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Posts posted by blizzard

  1. Application Type: CS

    Your ingame username: dopeblizz
    Your ingame alias: blizzard / hekmatyar / valkyrie / Esdeath / kyuketsuki
    Your real name: Codrin
    Your DOB: 26/01/00 00:00
    Your gender: Male

    Nationality: Romanian.
    Country of residence: Romania.
    Language skills: English, Romanian.
    English Proficiency: B2.

    How long you have been playing: Since end of 2013.
    Your strengths: I'm a good analyst, I pay great attention to detail. I'm creative and I can come up with a lot of funny stuff. Although being laid back most of the times, I do know when seriousness is required. I'm also a good mediator and I'm striving to please everyone involved!
    Your weaknesses: I can be a little bit mean sometimes. ^w^

    Member of the SAES discord server: Yes

    Reason for application: As I have stated in my previous application from a year ago, I did assist in a few report solvings with a community staff from back then and I really enjoyed the whole process. I do still keep my interest over it since back then! OwO

    Unique qualities you can offer: I might be one of the few people in this server with a 10 year clean record from any punishments (aside from a few troll mutes, kicks and bans done by my friends), so I would say I have a very solid grasp when it comes to understanding and applying the server rules correctly! @_@

    Server Memberships: Killing Joke, CLO.
    Additional information: Konnichiwa! I am blizzard, I like to watch animes and read mangas in my free time. (◕‿◕✿)

    Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Zero, nada, blank, nil, void, black hole, oblivion, goose egg.
    Previous (legitimate) bans: Zero, nada, blank, nil, void, black hole, oblivion, goose egg.
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  2. rpAAAAAAAAA_2.gif?ex=65cabf87&is=65b84a8



    RP n°58 (monthly count 16 ) :  The TV Problem

    Date: 15/02/2024


    I was chilling on a very cool Thursday, the air was fresh and it smelled like last day's pizza.



    Suddenly, the TV stopped working. Being a mechanic, I decided to approach it to check if it was my eyesight was the problem or not.



    Figured out it wasn't me and in fact the TV didn't work, so I've gotten my engineer hands on it to do the fixing.



    My skills in fact, did not help with anything, so I decided that option B was to be tried.



    Hopefully Mr. Spongebob will enjoy it more than I did. I concluded this wonderful day by taking a nap.





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    Promotional Video!






    The history of killer clowns can be traced back to the emergence of "scary clowns" in popular culture, particularly in the late 20th century. However, their notoriety rose sharply in the early 2010s when reports of people dressing up as sinister clowns and terrorizing communities started to surface worldwide. These incidents, often driven by pranks or malevolent intentions, created a wave of fear and panic. While some instances were harmless, others involved criminal activities such as assault or stalking. The phenomenon gained extensive media coverage and sparked a global fascination with the concept of killer clowns, leaving behind a chilling legacy.

    In the year 2020, a horrifying act shocked the country as a group of killer clowns carried out a daring robbery in the city of Los Santos. This bizarre combination of criminality and theatrics left people baffled and fearful. Authorities quickly began investigating the incident, hoping to bring these dangerous individuals to justice and reassure the public that such alarming acts would not be tolerated in society. To this day, the suspects have not been found.

    3 years after the robbery incident, the discovery of multiple dead bodies across the city of San Fierro, all bearing the suspicious mark of the words "joke's on you" has sparked widespread concern and panic among residents. Authorities started working diligently to investigate the situation and determine the motives behind these disturbing crimes, as well as to ensure the safety of the community.

    The public's decision to label the horrifying murders as a "killing joke" reflected the collective attempt to make sense of and contextualize the disturbing phenomenon. This unofficial name also served as a way to refer to and discuss the ongoing investigations and developments surrounding the case.

    By the end of the year 2023, a number of other clown related attacks have been investigated by the authorities. The crimes were found to be likely connected due to similarities in the modus operandi, patterns, or evidence found at each crime scene. After careful investigation and analysis, the law enforcement agencies and experts have reached the conclusion that there is an organized group or criminal organization involved in these crimes.




