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Everything posted by pastaa

  1. Ingame username: 215|pastaa Previous organizations and leaving causes: Lunas: Inactive MIT: Dead TST: Dead RF: Had some problems with members. UE: Had some problems with members. SAFP: Inactive CripZ: Had some problems with members/Inactive GT: Left to join CDC THC: Left Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire was founded on the year 1866 June 23, they were poor at first but they become rich by their criminal activities, thats how they became a succesfull mafia. What binds you with Underground Empire: I will help UE as much this time, post activities, i will benefit it and be loyal unlike last time. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a continuing criminal enterprise that rationally works to profit from illicit activities that are often in great public demand. Its continuing existence is maintained through corruption of public officials and the use of intimidation, threats or force to protect its operations.
  2. @Alexis said in [SUGGESTION] Edit Emergency vehicles [DVM]: I voted no and let me tell you the reason, I do not know how donations in emergency vehicles work since I don't own any. But I would hate seeing an ambulance with dollar sign wheels or jumping around like its on a rap clip. I do understand that rp is completely dead nowadays but let's keep at least that unchanged. No one is retarded to put dollar wheels on their donated emergency vehicles. it would be a dumb idea to do that. But it is annoying to ask an admin for help to change something from their emergency vehicle.
  3. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32580/donation-point-balance-pasta When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? last month ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: police lv Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) 37 palisades gardens Interior: n/a ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: vortex Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) 24 hour liquor & deli Username: (YOUR USERNAME ONLY, USE ./DVM FOR ANY ADDITIONAL USERNAMES) tomasapenisirmazs Interior: n/a
  4. Thank you everyone :heart_suit:
  5. Happy Birthday @pasta
  6. Address: Joshboshs drinking shop Account name: pablo04 Last seen:28th october 2022 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9gtXgck
  7. @Brophy im mad that u banned me for 5 minutes what did i do
  8. Starting Bid: 2m Minimum bid increase: 1m https://streamable.com/y2okc2
  9. time to sell my cars for gbp btw hbd saes
  10. Sold, could be archived.
  11. A property near Blueberry Bank. Starting bid: 3m Minimum bid increase: 1m https://streamable.com/sm0vcu
  12. Happy birthday weppo :heart_suit:
  13. @quxistaff you can go report mrsolrac hes the one that banned you, btw you were rulebreaking
  14. satan off wish
  15. Address: 23 Blueberry Apartments Account name: mistamachete Last seen:13th october 2022 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/DM13c0M
  16. Account name: tomasapenisirmazs icon name: 1 minge street
  17. Address: 5 Teepee Track Account name: shadowspare Last seen:14th october 2022 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5Ds2eEy
  18. ~[askers]~(red,orange,cyan,lime,blue)
  19. happy birthday @Ardron
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