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Everything posted by Thing

  1. ^[ APPLICATION RESULTS ] Dear applicants, We have discussed your applications and come to a final decision. @lilsaint6520, you have passed the tests and shown an excellent skillset to become a member. You have been ~[accepted]~(lime), congratulations! @Liyones_, as we had discussed already, you need to change, and we do not see that happening anytime soon. If you really want to become respected in this server, you stop denying the stupid behaviour and choices you make. Mistakes are made by mistake, not intentionally. Do not bother to reapply again before you can behave yourself. You are ~[denied]~(red). Also, removing your application will not change anything when you were already verbally denied. I was nice enough to edit it back for you. That is all for now. Yours sincerely, Thing Chairman of the Board of Directors of The Company
  2. DJ Account name: thehh Ingame name: Thing Your age: 23 Which DJ progam are you using?: Sam Broadcaster 4.2.2
  3. ^[] ^[] Dear people of SAES, The moment you all thought would never happen (Yes you did, do not deny it), has actually happened today. Our superior organisation, which was seen as not so superior, or better said inferior, by some organisations (not naming any but they will know themselves), has reached the age of three. Now you think, that is not so special, well, we cannot help that we were not founded earlier. To celebrate this beautiful birthday, we would like to go back in time and reflect on a couple of events. From the magnificent bank robbery with the man that shall not be named, to the drama events with a particular person from the female gender, we have had some dramatic situations in the past. Not to forget, that one specific camelish person, has literally tried to copy our entire existence. And if you thought that was insane, then how about this. Imagine, you are a great organisation with an activity of at least 15 people at certain times. You log out at 12 am midnight because you would like to go to sleep like a normal person. But then, you wake up and log in at 1 pm, and you see that you were turfed at 5 am in the morning by people living in Europe. Well, that kind of dedication ladies and gentlemen comes from our lovely enemies and dear leader who shall not be named. Did we already mention that we were demoted once as well? I guess we will leave it at that. Now that we have RTX turned on, we shall continue with some matters that were actually fun! On the first day of our second year, we managed to get an activity of 39 people at the same time, and today, on our third anniversary, we managed to get another 37 as well. Of course, these are just numbers, all of these people are part of The Company, an organisation that stands for having fun, doing activities, and even becoming friends with certain people at some point. We had never thought, three years ago that our organisation would survive for that long and turn into such a huge community with over 1200 Discord members and around 100 in-game members, making us the biggest Discord community from any organisation in SAES. Also, we are proud that we managed to inject activity back into some events such as gang robberies and turfs at some point. This has all resulted into The Company that you see in the server today. Great, now that we have got rid of that information and thrown it out into the beautiful world of SAES:RPG, we would like to thank our lovely allies, friends, enemies, and whatever you may call yourself, for the continuous support towards our beautiful organisation. As last, do not forget: ''Soon means soon. Not right at this very second''. Best regards, The Members of the Board of Directors of The Company Thing, Adistar, Killer, Adway, hRL, Swiggity, and Reggi ^[] ^[] ^[Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/eRwWpZ]
  4. @TF_VaniX, Posting the same application full of grammatical and spelling mistakes every time will not get you accepted. It is also the wrong application format which clearly indicates that you do not care about our organisation, but, as you stated with the reason why you have left PP, you only care about being part of an official gang. Your application is denied. If you think that you can show any form of loyalty to us and are actually able to write a proper application, you may do so in two weeks from now. During these two weeks we expect full commitment as well because you did not just get kicked because of the chat. Yours sincerely, Thing Director and Recruitment Manager of The Company
  5. @Jaster said in The Pirus: https://youtu.be/bGmM0ASboik So basically you became white/latino instead of black
  6. @Brophy said in Very important Question/Poll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Shaving armpit hair doesn't make you cleaner, it makes you more lazy to keep the area clean, mind you, probably makes sense if you live in a desert in a mudhut without access to a shower.... Sand bath anyone? Reminds me of Americans who say having circumcision is "cleaner", which is true, if you cba to pull it back and clean under it. I clearly see a difference even though I tend to shower at least 5 times a week.
  7. Of course, otherwise you start to stink like a bafoon after being outside for an hour and it's also ugly as hell anyway. You don't need to shave it so that there is no hair left but at least trim it to very short. Hygiene people, jesus.