    Gang name: Killing Joke
    Gang tag: KJ|
    Roleplay: Killer Clowns
    Base Location: Killing Joke Circus, San Fierro
    Gang Money: 100.000.000$+
    Founders: @Groove | @blizzard
    Leader: @Groove
    Vice Leader: @blizzard
    HeadQuarters: @tucos | @Rubisel | @Nobodyknows
    Color code: #C34A2C ( KJ|name )
    Motto: "Why so serious?"
    Creation Date: 8th of July 2023
    Gang level: 3
    Discord server: CLICK HERE






    The Killing Joke is a killer clown society. Our main purpose is to create as much chaos as possible. We do so by various means, some of our fun activities include:

    - Producing highly toxic chemicals and gas to use in attacks.

    - Drug dealing and production ( mostly amphetamines).

    - Stalking people to make them uncomfortable.

    - Chasing women on the street alone at night.

    - Robbing fast food stores.

    - Beating up people dressed as Disney characters.

    - Visiting the local zoo.




    Killing Joke Circus - Our base of operations



    San Fierro Pier 69 - The location where we host public shows and carnivals











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    RP n°36 (monthly count 11) :  The Hangover Mugger - Part IV

       date: 9/11/2023


    The Shady Lady's pointings have led me to a shack somewhere in the forests near the Mountain Chilliad. The shack looked empty, but I said what's to lose to check for signs, so I parked my car and went inside.



    Inside, I have met a very friendly old man. He told me that indeed I have passed through here with the latex lady, but before he can give me any more details I have to help him with something. The old man has let me know that his 4 young step nephews have decided to leave the house. He is too old to go looking for them, so he has asked me to do it instead.



    I walked the river across the shack, and I managed to find them. They were sneaking around the forest trying to play a prank on their step grandfather.



    I have started picking them up slowly as to not harm them, because frankly they looked a bit fragile.



    I have brought them to my car and placed each of them in the trunk, where they'd be extra safe.



    Finally, when we have arrived home, the old man blew up in tears and couldn't thank me more. He told me that me and the latex lady, while passing by here, we stopped at his house to drink a tea before heading to Las Venturas... We've also told him that from Las Venturas we were planning to take a plane to Los Santos. Took a farewell to him and his little nephews, packed myself up and started heading towards Los Santos.





    • Haha 1
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    RP n°35 (monthly count 10) :  The Hangover Mugger - Part III

       date: 8/11/2023


    The magnificient train ride has led me back to San Fierro. In the train station I have used the cellphone I was given to give the shady lady a call and let her know that I will burry the cash around the train station area. She agreed, while also giving me some additional information on where I should continue my search - as a reward token for completing my job.



    I went at the back of the train station and started digging with my own hands a hole, where I dugged the money. I have also left a clown sticker near it so her organization would know where to dig in.



    After this, I have walked back to the Circus, where I was greeted by my Manager. It was a pain in the ass explaining her what happened and why I went missing for 2 days, but I assured her that I am safe. I have also let her know about my intention to retrieve my Tamagotchi, and she assured me that I will be receiving the full support of the Circus.



    In that regard, I have received a car with a submachine gun in the trunk.



    I have packed everything I needed and went on with my search in the direction that the shady lady pointed me towards to: the forests near Mount Chilliad.





    • Haha 1
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    RP n°34(monthly count 9) :  The Hangover Mugger - Part II

       date: 7/11/2023


    Upon exiting the pit and finding myself in the desert, I started walking north towards the first settlement that I could find. After an hour of walking and quite satirically the first that I noticed was... a bar.



    I entered hoping to drink another beer to ease my massive hangover. To my surprise, the bar was pretty much empty, but there was a shady looking woman sitting in the corner, who made me a sign to come over to her.



    She told me that I have come to this bar precisely one day ago with a latex-wearing lady, and that I am in big trouble for stealing from her organization. I have been told that together we stole a bag of money and hid it somewhere in the area.

