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Everything posted by Malicious

  1. Address: A Cunt Lives Here Account name: bardo45 Last seen: 4th September 2020 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/u65tzrK.png
  2. Address: 3 El Quabrados View Account name: bardo45 Last seen: 4th September 2020 Screenshots:
  3. Address: 6 Vaginal Discharge Way Account name: frl Last seen: 3rd Sept 2020 Ss:
  4. Address: 3 Deagle Road Account Name: chris95nova Last seen: 4th July 2020 Screenshot:![ ::: PIC :::
  5. Address: River Side Warehouse Account name: leveron1995 Last seen: 29th July 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Address: Vinewood Strip Shops Account name: leveron1995 Last seen: 29th July 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Applicant Main Information : Nickname :Malicious Username :malicious Age : 19 Nationality : Tunisian Languages you can speak : English,French,Arabic and little bit croatian Player SAES Career Information : Dow long have you been playing on SAES? : I started playing SAES since years as i remember since August 2017 Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : Hell Soldiers,San Andreas ProCop Academy,The Company,OverdoseCrime,Black Syndicate If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them :Hell Soldiers died,SAPA i wanted to try the cops side but i didnt get along with them so i left for the best,ThC actually it was the best experience since it was level 1 anyways after months i had some troubles with the HQs (i admit it was my fault) I also remember being kicked,OC died,BS died Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) :Not Really What groups are you currently part of ? :I Went inactive for a year, so i guess i lost everything,Otherwise im still in cunning stunts Do you have discord? if yes, link/tag it :ACY Malicinos#3489 Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : As I said above I have played this game for years so I am close to leveraging B~B with all my skills I have acquired here, I am a loyal, helpful, mature and honest player. As I remember, I am a good teamworker and a skilled player,As i know I am not a flammer or even a toxic player. Also I can bring in gang activity since I am an active player and I am sure I will make a good addition to this family with being a part of the camels Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: A group of well-trained friends use their minds to create a respectable family in San Andreas, and they are known at the moment to be the most important criminal organization offering the best kind of assassinations I have ever seen, in addition, Black Bullets offer any specific type of assassination. Fully developed in-kind weapons. Well, they sell and repair weapons, aside from performing any tasks, they don't face any difficulties from the government because everyone knows that the government cannot deal with such a large family as this one, and in the end they make money laundering and lending to avoid the government at all. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : I am applying specifically to Black Bullets because I see potential in myself in this gang as well as B ~ B is a unique gang that top players respect, however I can add an extra feature in this gang that benefits everyone like my skills and all my relationships with all the players I know. I'm sort of good cracker and trying to be better, I know how skilled and kind people are in this clan, so I am ready to make new friends,be part of them and also prove my loyalty that I can be part of this family and I hope no one will be disappointed Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us?: I know a few members and am willing to find out more, Slayfly and Curny are greatly appreciated for recommending me to apply for a B ~ B Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : The time you stood reading this is more than appreciated
  8. Address: Big Clother 24/7 Account name: Assasine Last seen: 31st August 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/3nwZBnx
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