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Everything posted by Combo

  1. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? : Been a good while. ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal Location: LV Airport Username: johnyline Vehicle 2: Police LV Location: Los Lunas Warehouse Username: johnyline Vehicle 3: Police LS Location: las_colinas_17 Username: johnyline
  2. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? : Been a good while. ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal Location: LV Airport Username: johnyline Vehicle 2: Infernus Location: Los Lunas Warehouse Username: johnyline Vehicle 3: Super GT Location: las_colinas_17 Username: johnyline
  3. Your ingame username: johnyline Your ingame alias: Combo Your real name: Seif Your DOB: 16/08/05 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Tunisia Country of residence: Tunisia 'Sousse' Language skills: 6/10 English Proficiency: English,Frensh,Arabic How long you have been playing: Since 2019 Your strengths: i'm guy very calm and i don't hear what others say Your weaknesses: Nothing Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: hm, reason for my apply i'm active in server since 2019 so i'm respectful and i think i can help other guys Unique qualities you can offer: i will help the server with my best and activity inside the game Server Memberships: AA,OB,ALT,SaS Additional information: Hello my real name Seif and i live in tunisia exactly in Sousse City and my old year 17 and i'm still studying and i like video games& And i want to try join SAES Clan to help our Server and enjoy with my friends inside the game Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Only mute. Previous (legitimate) bans: i got ban from @Hesha trolling me!
  4. Part |: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/34496/donation-point-balance-combo When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 1month or more ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Stratum Location: Combo House ( 11 Juniper Street ) Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Infernus Location: Combo House ( Kings Office ) Username: johnyline Interior: N/A Part ||: Link your Donation Tracking Topic : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/34496/donation-point-balance-combo When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 1month or more ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Super GT Location: Delins Flower Power Store Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: NRG-500 Location: Combo House ( Kings Office ) Username: johnyline Interior: N/A
  5. 14/03/2023 StoreRobbery:
  6. 26/02/2023 HouseRobbery: https://i.imgur.com/oDNuPHU.png JailBreak: https://i.imgur.com/94pD5b8.png
  7. rip 😔
  8. 09/02/2023 House Robbery https://i.imgur.com/wh8qvXi.png
  9. 25/01/2022 StoreRobbery: https://imgur.com/NgK4uVX
  10. 20/01/2023 Mall Robbery: Store Robbery
  11. 19/01/2023 HouseRob: VIP:
  12. 17/01/2023 JailBreak: VIP:
  13. 15/01/2022 VIP SR VIP SR
  14. 14/01/2022 SR HR
  15. 14/01/2022 VIP SR
  16. 11/01/2022 VIP SR
  17. 10/01/2022 SR Mall Robbery
  18. Merry Christmas everyone!
  19. Username: johhnyline Age: 17 Country: Tunisia Languages spoken: English&Arabic And French From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 6.5/10 How long have you been playing on SAES: since 2018 In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassin's it's Gang and Selling Weapon to people And kill who are scamming Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): TST,ThC,Mi-6,AA,MS13 TST:Closed ThC: i left beacuse i want try my luck and join with my friends AA: Kicked idk why Mi-6: i left i bored from cop side MS13: left to try my luck again with some friends Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: Only few mute's and i have Ban Hesha was trolling me Name 3 Bankrob rules: Do not marker kill Do not deffend outside bank if you not are member of AA Do not start Solo br without hq premesion Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: Deffend with them till the end Name 3 Turf rules: Do not spawn Medic/Police to assist your gang Only use Gang Spawn/Hospital Dont kill anyone from outside Zone What is Roleplay?: Roleplay is acting from real life What is Deathmatching?: DM mean deathmatching example when somone kill you without reason Someone DMs you. What do you do?: if he new talk with him or ignore You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Ignore beacusem they dont chasing me Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Yeah Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Hello my real name Seif and i live in tunisia exactly in Sousse City and my old year 17 and i'm still studying and i like video games& And i want to try join Arms Assassins to help our gang and enjoy with my friends inside the game
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