    The shady looking woman handed me a phone and told me to call her once I get the money back. She also told me that I have something left at the back of my bar and kicked my ass out from the local.



    At the back of the bar surprisingly I found my bike that I left at the other bar in San Fierro. After piecing the informations together, I found out that I wasn't kidnapped by her but got here consently with her. Still this does not explain the ass-pain. On the bike it was a message that read "babygirl am droppin the money near the oilrig company, ain't no way i am carrying this on ma back to Los Santos". And so I headed straight to the oilrigs.



    I stopped by the oil rigs only to notice the amount of security guarding the area.



    Using my park ranger skills I have managed to sneak past them and into a hiding place near the Rig.



    To my surprise that was the location where I hid the money, so I stuffed it all in my clown pants (approximately 1 million dollars)



    Upon exiting the hideout I was greeted by the guards, who looked at my failed stealth skills from the start.



    And so a chase began.



    Upon my luck, a train was passing by so I managed to jump onto it and escape the lunatic guards.



    This could have ended badly had God not watched over my alcoholic ass, now I will need to look into contacting the shady woman...





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    RP n°33(monthly count8) :  The Hangover Mugger - Part I

       date: 7/11/2023


    After closely monitoring the specimens brought by our dear Leader @Groove onto our Circus' park as a tourist attraction, a thrist suddenly and unexpectedly managed to hit me.



    This event is not an uncommon one, as for my park ranger job my body requires a lot of fuel to operate properly. However, our retarded Circus Managers @tucos and @Linkan forgot to stack up my reserves, and so I herebery decided a run to the nearest liquor store was a necessary decision to be taken.



    Upon entering the local, the plan that I made back at the circus did not kiss well with the reality that was to come. As I am a raging alcoholic I have decided to drink a few more beers than I should have (around 21). I tried to walk out of the liquor store but I was stopped in my path by what was looking as a female dominatrix.



    This is the moment where my film cuts and I blacked out. A few hours later I woke up in the desert, specifically in a hole, with body bags around me and with my asshole hurting like a dumptruck.



    But what is more important than this is that I could not feel my Tamagotchi in the pockets. Along my wallet, the latex lady must have also stolen my dear Tamagotchi that I have gotten as a gift from my korean stepgrandfather when I visited him in 2004 in Seoul. What's enough is enough and I need to recover my Tamagotchi from the dominatrix lady, and so the hunt begins.


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  8.    spacer.png

    Promotional Video!






    1984 - Groove gets born at the same time George Orwell releases his book "1984" in Grove Street, Los Santos.
    1989 - The Romanian Revolution happens.
    1991 - Soviet Union collapses.
    1992 - blizzard gets born and doesn't catch commmunism times.
    1999 - blizzard emigrates to New York.
    2001 - The Twin Towers collapse, marking blizzard emotionally (he will become racist).
    2004 - blizzard can't cope with the lack of towers in NY after 9/11 and moves to Los Santos.
    2012 - Gangnam Style gets released.
    2013 - a bunch of estonians get released from prison (they did not want to be conscripted), and emigrate to Los Santos, USA.
    2013 - the estonians, blizzard and groove meet for the first time in a bar in Los Santos and become friends.
    2014 - They form an organized crime group. Things keep working peacefully and they become big.
    2021 - Said organized crime group dies peacefully and everyone leaves the crime life behind.
    2021 - Arms Assassins, a gang in San Fierro, denies blizzard membership (canon event).
    2023 - blizzard fails his bachelor thesis (canon event) (he didn't actually fail it).
    2023 - blizzard and Groove meet again and decide to phone everyone else to start another criminal group.
    2023 - alongside the estonians, a weird ass mexican american mechanic, a swedish mobster, an italian family man, and a russian venture alongside them.
    2023 - the "Killing Joke" Clown Society gets offically founded, and the first clown-terrorist attack happens at the Iranian Embassy in Los Santos.




