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About xHayder

  • Birthday 15/01/2007

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  1. rest in peace khaled and his dear mother ๐Ÿ’” you have no idea how hurt i am to hear this..your charisma will always stay in my heart๐Ÿ’” may you rest in peace with your dear mother, HS King [...ุฅู†ุง ู„ู„ู‡ ูˆ ุฅู†ุง ุฅู„ูŠู‡ ุฑุงุฌุนูˆู†] ๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป
  2. Hello, just came to congratulate developers and contributors for those changes, it seems all those discussions, feedbacks, forum posts were worth it, time to raise activity time honest congratulations.
  3. @pasta said in Tell a fact about the person above you.: retarded israel kid anti-israeli* iqless latvian
  4. copycat of me and doesnt know how this topic works
  5. happy birthday bhenchod :heart_suit:
  6. happy bday broskii
  7. @nCov friendly fire is not allowed retard
  8. gz
  9. happy bday king @Liyones inshallah l7d el 1000 sana ya 3omry :DDDDD
  10. ok meme stealer gtfo.
  11. This is an automated post TXN ID: 5WL2176128363472N Donation Amount: 5.00GBP **Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic:**https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30321/donation-point-balance-hayder Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: NRG Vehicle Colour: i'll edit it myself Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: hydroskii Where you want it placed: at my tr prop 2 Teepee Track For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  12. ... May He Rest In Peace.
  13. Address: 2 Teepee Track Account name: davos Last seen: 19th Of May Screenshots:
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