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Everything posted by Thing

  1. Most likely an evader
  2. Left another gang recently
  3. Bulgarian expat
  4. Overly obsessed with me for some reason
  5. Unwanted person
  6. @Zei said in What's better CEM or DDT: ::: @Thing said in What's better CEM or DDT: CeM was a great concept with retarded members who didn't even know their role and only wanted to flex with the special group. DDT was better because it had a better member base but same there, people only wanted to join because it was a special group. In the end, DDT can't even be compared to CeM. @Niceez said in What's better CEM or DDT: Ive not been to both groups, but I noted that DDT was better organized. First of all, HQ team was much better. Secondary, DDT had a role-fitting base and skins, it was clear what their role includes. Talking about CEM, I never gave a shit what they are RPly supposed to do. I only saw members of it, that cant even handle dual weapons, fucking around. Thats it ::: I bith agree with you, CEM was just a sprcial group without a clear rp purpose , I mean it was mafia but they did not show that they were mafia, 0 wars, 0 public rps only spamming events and ingame activity. But in the other side DDT was much more organized and it when it comes to RPing. For example how a mafia is supposed to have a portal than transports it from a mafia basement (night club style) to a big rock on desert that contains some aircrafts This is already what I mean, CeM was a Cartel, not a Mafia, they had mafia skins and stuff, had nothing to do with the role. They should have spent more time on making a serious role and they would probably not have been deleted.
  7. CeM was a great concept with retarded members who didn't even know their role and only wanted to flex with the special group. DDT was better because it had a better member base but same there, people only wanted to join because it was a special group. In the end, DDT can't even be compared to CeM.
  8. Has the same first name as @Ramby
  9. Ex ThC member
  10. @dhiamlaih said in Letter to sir mr.Daryl(Joe): @Thing said in Letter to sir mr.Daryl(Joe): @dhiamlaih said in Letter to sir mr.Daryl(Joe): @Thing already i changged my self and i will start new carrier with SAES and as i said the banned was Lesson for me , and i promise alll members i will not do that again , thanks . Everyone says that, you need to show more actions and use less words if you want to convince someone. As I said, do not make promises because people in online games can not keep them. anyways , sorry , and im sure i will not do that again im sure 100% Look, thats what I mean with false promises, you will probably break a rule again, maybe by accident, you can never be 100% sure about anything, just be honest man, have a good conversation with Daryl and stop saying sorry and beg for a place.
  11. @PaBLo said in The_Hornec: @Thing Please Its Not Gang Its Crim Group What difference does that make with my statement?
  12. @dhiamlaih said in Letter to sir mr.Daryl(Joe): @Thing already i changged my self and i will start new carrier with SAES and as i said the banned was Lesson for me , and i promise alll members i will not do that again , thanks . Everyone says that, you need to show more actions and use less words if you want to convince someone. As I said, do not make promises because people in online games can not keep them.
  13. @PaBLo great attitude to start a gang with, you are going to fail if you think like this.
  14. A Romanian group with a logo of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria? Also Roma is not Romanian. Really bad back story, the name of your gang is even written wrong in it. Be original and don't copy stuff you don't understand from the Internet.
  15. You also pmed me, but honestly mate I told you what to do from my perspective and you completely ignored that and now you have started to beg Daryl to unban you again. We all know that you now make promises but in the end you will not be able to keep them. There is always a chance that you will break the rules, even accidentally. This is something I always tell people, do not make promises on this server because no one keeps them. For example these "loyal" people who tell a gang HQ that they will never leave your organisation, pure bullshit. So save some time, be straight to the point and stop begging to be unbanned, Daryl probably had a good reason to ban you and if you want to be unbanned you need a better method than a begging letter in my eyes.
  16. Illegally in the Netherlands
  17. @Tema ''Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words'' You wrote 66 words. If you are using a translator, you can at least tell something about yourself.
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