    Gang name: Killing Joke
    Gang tag: KJ|
    Roleplay: Psychopathic Clowns
    Base Location: Killing Joke Circus, San Fierro
    Gang Money: 75.000.000$+
    Founders: @Groove | @blizzard
    Leader: @Groove
    Vice Leader: @blizzard
    HQ Team: @Linkan | @tucos | @Rubisel
    Color code: #C34A2C ( KJ|name )
    Motto: "Laugh all your life up!"
    Creation Date: 8th of July 2023
    Gang level: 2




    The Killing Joke is a psychopathic clown society. Our main purpose is to create as much chaos as possible. We do so by various methods, some of our fun activities include:

    -Producing highly toxic chemicals and gases, either to sell them further or to create fun devices such as gas bombs

    -Drug dealing and hard drug productions (predominantly amphetamines)

    -Mercenary work and contracting to fund our operations

    -Robbing fast foods

    -Beating women on the street

    -Beating Mickey Mouse costumed people on the street

    -Selling laughing balloons

    -Visiting the local zoo


    Of course there is more than that, chaos can never have limits. This was just to showcase what we truly are about.




    Killing Joke Circus - Our base of operations



    San Fierro Pier 69 - The location where we host public shows and carnivals






    Leader |L - Level 8

    🇧🇪 SAES>Groove (vagoti)


    Vice Leader |VL - Level 7

    🇷🇴 blizzard (dopeblizz)


    Head Quarters |HQ - level 6

    🇸🇪 Linkan (linus111560)

    🇺🇸 tucos (tucos)

    🇮🇹 rubisel (freepalestine)


    Honorary - level 5

    🇪🇪 Vadim (thatthug)


    Respected |=R= - level 5



    Members - level 1 to 4

    🇷🇺 Leks (mtashnik23) - level 3

    🇪🇪 Nubbob (mrriis) - level 3

    🇸🇪 Darius (suporter) - level 3

    🇪🇪 Icecold (kaseke123) - level 3

    🇳🇱 Mellow (koenmeby) - level 3

    🇪🇬 Omar (lplp) - level 3

    🇧🇷 Brazz (pedro1425) - level 2

    🇹🇷 Beauty (tugberk043) - level 2

    🇺🇸 Happy (shy) - level 2

    🇳🇱 Twenta (tristan012) - level 2

    🇳🇱 Duivel90 (duivel90) - level 2

    🇭🇷 Puppy (dopepuppy) - level 2

    🇹🇳 Weeknd (houssem1998) - level 2

    🇸🇪 Kden (jonasviggo10) - level 2

    🇳🇱 Haas (kaaskoekjes) - level 2

    🇸🇪 Zirka (fille8) - level 2

    🇺🇸 Jean (jean75002) - level 1

    🇪🇪 Chasin (decrypter1) - level 1

    🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Slaine (slaine97) - level 1

    🇳🇱 duckle (duckle) - level 1

    🇺🇦 King (theking01) - level 1

    🇹🇳 Barras (barras) - level 1

    🇪🇸 Laciden (maximal5000) - level 1

    🇸🇪 Ziby (vex95) - level 1

    🇷🇺 Lerov (evgenei901) - level 1

    🇸🇪 Oscar (oscar1999) - level 1

    🇹🇳 Gandalf (unlckyme) - level 1

    🇸🇪 Axponk (ab00) - level 1

    🇵🇹 Rivals (nobita354) - level 1

    🇵🇹 Rykila (rycas) - level 1

    🇷🇴 Lamza (lamzaone) - level 1

    🇹🇳 k2hrym (icecream69) - level 1

    🇹🇳 Tritosh (aymen000) - level 1

    🇳🇱 Chicken (gekk1e) - level 1

    🇫🇮 T0nz (tonzza13) - level 1

    🇹🇳 Nicky (clashofsaes) - level 1

    🇸🇮 Zan (zanpro) - level 1


    Probationary - level 0

    🇸🇮 Tuemack (xwolf)






    • Like 8
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  9.   spacer.png

    Laugh all your life up!




