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Shikomaru last won the day on August 13 2024

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About Shikomaru

  • Birthday 21/06/2003

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  1. CC Activity Number: #30 Participants: @Shikomaru Duration: 45 mins Screenshots:
  2. - Week #1 January- #1 Story: I was working out when I noticed my phone ringing. I answered and realized it was I-Gun. He said, "Miltingary, we've located the truck where some bastards are storing weapons they plan to sell tomorrow. I want you to go and steal that truck," and he gave me the location. I got into my car and drove to the truck's location. It was parked in an open parking lot. It seemed like they didn’t want to draw too much attention, and there was no one guarding it. I approached the truck, fired a shot at the lock to open the door, and got in. I drove the truck to the Renegados warehouse and left it there. After calling to report that the truck was safe at the depot, I went back to my daily life. Screenshots: #2 Story: While wandering around aimlessly, Abuzer called me. He told me he had found the location where a gang that recently attacked us was hiding their weapons and gave me the details. When I reached the area, I saw a vehicle hidden in a mountainous region. I checked the surroundings and saw that no one was around. Just as Abuzer said, the vehicle was loaded with ammunition. I crouched under the vehicle, planted a bomb, and moved to a safe distance. The moment I pressed the button, the vehicle exploded. I got into my car, drove away, and called Abuzer to let him know the job was done. Screenshots: #3 Story: Lately, we had too many weapons but not enough manpower. So, we had to come up with alternative ways to attack our rivals. I came up with a brilliant plan and had enough intel to execute it. I knew which restaurant the rival gang ordered their food from. I went to the restaurant and sat down, quietly listening to the incoming orders. One particular order caught my attention—it was heading straight to the rival gang's territory. This was the opportunity I had been waiting for. The restaurant staff prepared the order and loaded it onto the delivery bike. When the moment was right, I approached the bike, opened the food, and laced it with poison. This way, at least 10 members of the rival gang would get poisoned and die—a simple yet effective plan. After adding the poison, I quickly made my escape. Screenshots: #4 Story: A police chief had gathered solid evidence against the Renegados, and there was very little time left before he could bring us down. Someone had to take action, or the Renegados would suffer greatly. Killing the police chief would immediately incriminate us, so a smarter plan was needed. I came up with a brilliant idea. I had to infiltrate the place where the police chief kept the evidence, steal it, and destroy it. To do this, I decided to disguise myself as a cop and gain access to the police department, specifically to the chief’s office. I went to the police parking lot, opened the trunk of a patrol car, and stole a spare uniform and equipment. After leaving the area, I put on the disguise and managed to sneak into the police chief’s office. I retrieved the evidence from a drawer and calmly exited the department. Later, I went to a bridge and threw the evidence into the sea, ensuring it would never be found. Screenshots: #5 Story: While wandering around, my phone rang. It was two guys from Renegados. They told me they were planning an attack on a few members of a rival gang and were waiting for them to leave a restaurant. I asked them what they wanted from me. They said, "They’re having dinner in the restaurant. If you steal their vehicle, they’ll have to walk back, and we know the route they’ll take. We’ll ambush them on that route." After getting the info, I hung up the phone and went to the front of the restaurant, approaching their vehicle. After checking the surroundings, I broke the window, stole the car, and drove away. Once I was in a safe spot, I called the Renegados guys and informed them that I had stolen the car and they should prepare for the attack. Screenshots: #6 Story: I found out that the rival gang was planning to trade weapons with the Russian mafia. To harm them, I devised a plan to sabotage the weapons they were delivering and make it look like they had scammed the Russians, causing a rift between them. This move would deal a significant blow to the rival gang. After a few phone calls, I managed to find out where they were keeping the weapons. I headed to the location and approached the vehicle. Carefully, I opened the car door and started sabotaging the weapons one by one. I made sure to inspect my surroundings, ensuring no one was watching. Seeing the coast was clear, I placed the weapons back in their original positions, closed the car door, and left the area as if nothing had happened. Now, all I had to do was wait. Screenshots: #7 Story: We were planning to attack two members of a rival gang, but it would be difficult since they were constantly on the move in their vehicle. So, I went to the gas station where the rival gang always stopped to refuel and approached stealthily. After making sure no one was around, I put on my mask and broke all the gas pumps one by one. This meant the rival gang members wouldn't be able to refuel. Since the nearest gas station was far away, their fuel wouldn’t last to get there, and they’d be stranded on the road. That’s when we planned to launch the attack and catch them at the perfect moment. After breaking the pumps, I got into my car, drove away, and shared the necessary information with the others. Screenshots: #8 Story: We had recently become enemies with a biker gang. They had launched some attacks against the Renegados. I sat down and started thinking about how I could deal them the greatest damage. That’s when a plan came to mind! For a biker, their most cherished possession is their motorcycle. One night, I went to the bar they always hung out at and saw that, as usual, they had parked their bikes outside and were inside getting drunk. I had brought a hand grenade with me. Sneaking into the parking area with the grenade in hand, I made my move. I tossed the grenade, and one by one, their motorcycles exploded, causing massive destruction. It was a devastating blow to them, both financially and emotionally, and it sent a clear message that they needed to think twice before crossing us. After the explosion, I quickly fled the scene. Screenshots: #9 Story: Recently, a hacker had been relentlessly attacking