrek https://imgur.com/zDOFM0i https://imgur.com/7SEFR25
  3. Type of activity: Trucking, Mt Chilliad to LV trucking depo Date: 23/08/2022 Participants: DjShrek https://imgur.com/XZqAbKD https://imgur.com/9K5DFYR
  4. Type of activity: trucking, creek to mt chilliad Date: 23/08/2022 Participants: Djshrek https://imgur.com/5zmGEWi https://imgur.com/Lqj5MIW
  5. Type of activity: Trucking, motorbikes from SF station to Mt Chilliad Date: 23/08/2022 Participants: Djshrek https://imgur.com/ZspPYe8 https://imgur.com/OJwlVM5
  6. Type of activity: Trucking Linden Station to San fierro Station Date: 23/08/2022 Participants: Djshrek https://imgur.com/jZzGl4c https://imgur.com/RougF1V
  7. Type of activity: Refueling Date: 23/08/2022 Participants: Djshrek https://imgur.com/5qleXM7 https://imgur.com/eQBLYW7
  8. Type of activity: Refueling Date: 23/08/2022 Participants: Djshrek https://imgur.com/1TC12ys https://imgur.com/hrPOgLq
  9. **Type of activity: Refueling **Date: 23/08/2022 **Participants: Djshrek https://imgur.com/BonhXeA https://imgur.com/bvv2dwZ https://imgur.com/8YecCB0
  10. Type Of Activity: Refueling Date: 17/08/22 Participants: DjShrek Screenshots: [s=]![https://i.imgur.com/sXsfVIY.png](image url)[/s]
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