    1984 - Groove gets born at the same time George Orwell releases his book "1984" in Grove Street, Los Santos.
    1989 - The Romanian Revolution happens.
    1991 - Soviet Union collapses.
    1992 - blizzard gets born and doesn't catch commmunism times.
    1999 - blizzard emigrates to New York.
    2001 - The Twin Towers collapse, marking blizzard emotionally (he will become racist).
    2004 - blizzard can't cope with the lack of towers in NY after 9/11 and moves to Los Santos.
    2012 - Gangnam Style gets released.
    2013 - a bunch of estonians get released from prison (they did not want to be conscripted), and emigrate to Los Santos, USA.
    2013 - the estonians, blizzard and groove meet for the first time in a bar in Los Santos and become friends.
    2014 - They form an organized crime group. Things keep working peacefully and they become big.
    2021 - Said organized crime group dies peacefully and everyone leaves the crime life behind.
    2021 - Arms Assassins, a gang in San Fierro, denies blizzard membership (canon event).
    2023 - blizzard fails his bachelor thesis (canon event) (he didn't actually fail it).
    2023 - blizzard and Groove meet again and decide to phone everyone else to start another criminal group.
    2023 - alongside the estonians, a weird ass mexican american mechanic, a swedish mobster, an italian family man, and a russian venture alongside them.
    2023 - the "Killing Joke" Clown Society gets offically founded, and the first clown-terrorist attack happens at the Iranian Embassy in Los Santos.




    Gang name: Killing Joke
    Gang tag: KJ|
    Roleplay: Psychopathic Clowns
    Base Location: Pier 69, San Fierro
    Gang Money: 75.000.000$+
    Founders: @Groove | @blizzard
    Leader: @Groove
    Vice Leader: @blizzard
    HQ Team: @Linkan | @tucos | @Rubisel
    Color code: #004953 ( KJ|name )
    Motto: "Laugh all your life up!"
    Creation Date: 8th of July 2023
    Gang level: 1




    The Killing Joke is a psychopathic clown society. Our main purpose is to create as much chaos as possible. We do so by various methods, some of our fun activities include:

    -Producing highly toxic chemicals and gases, either to sell them further or to create fun devices such as gas bombs

    -Drug dealing and hard drug productions (predominantly amphetamines)

    -Mercenary work and contracting to fund our operations

    -Robbing fast foods

    -Beating women on the street

    -Beating Mickey Mouse costumed people on the street

    -Selling laughing balloons

    -Visiting the local zoo


    Of course there is more than that, chaos can never have limits. This was just to showcase what we truly are about.




    San Fierro Pier 69 - The location where we host public shows and carnivals






    Leader |L - Level 8

    🇧🇪 SAES>Groove (vagoti)


    Vice Leader |VL - Level 7

    🇷🇴 blizzard (dopeblizz)


    Head Quarters |HQ - level 6

    🇸🇪 Linkan (linus111560)

    🇺🇸 tucos (tucos)

    🇮🇹 rubisel (freepalestine)


    Honorary - level 5

    🇪🇪 Vadim (thatthug)


    Respected |=R= - level 5



    Members - level 1 to 4

    🇷🇺 Leks (mtashnik23) - level 2

    🇪🇪 Nubbob (mrriis) - level 2

    🇧🇷 Brazz (pedro1425) - level 2

    🇹🇷 Beauty (tugberk043) - level 2

    🇺🇸 Happy (shy) - level 2

    🇪🇪 Icecold (kaseke123) - level 2

    🇸🇪 Darius (suporter) - level 2

    🇳🇱 Mellow (koenmeby) - level 2

    🇪🇬 Omar (lplp) - level 2

    🇳🇱 Twenta (tristan012) - level 2

    🇺🇸 BigMike (bigmikespiff) - level 2

    🇳🇱 Duivel90 (duivel90) - level 2

    🇭🇷 Puppy (dopepuppy) - level 2

    🇺🇸 Jean (jean75002) - level 1

    🇹🇳 Weeknd (houssem1998) - level 1

    🇪🇪 Chasin (decrypter1) - level 1

    🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Slaine (slaine97) - level 1