the Renegados, exposing many of our secret operations. To counter this, I had been collaborating with another hacker for some time. One day, my contact called me and said, "I finally tracked down that bastard! I’m sending you his address—go and finish the job!" Hearing this, I immediately jumped into my car and drove to the address. I snuck into the house and began searching. Realizing the hacker wasn’t home, I turned my attention to his computer. I destroyed his computer and hard drives, ensuring he couldn’t cause any more damage—or call the cops. I figured that harming him this way was smarter than killing him outright. After making sure everything was completely destroyed, I left a note behind and quietly exited the house. Screenshots: #10 Story: Recently, a member of the Renegados had suffered a devastating blow—his girlfriend was assaulted by members of a rival gang. This incident caused significant damage to our reputation. After a lengthy search, we gathered enough intelligence and learned that members of the rival gang regularly sat in the same park at the same time, snacking on sunflower seeds and drinking soda. I got into my car and picked up a bomb. Once I arrived at the park and ensured no one was around, I planted the bomb under a bench. The bomb was rigged to detonate as soon as someone sat on it. Knowing the rival gang could show up at any moment and potentially spot me, I made sure the bomb was armed and quickly left the area. Screenshots: #11 Story: I learned that the rival gang would be making a weapons shipment soon, and I planned to launch an attack on behalf of Renegados. However, this operation had to be professional. To prepare, I needed to scout the area in advance and identify the best spots for an ambush. I took a camera, disguised myself, and headed to the location. After checking the surroundings and ensuring no one was around, I began taking photos of the area. These photos were crucial for planning a detailed and professional attack. Once I had taken enough pictures, I got into my car, returned home, and stored the photos in a drawer. Then, I began planning the attack. Screenshots: #12 Story: Renegados had recently suffered significant financial losses due to gang wars. We needed money to regain our strength. I started thinking about how to quickly and easily get some cash, and an idea came to mind. There was a nearby market that I knew was closed on Sundays. I took a car, put on a mask, and parked discreetly behind the market. After observing the area for a while, I approached the back door. I kicked it in, breaking it open, and entered. I went straight to the register, opened it, and collected all the cash. I had gathered enough money to last us for a while. As I was about to leave, my eyes caught the shelves filled with alcohol and cigarettes. I grabbed as much as I could carry, loaded it into the truck, and filled the vehicle completely. Once everything was packed, I got into the car and drove away. Screenshots: #13 Story: We needed to teach a police chief a lesson because he refused to work with Renegados. I had a plan to steal and destroy his car. This would force him to either work with us or spend his life saving for a new one. I put on a mask and went to his house while he was at work. I quietly approached his car, shot the window, and unlocked the door. I hotwired the car and quickly drove to the docks. Once there, I got out and pushed the car into the water. Now, I just had to wait to talk to the police chief. Screenshots: #14 Story: A foolish lawyer who believed he could fight Renegados and trusted in justice had been threatening us for a while. Even after I warned him that I could "put a car in his mother's pussy," he still didn’t back off. I decided to prove my point and teach him a big lesson, hoping it would make him leave Renegados alone. I boarded a cargo helicopter belonging to Renegados and flew to a parking lot, where I used the helicopter to lift a parked car. With the car secured, I flew towards the lawyer’s mother’s house. Hovering above her home, I released the car, dropping it directly onto the house. The result was massive destruction. Before the air forces could fuck me up, I flew away and disappeared. Screenshots: #15 Story: I suspected that the woman I sent as a spy to the rival gang to gather intel for Renegados might betray us. I needed to scare her enough to make sure she understood that betraying Renegados wasn’t an option. The thought of her selling us out was constantly on my mind. To send a clear warning, I decided to take action. I quietly got into her car and left a message. From my pocket, I took out an AK-47 bullet and a grenade pin, placing them on the dashboard along with a note that read, "Stay loyal, or face the consequences." After setting the message, I left the car and disappeared. This was just a move to put my mind at ease. Screenshots: #16 Story: We knew that the rival gang was planning a heist soon and would make good money from it. To turn this situation in favor of Renegados, I needed to come up with a plan. First, I had to figure out their target. I suspected the gang members would scout the area around the place they planned to rob. To track their movements, I decided to plant a tracking device on one of the members. I knew where one of them lived, and he always left his shoes outside the door. I quietly approached his house, crouched down, and secretly placed the tracking device in his shoe. After confirming the device was working, I left the area unnoticed. Screenshots: #17 Story: Recently, I had an accident with a sports car that belonged to Renegados, and I needed to get it repaired and returned. However, the car was expensive, and I didn’t have enough money. I had to find a quick way to get cash. While thinking about my options, robbing a bank teller came to mind—it seemed like the fastest way to get enough money. I put on a mask, got into my car, and drove to a small bank in Tierra Robada. I stepped out of the car and entered the bank, gun in hand. It was during quiet hours, and the place was nearly empty. Pointing the gun at the teller, I demanded all the money. After collecting the cash, I got back into my car and drove away. I figured the money would be enough to cover the repairs, with some left over for a pack of cigarettes. Screenshots: #18 Story: A wealthy businessman who had worked with Renegados for a long time suddenly cut ties with us and started working with rival gangs. I needed to teach him a lesson, but I wasn’t sure how to do it. The man was well-protected. Then, I remembered that he regularly flew in his private jet, and I knew where