  8. Oh bloody hell, fuck off.
  9. @Mannan said in Show us yourself V3: @RadrickGK said in Show us yourself V3: I thought only Indians do that but i was wrong Also couldn't afford a proper pair of pants
  10. @Vennelle said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: @Thing said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: @Vennelle said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: @Thing ''Acceptable'' like he would give a fuck if it was acceptable or not. Of course its not done to steal 900M from someone and of course its rude and he obviously knew people would absolutely shit on him when we found out but why would he care? He sold the in-game money for real life cash and that was all that matters. You really think he gives a fuck whether you and me like him or not? 35 dollars is worth ruining an entire organisation? Jesus he must have a horrible life then lol Some people dont give a fuck about others my guy Everyone knows that, good that he is gone and I hope he is happy with his 35 dollars which is not even the price of a new game lol
  11. @Vennelle said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: @Thing ''Acceptable'' like he would give a fuck if it was acceptable or not. Of course its not done to steal 900M from someone and of course its rude and he obviously knew people would absolutely shit on him when we found out but why would he care? He sold the in-game money for real life cash and that was all that matters. You really think he gives a fuck whether you and me like him or not? 35 dollars is worth ruining an entire organisation? Jesus he must have a horrible life then lol
  12. @Vennelle said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: @Thing I didnt say it makes things right, but, if that would be the case, it wouldnt be his problem and there was nothing you could do about it. There would indeed be nothing you can do about it. But it does not make it less pathetic. I am glad to hear that Sherap has been banned and I hope he will never return with his pathetic little ass. People like him do not belong on this server. Just because it is not someone's ''problem'' if he had the rights to do it, does not make it acceptable to do it. It is pure theft.
  13. @Vennelle said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: @Thing Well, if it was actually the case that level 3 could take the money and he was level 3 it was not his fault nor his problem to be fair. It would still be absolutely ridiculous that someone you have trusted with that level betrays you like that. Just because you have the ability to do something does not not make it right to do so. It makes you a fucking cunt, as we all knew Sherap already was.
  14. @SheraP said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: @AkyZ said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: @James said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: @AkyZ I did not give access to sherap,there was a bug which he abused @SheraP said in SAES Daryl & SAES NanoBob: Level 3 member had permission to take out money. Check the squad panel Not my fault if you let me take money out. @James " there was a bug ". There is a bug in your brain to set level 3 to take money out. Deal with your tear ;) And you wonder why everyone finds you a pathetic twat.
  15. You're probably going to be banned again in a week anyway. You can't behave, that's your problem. This is your own fault, even if a perm mute is too much, you did the same in ThC discord. Your jokes are retarded and offensive, no one thinks they're funny. Behave. You are lucky to even be allowed to still play in this server. PS: Do not send me a message again like you did one month ago. ::: ^[] :::
  16. @DeZzy1 Count your words. Less than 150, not even close to 200. Also, we asked you for reasons why you are kicked, so fix the reason why you were kicked from CDC, fix all the spelling mistakes, and a dot or comma does not need a space after a word, that is kind of the point of why they exist. You have 24 hours to fix your application. Yours sincerely, Thing Director and Recruitment & Application Manager of The Company
  17. @Drasko You were asked to edit and fix your application within 24 hours which you did not do. Honestly, the application is trash. Full of spelling mistakes and it clearly says 150 to 200 words, yet you think that 52 is enough. You are ~[denied]~(red). If you are still interested and capable of writing a proper application that you did not write in 2 minutes and 23 seconds, you may do so in 2 weeks from today. Yours sincerely, Thing Director and Recruitment & Application Manager of The Company
  18. Shards
  19. How to join @Adistar
  20. That makes me sad, I always enjoyed hanging out with you guys.
  21. @Nav17 said in Clarity on turf-zones: you cant see ThC zones so +1 from me shh that is our tactic
  22. The votes only cause drama, they are an unnecessary feature. You should be quiet because 90% of what you post will be downvoted anyway and you only want this so that you can be a little child and downvote memes made against you.
  23. @ReaperBF said in SAES Meme Pictures V2:
  24. @Daryl said in Offical Gang Levels 2020: I want my life to get to a point where I have so little problems I can get worked up enough as you guys get about something as small as this. This is my goal. NOOOOOO I WANT TO MAKE THE TOPIC REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE This is what quarantine does to people
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