    🇳🇱 duckle (duckle) - level 1

    🇸🇪 Kden (jonasviggo10) - level 1

    🇺🇦 King (theking01) - level 1

    🇳🇱 Haas (kaaskoekjes) - level 1

    🇸🇪 Zirka (fille8) - level 1

     🇹🇳 Barras (barras) - level 1

    🇪🇸 Laciden (maximal5000) - level 1

    🇸🇪 Ziby (vex95) - level 1

    🇷🇺 Lerov (evgenei901) - level 1

    🇸🇪 Oscar (oscar1999) - level 1

    🇹🇳 Gandalf (unlckyme) - level 1

    🇸🇪 Axponk (ab00) - level 1

    🇷🇴 Ardron (king1992) - level 1

    🇵🇹 Rivals (nobita354) - level 1

    🇵🇹 Rykila (rycas) - level 1

    🇷🇴 Lamza (lamzaone) - level 1


    Probationary - level 0

    🇩🇿 Jagwar (yassine09)







    • Like 13
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  10.  spacer.png

    Laugh all your life up!




    1984 - Groove gets born at the same time George Orwell releases his book "1984" in Grove Street, Los Santos.
    1989 - The Romanian Revolution happens.
    1991 - Soviet Union collapses.
    1992 - blizzard gets born and doesn't catch commmunism times.
    1999 - blizzard emigrates to New York.
    2001 - The Twin Towers collapse, marking blizzard emotionally (he will become racist).
    2004 - blizzard can't cope with the lack of towers in NY after 9/11 and moves to Los Santos.
    2012 - Gangnam Style gets released.
    2013 - a bunch of estonians get released from prison (they did not want to be conscripted), and emigrate to Los Santos, USA.
    2013 - the estonians, blizzard and groove meet for the first time in a bar in Los Santos and become friends.
    2014 - They form an organized crime group. Things keep working peacefully and they become big.
    2021 - Said organized crime group dies peacefully and everyone leaves the crime life behind.
    2021 - Arms Assassins, a gang in San Fierro, denies blizzard membership (canon event).
    2023 - blizzard fails his bachelor thesis (canon event) (he didn't actually fail it).
    2023 - blizzard and Groove meet again and decide to phone everyone else to start another criminal group.
    2023 - alongside the estonians, a weird ass mexican american mechanic, a swedish mobster, an italian family man, and a russian venture alongside them.
    2023 - the "Killing Joke" Clown Society gets offically founded, and the first clown-terrorist attack happens at the Iranian Embassy in Los Santos.




    Gang name: Killing Joke
    Gang tag: KJ|
    Roleplay: Narco-Terrorist Clowns
    Base Location: Pier 69
    Gang Money: Donations & Charity welcomed
    Founders: @Groove, @blizzard
    Leader: @Groove
    Vice Leader: @blizzard
    HQ Team: @Groove, @blizzard, @Linkan, @tucos@Rubisel
    Color code: #004953
    Motto: "Laugh all your life up!"
    Creation Date: 8th of July 2023




    The Killing Joke is a narco-terrorist clown society. Our main purpose is to create as much chaos as possible. We do so by various methods, some of our fun activities include:

    -Producing highly toxic chemicals and gases, either to sell them further or to create fun devices such as gas bombs

    -Drug dealing and hard drug productions (predominantly amphetamines)

    -Mercenary work and contracting to fund our operations

    -Robbing fast foods

    -Beating women on the street

    -Beating Mickey Mouse costumed people on the street

    -Selling laughing balloons

    -Visiting the local zoo


    Of course there is more than that, chaos can never have limits. This was just to showcase what we truly are about.