it was kept. My plan was to sabotage his jet so it would fail mid-flight. I got into my car and drove to the location, approaching the jet quietly. After examining it for a while, I wasn’t sure what to do. I pulled a scalpel from my belt and started slashing the tires. Once I’d done enough damage, I gave the jet a solid punch, frustrated. Just then, I felt like someone was coming. I quickly got back into my car and sped away. I had no idea what would happen to the jet after that. Screenshots: #19 Story: A pizzeria that was obligated to pay protection money to Renegados had recently stopped paying and even started threatening us. I couldn’t understand what they were relying on, but they needed to be taught a lesson so they’d resume payments and show respect. I quickly came up with a plan, got into my car, and drove to the shop. After parking outside, I got out and observed the place for a moment. Then, I took a grenade from my pocket and threw it at the cars parked in front of the shop. As the vehicles began exploding one by one, I quickly left the scene. Shortly after, I called the owner and told them, "This was your last warning." I figured they had learned their lesson by now. Screenshots: #20 Story: The rival gang had a sports car they kept showing off to taunt Renegados, and it was annoying. I decided to destroy it and teach them a lesson. I went to the Renegados garage and took a bulldozer we had recently stolen. I drove it to where the rival gang usually parked the car and looked around until I found it. Once I saw the car, I hit the gas and smashed it with the bulldozer. The sports car was completely destroyed and unusable. Screenshots: #21 Story: I wanted to do something to spread the name of Renegados across the world. I thought about how to make everyone know and respect us, and an idea came to mind. I had a friend who owned a record shop nearby, so I called him and told him I was planning to make a rap song. He said he wouldn’t be at the studio that day but that I could go and record it myself. The next day, he would edit the song and share it online. I loved the plan. I got in my car and drove straight to the record shop. I stepped up to the microphone and started recording the song. Once I finished, I left and called my friend to let him know the recording was done. I was excited for what the next day would bring. Screenshots:
  3. - Week #3 December- Activity: Assisting BR Date: 12/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Assisting BR Date: 12/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 12/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 12/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 13/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 13/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 15/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 15/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 15/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: BR Date: 16/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Assisting BR Date: 16/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 16/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: BR Date: 17/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: BR Date: 17/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Assisitng BR Date: 17/12/2024 Screenshot(s)
  4. Type Of Activity: Delivering Goods Date: 14/12/2024 Participants: @Shikomaru Duration: 20 minutes
  5. - Week #2 December- Activity: SR Date: 05/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 05/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 05/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Assisting BR Date: 05/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Assisting BR Date: 05/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Event Number: 290 Event Type: LMS Prize: 1.000.000 LWS Helper: @Winter_Soldier Winner(s): @Snoupa Date: 05/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Event Number: 291 Event Type: LMS Prize: 1.000.000 LWS Helper: @flappy Winner(s): @ButcheR Date: 05/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Event Number: 292 Event Type: AIRBOX Prize: 1.000.000 LWS Helper: @Winter_Soldier Winner(s): @hessan210 Date: 05/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: JB Date: 06/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Assisting BR Date: 06/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 06/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 06/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 07/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 07/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 07/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: BR Date: 08/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: BR Date: 08/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: GR Attempt Date: 08/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Assisting BR Date: 08/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 08/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 08/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 08/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: BR Date: 09/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: BR Date: 09/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 09/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 09/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 09/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 09/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Assisting BR Date: 09/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: TURF Date: 10/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: TURF Date: 10/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: TURF Date: 10/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: TURF Date: 10/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: BR Date: 10/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: BR Date: 10/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Assisting BR Date: 10/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 10/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 10/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 10/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 10/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 10/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 10/12/2024 Screenshot(s)
  6. Type Of Activity: Delivering Goods Date: 13/12/2024 Participants: @Shikomaru Duration: 2 hours 8 minutes Screenshots:
  7. Type Of Activity: Delivering Goods Date: 13/12/2024 Participants: @Shikomaru Duration: 34 minutes Screenshots:
