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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. Now turfs and bankrobs are dead :(
  2. my black slave maid
  3. Event: #41 Type: all vs all box Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @5criminal Screenshots:
  4. Event: #40 Type: Lucky nade Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @mr.dream Screenshots:
  5. Event: #39 Type: Lucky nade Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @mr.dream Screenshots:
  6. Event: #38 Type: LMS nades Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @Curvy Screenshots:
  7. Event: #37 Type: 1v1 sniper LWS: @Aveyro Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @Ammar Screenshots:
  8. Event: #36 Type: Lukcy tube LWS: @Aveyro Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @Gotchi Screenshots:
  9. Event: #35 Type: china town LMS LWS: @Aveyro Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @Ment Screenshots:
  10. Event: #34 Type: fallout LWS: @Aveyro Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @Phoenix Screenshots:
  11. Event: #33 Type: ALLvALL rihino LWS: @Aveyro Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @Orten1 Screenshots:
  12. Event: #32 Type: UZI LMS LWS: @Aveyro Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @MilkySky Screenshots:
  13. Event: #31 Type: 1v1 deagle LWS: @Aveyro Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @fadi-semre12 Screenshots:
  14. Event: #30 Type: 1v1 Boxing LWS: @Aveyro Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @Rondaw Screenshots:
  15. Event: #29 Type: Lucky door race LWS: @Aveyro Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @fadi-semre12 Screenshots:
  16. Event: #28 Type: roof explosions LWS: @Aveyro Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @spartic Screenshots:
  17. Event: #27 Type: 1v1 M4 LWS: @Aveyro Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @Orten1 Screenshots:
  18. Event: #26 Type: 1v1 sniper LWS: @XpooKs Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @Orten1 Screenshots: ![alt text]
  19. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30050/donation-point-balance-liberty When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? month ago ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed shamal with versace wrap landstalker with iqprada_1 wrap Vehicle 1: Location: * shamal BCAP Landstalker near lvx disk Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Infernus with wrap lvx : https://github.com/saesrpg/donation-vehicle-shaders/issues/406 Admiral LE base Location: i'll show in game Username: Mag1kS Interior:
  20. Activity: Store Rob Date: 16/03/2022 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  21. Date 14604/2022 Kind of event: 1v1 sniper Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @orten Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  22. Activity: Store Rob Date: 15/03/2022 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  23. Date 14/04/2022 Kind of event: 1v1 M4 Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @orten Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  24. Date 14/04/2022 Kind of event: roof explosions Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @spartic Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  25. Date 14/04/2022 Kind of event: Lucky door race Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @fadi-semre12 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
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