    Leader |L - Level 8

    🇧🇪 SAES>Groove (vagoti)


    Vice Leader |VL - Level 7

    🇷🇴 blizzard (dopeblizz)


    Head Quarters |HQ - level 6

    🇸🇪 Linkan (linus111560)

    🇺🇸 tucos (tucos)

    🇮🇹 rubisel (freepalestine)


    Honorary - level 5

    🇪🇪 Vadim (thatthug)


    Respected [=R=] - level 5



    Members - level 1 to 4

    🇷🇺 Leks (mtashnik23) - level 2

    🇪🇪 Nubbob (mrriis) - level 2

    🇧🇷 Brazz (pedro1425) - level 2

    🇹🇷 Beauty (tugberk043) - level 2

    🇺🇸 Happy (shy) - level 2

    🇪🇪 Icecold (kaseke123) - level 2

    🇸🇪 Darius (suporter) - level 2

    🇳🇱 Mellow (koenmeby) - level 2

    🇪🇬 Omar (lplp) - level 2

    🇳🇱 Twenta (tristan012) - level 2

    🇺🇸 BigMike (bigmikespiff) - level 2

    🇳🇱 Duivel90 (duivel90) - level 2

    🇭🇷 Puppy (dopepuppy) - level 2

    🇺🇸 Jean (jean75002) - level 1

    🇹🇳 Weeknd (houssem1998) - level 1

    🇪🇪 Chasin (decrypter1) - level 1

    🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Slaine (slaine97) - level 1


    Probationary - level 0

    🇸🇪 Kden (jonasviggo10)





    If you are interested in joining our criminal clown society, we have an application process in our discord server.

    Click here




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  11.      Untitled-7.gif?ex=65e8d7f2&is=65d662f2&h

    Promotional Video!






    The history of killer clowns can be traced back to the emergence of "scary clowns" in popular culture, particularly in the late 20th century. However, their notoriety rose sharply in the early 2010s when reports of people dressing up as sinister clowns and terrorizing communities started to surface worldwide. These incidents, often driven by pranks or malevolent intentions, created a wave of fear and panic. While some instances were harmless, others involved criminal activities such as assault or stalking. The phenomenon gained extensive media coverage and sparked a global fascination with the concept of killer clowns, leaving behind a chilling legacy.

    In the year 2020, a horrifying act shocked the country as a group of killer clowns carried out a daring robbery in the city of Los Santos. This bizarre combination of criminality and theatrics left people baffled and fearful. Authorities quickly began investigating the incident, hoping to bring these dangerous individuals to justice and reassure the public that such alarming acts would not be tolerated in society. To this day, the suspects have not been found.

    3 years after the robbery incident, the discovery of multiple dead bodies across the city of San Fierro, all bearing the suspicious mark of the words "joke's on you" has sparked widespread concern and panic among residents. Authorities started working diligently to investigate the situation and determine the motives behind these disturbing crimes, as well as to ensure the safety of the community.

    The public's decision to label the horrifying murders as a "killing joke" reflected the collective attempt to make sense of and contextualize the disturbing phenomenon. This unofficial name also served as a way to refer to and discuss the ongoing investigations and developments surrounding the case.

    By the end of the year 2023, a number of other clown related attacks have been investigated by the authorities. The crimes were found to be likely connected due to similarities in the modus operandi, patterns, or evidence found at each crime scene. After careful investigation and analysis, the law enforcement agencies and experts have reached the conclusion that there is an organized group or criminal organization involved in these crimes.




    Gang name: Killing Joke
    Gang tag: KJ|
    Roleplay: Killer Clowns
    Base Location: Killing Joke Circus, San Fierro
    Gang Money: 100.000.000$+
    Founders: @Groove | @blizzard
    Leader: @Groove
    Vice Leader: @blizzard
    HeadQuarters: @tucos | @Rubisel | @Nobodyknows
    Color code: #C34A2C ( KJ|name )
    Motto: "Why so serious?"
    Creation Date: 8th of July 2023
    Gang level: 3
    Discord server: CLICK HERE






    The Killing Joke is a killer clown society. Our main purpose is to create as much chaos as possible. We do so by various means, some of our fun activities include:

    - Producing highly toxic chemicals and gas to use in attacks.

