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Everything posted by chris

  1. Nickname: chris34 Ingame username: paramedics Nationality and age: german 16 Previous punishments: none Former organizations that you were in and reasons why you left them: I was not into it yet Explain our role in your own words: it's an event crew Why would you like to join BS and how can you help us? : i am nice and a good teamate i am good at deagles and sharpshooters i can ride with broken tires
  2. Personal information Nickname: chris Ingame username: medic Age: 16 English language ability: 6 Spoken languages: german english Roleplaying skills: good driver with broken tires driving good teamate good sniper Previous organizations you joined: none QuestionnaireWrite a paragraph that explains our role: that is to say an event group Previous punishments / prohibitions and reasons: none Why do you want to come along ?: because I find wa nice What makes you special about the others and why should we accept you? : i am nice and a good teamate 3 Additional Information Know a WA member, and someone has you recommended to apply for us? :No What are your strengths: good driver with broken tires driving good teamate good sniper What are your weaknesses: none To add something else?: Ne
  3. @matheus yes I have google translator use because I'm not so good English is German and half English
  4. @niceez https://saesrpg.uk/topic/699/safp-san-andreas-federal-police/13
  5. I - BASIC INFORMATION Real name: Christian (Chris) Name in the game: donations Account: chris43 Age: 16 Main language: German Other languages: English II - Game Information How long have you been playing MTA? 5 months How long have you been playing SAES? 40 hours Are you a PC (ProCop)? No Former troop / gang / companies (state if you left or were kicked and why): I have never been inside Current and past groups (Indicate the reason you walked or kicked): I've never been inside What is RP? (Explain 15 words or more): rp means real life and you can be as a policeman criminaler medic etc What is DM? (Explain 15 words or more): kill someone for no reason eg he drives you out and you kill in then What is park killing? (Explain 15 words or more): If you park someone dead who does not come out under the car anymore because you've left him dead III - RULES KNOWLEDGE Have you read and accepted all F1 rules? Yes Have you read and accepted all SAFP rules? Yes What is the minimum level of arrest? 5 Are you allowed to arrest or kill other police officers? No Are you allowed to arrest / kill in hospitals? No Can I arrest / kill in events? No Is marker locking allowed? No Explain the SAFP Rule 3: I should give the criminal a bit of time that he reacts because I can arrest him who he twitches Explain SAFPs Rule 4: The minimum arrest level is 5, if I arrest a criminal who has less than 5 stars counts as a Rulebreak Explain SAFP Rule 8: I can not arrest an ALT member because SAFP and ALT are allies. I should bribe her with every request. So offerbribe IV - Miscellaneous INFORMATION Your strengths: Driving and working in a team good degealn a good sniper can drive with plates mature good teammate Your weaknesses: none Did you receive any bans from the server? If yes why? No Why did you decide to join our team? (Use 15 words or more): i would like to join in a joins to protect the world with my team Explain why we should accept you (use 15 words or more): Wich am nice and helpful i protect everyone from the pd etc Who recommended you to apply for SAFP? moon
  6. I have written an application
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