  8. Type Of Activity: Delivering Goods Date: 08/12/2024 Participants: Shikomaru Duration: 27 minutes Screenshots:
  9. - Week #1 December- Activity: SR Date: 27/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 27/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 27/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: VIP Date: 27/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: VIP Date: 27/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Event Date: 28/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: BR Assist Date: 28/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: CR Date: 28/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 28/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 28/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 28/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 28/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 28/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 29/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 29/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 30/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 30/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 30/11/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Turf War Date: 02/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Turf War Date: 02/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Turf War Date: 02/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Turf War Date: 02/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 02/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 02/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 03/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 03/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Assisting KJ BR Date: 03/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Assisting Yz BR Date: 03/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Assisting O BR Date: 03/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 04/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 04/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 04/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 04/12/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 04/12/2024 Screenshot(s)
  10. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 2 month ago ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Picador Location: Was at The Secret Circle Base @LS Vehicle 2: Stratum Location: Was at The Secret Circle Base @LS Vehicle 3: Cheetah with custom wrap ainur998_1 Location: Was at The Secret Circle Base @LS Vehicle 4: Cheetah with custom wrap maksim120_1 Location: Was at The Secret Circle Base @LS ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Glendale Location: Renegados garage Username: maksim120 Vehicle 2: Stratum Location: Renegados garage Username: maksim120 Vehicle 3: Cheetah with custom wrap maksim120_2 Location: Renegados garage Username: maksim120 Vehicle 4: Cheetah with custom wrap ainur998_1 Location: Renegados garage Username: maksim120
  11. Activity: GR Defence Date: 12/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Event Number: 280 Event Type: Hunter Survival Rambo style Prize: 1.000.000 LWS Helper: @Stay Winner(s): @sprriw Date: 12/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 12/10/2024 Screenshot(s)
  12. Activity: SR Date: 07/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: BR Date: 07/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Event Number: 276 Event Type: Chicken nader Prize: 1.000.000 LWS Helper: @flappy Winner(s): @BlackPRo Date: 07/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Event Number: 277 Event Type: Dildo LMS Prize: 1.000.000 LWS Helper: @flappy Winner(s): @Cicada Date: 07/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Event Number: 278 Event Type: LMS Prize: 1.000.000 LWS Helper: @Kiraa Winner(s): @flappy Date: 07/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: GR Date: 08/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: HR Date: 08/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: BR Date: 08/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 08/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 08/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 08/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 08/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: KJ BR Assist Date: 08/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: BR Date: 08/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: Yz BR Assist Date: 08/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 09/10/2024 Screenshot(s) Activity: SR Date: 09/10/2024 Screenshot(s)
  13. Application Type: SAHA Your ingame username: maksim120 Your ingame alias: Shikomaru Your real name: Ilyas Your DOB: 21/06/03 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Russian Country of residence: Russia Language skills: I can speak English, Russian, and Tatar (which is very similar to Turkish). English Proficiency: I wouldn't say my English is perfect, but I can easily talk to people in game and in voice chats. How long you have been playing: I've been playing since 2014 Your strengths: I'm fluent in English, know all the server rules, and have a pretty good rep in the community. Your weaknesses: I'm human, so I have my moments. It's hard not to snap back when someone's being aggressive, but I'm working on it. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: I'm looking for a new way to contribute to the server and make a positive impact. I believe my experience and skills would be valuable Unique qualities you can offer: I don't consider myself exceptional and I can't offer anything particularly unique to the server. My life primarily revolves around programming, cryptocurrency trading, and playing MTA. Server Memberships: gang: The Secret Circle; groups: Cuban Cars-Impounder, RaceTech-veteran, Helvete-member, Cunning Stunts-member , RadioSA-Dedicated Additional information: I believe I have covered all the essential and interesting details about myself in the previous sections. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: The last thing I remember was two or three months ago, when I killed a cop on PBR who had been spawned as criminal. I did this so he would respawn as a cop and we would have enough cops to start. I warned him about it beforehand, but he didn't respond. That was a stupid mistake on my part, and I apologize again for it. Previous (legitimate) bans: N/A
  14. Activity number: 338 Date: 20/09/2024 Type of activity:SR Screenshot(s):
  15. RP number: 26 Rp with oL but their archive is private
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