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Posts posted by Grg797

  1. alt text
    Age (D/M/Y):14/4/2006
    Current gang/squad:Cartel De Medellin
    Current group membership(s):Cunning stunts
    Previous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out):none
    Have you been punishment in the last 2 months? If yes, why?: no punishement in these 2 month


      Why would you like to join our company?: I want to join groups i get bored a bit as crime :D why not do deliverys :)
      Can you offer anything special to the company?: i can post some media archive in my free time while playing
      Which division do you prefer? Trucking or Mechanical? (State the reason as well):Mechanical trucking not realy my thing :D


      Your strenghts/weaknesses:im too kind
      What does roleplay stand for?:Acting and performing your role
      Do you have any experience in roleplaying? yes i do
      Are you capable of obeying orders? yes
      What do you do if someone insults you in main chat?:ignored it :)
      What do you do if someone deathmatches you?:ntg or report
      What would you change in company?i would change it reputation
      How would you make company better?hmm probably have fun with some people and convince them to join GXT
      Additional Information: my name is georges and i like playing saes alot

  2. Your ingame username:georgesfounddead
    Your ingame alias:Grg
    Your year of birth:2006
    Your gender:Male

    Country of residence:Lebanon

    How long you have been playing SAES: I play SAES since 20 august 2021
    Qualities you can offer: Tbh i dont realy know wht i can help with but i can solve some problem with equality and fair terms and i dont realy trigger problems in the server
    Your weaknesses: my english is not alot understadable but it get along with some people and i have a bit of low concentrate

    Do you have Discord Installed: yes i do

    Reason for application:After playing for like 8 month i guess and only me and my brother lebanese player why not apply

    Server Memberships:
    Medellin Cartel [gang]-Member
    Cunning Stunts-Member

    Additional information:Hey im georges im 16 year old and i live in capital city of lebanon beirut i do realy spend some time playing saes and ejoying it alot

    Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server:i remember getting many mutes back when i started and 1 from 1 month ago i guess

    Previous (legitimate) bans: I never got banned

  3. Applicant Main Information :

    -Nickname :[bb-h]Grg
    -Username :georgesfounddead
    -Age :15
    -Nationality :lebanese
    -Languages you can speak : arabic

    Player SAES Career Information :

    -How long have you been playing on SAES? : 1 year
    -Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) :i was in lunas
    -If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : i left cz as i was new in lunas i didnt knew who was enemy and who freinds and i was interested in enemy gang and left vex asked me why i left i said cz some of member retard and he saw my enemy helper tag and dont want see me again lala wanted me back and i joined back and i joined aftr 1 month line creates ms-13 and i joined him as ms-13 ally i left ms and lunas cz in lunas im unloyal to vex so no meaning to continue
    -Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : never got banned and not adminjailed
    -What groups are you currently part of ? : im spawned as arms dealer
    -Do you have discord? if yes, link/tag it : yes GeorgesFoundDead#7412

    Personality Information :

    -What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : im kind with members and always active i play like 4-7hrs a day idk if it may help but ye i respect everyones opinion
    -Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: An organisation that provides dealing drugs deffend its zones and always kill cops and people for the good of the organisation and its dealings
    -Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : Cz i liked it and there some cool people
    -Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : i asked pain where to apply and he asked me some questions and gave link and discord link
    -Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : nah

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