    - Drug dealing and production ( mostly amphetamines).

    - Stalking people to make them uncomfortable.

    - Chasing women on the street alone at night.

    - Robbing fast food stores.

    - Beating up people dressed as Disney characters.

    - Visiting the local zoo.




    Killing Joke Circus - Our base of operations



    San Fierro Pier 69 - The location where we host public shows and carnivals













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  12. 1 hour ago, DROT said:

    The current timer is already short. Nobody ever guards the jail, the only thing that criminals need to do is have one person come and jailbreak them. However they already rarely ever jailbreak because it's already a short period. 

    If the timer is even further reduced to something as ridiculous as 150sec which is two and a half minutes, nobody will bother to jailbreak anyone ever again. Nobody minds waiting two minutes to finish the whole sentence, in fact they would waste more time if they tried to run away, there's no point in escaping anymore.

    So first off, no more jailbreaking. That's one less activity on the server, I wouldn't say that's what it needs right now.

    Perhaps, but you could speed up opening the doors by 50% for both cops and crims and the jail door by 25% to speed up the gameplay.

    You are also missing the point that people don't jailbreak to get their friends out. When a jailbreak happens, it's used as a DM place between cops and criminals so no, I wouldn't say Jailbreaks would die off ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • Like 4
  13. Your ingame username: dopeblizz
    Your ingame alias: I use a lot of nicknames alongside my classic one, including valkyrie, kyuketsuki, Esdeath, reze and whatever else my mind makes up before connecting.
    Your real name: Codrin
    Your DOB: 26/01/00 00:00
    Your gender: Male

    Nationality: Romanian
    Country of residence: Romania
    Language skills: English, Romanian
    English Proficiency: B2

    How long you have been playing: Since October / November 2013.
    Your strengths: I am good at managing things, situations, and finding solutions for problems that arise. I pay close attention to detail, and I'm good at doing little detective work whenever I can be arsed to do so. I would also say that I like to think out of the box and not abide strictly by the protocol, as every context I may deal with varies.
    Your weaknesses: Let's just say I have a tendency to get into (long term) conflicts with individuals that that do not have basic decency and respect towards me.

    Member of the SAES discord server: Yes

    Reason for application: During this past year I have had the opportunity to participate in quite a few report-solvings alongside the Community Staff, and even have some of my advises on how to approach the said situations, how I would have dealt with the case, if I would have punished him or not, taken into consideration. This experience has made me interested in the position.

    Unique qualities you can offer: Perhaps the most important quality I could offer is that I am trying to find solutions that satisfy all the participants to the case, the accusers and the accused. I do think I would be capable to mediate between these two. However, I am aware that the rules are written black on white, and if a consensus can't be reached, the decisions I will take will be based on the protocol.

    Server Memberships: Black Bullets, Cuban Liberation Organization, Cuban Cars
    Additional information: I do not really like to "hinder" the application with useless information. I'd like to think that people know enough about me already as for the most part of my time here I have tried to be the most authentic version of myself. However, if there are any specific questions that may require an answer for, I can always be contacted on Discord.

    Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: My record is clean since at least 2015.
    Previous (legitimate) bans: I have never been legitimately banned.

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  14. Part I:

    Link your Donation Tracking Topic:

    When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? This is the first time


    Part II: What I Want to be Removed

    Vehicle 1: Sanchez

    Location:  B~B Base

    Vehicle 2: Vortex

    Location: B~B Base


    Part III: What I Want to be Added

    Vehicle 1: Hotring Racer 3

    Shader wrap:

    Location: B~B Base


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  15. This is an automated post for: blizzard

    Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP

    Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

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    Specify any upgrades:
    Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames)
    Where you want it placed:

    For any help with rewards, please check this topic:



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    TXN ID: 05307594FN961842J

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    Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

    Forum donator group + donator role for discord account blizzard#5554 + 100k cash in-game so I can lose it all to the nearest casino asap arigato gozaimasu in advance @Brophy

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