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Everything posted by kajobecha2

  1. Btw! ... https://imgur.com/a/okGHf0W Can we discuss the minimum requirements for the game as a prison guard? All sort of new inexperienced player blocks spawn or disturbs others in the game, such as: deliberate nudging, blocking spawn, unsuccessful attempt to steal arrests.
  2. Fast remove it !!
  3. Happy Birthday SAES! Btw @kenny . Your Video it;s not funny -,-
  4. In my opinion:The question is not whether you like it or not. The previous version, visually was straight. Previously, a new player could more easily find information on the forum in this great world of SAES. The current forum reminds me of some cheap internet search engine. ; / - Previously we had iknoy - now we have colorful stripes next to themes. It's nice that the Adminsitration has done something. However, the primary server requires '' first aid '' to fix bugs. It seems to me that most people are delighted with something 'new', not necessarily the artistic potential of this site ... '' Any idiot can paint a bar '' But a nice and simple icon is a more difficult part of the task ''. We have just removed the icons and we have stripes ...?
  5. Lica 3/3 It was hard. 3days marathon. https://imgur.com/a/tNDLKbE @IG8820
  6. Kybalion 3/3 It was good fun ^^ 2days i waited and looking for him. https://imgur.com/a/FmLce6c @IG8820
  7. Location: Los Santos Username: lasse123 Last seen: 7th October 2018 link: https://imgur.com/a/u5D8b9z
  8. Maybe first fix bugs? SF - Sr's? - jump
  9. I can spend 14 hours a day on the server and do up to 300 arrests. Problems for the cop: 1: M4 Even the biggest unskill crim can work miracles with her! It is not difficult. Just swipe evenly on the right and left, with a good distance, your success is 100%. 2: Bug taser, While the criminal reloads a weapon, or runs with a shotgun, often the taser does not work. 3: 35% of Criminals have a ping of +200. 4: Server bugs: Zero reaction when someone is hit by a taser in the air or when he crosses the wall and is at the end of the animation. 5: Problem with SR in SF. you can not jump on the first time on small roof. In my opinion: Increase the minimum number of arrests to use the prison warden to 500 or even 1000. Often, random people see in this free earnings, not the work of a policeman. Killing in prison and receiving remuneration for it / proposes 1/3 or 1/4 of full remuneration. Earnings in SR. Only a year ago, the policeman earned 10k, now it is 17.5k. When you just did not want to, now it is more profitable. Maybe let's beat here? Reasons for the fact: More police sqad on the server. Actually there are more (active) cops than, say, a year ago. For all those who think that 1 shot from Taser is a good idea. I often play alone, as the only cop on the server. Kontra 5-10 crims. I would not have had a chance with one taser test ... It deprives me of the possibility of '' skilowania ''! 2 crims would be a success in this configuration! It is suggested to consider whether the problems are not conceived in the server room and the reaction time. He often does not get a DM from a weapon. or with delay. Likewise, small problems can be noticed when catching. It's very discouraging two sides. Specification my PC/net https://imgur.com/a/aTtmVAv
  10. /edit Inactive Ls.... haha sorry
  11. Username : lasse123 Last seen : 6th October 2018 https://imgur.com/a/u5D8b9z
  12. Filex 4/3 after Sr :> https://imgur.com/a/ckGJaFj @Filex
  13. @Lincoln @Chief https://imgur.com/a/aTtmVAv It is simple when you have a flying komupter and the best net in Europe.
  14. @Chief i have today 200arrest. I spend 6-12h a day on the server. This is good funny. :) I love challenge. @Human_ How can I catch you if you are dead? : D
  15. Filex 3/3 https://imgur.com/a/cqmzLhr It was Difficult and Boring. He was hiding efficiently for two days of watching. (Shame Filex) @IG8820
  16. @IG8820 But... What about Licano? https://imgur.com/a/84fP9V5
  17. Sprrow 4/3 next ss Turf (in link) :D
  18. Sparrow 3/3. It was rly boring. https://imgur.com/a/EsbBEDc
  19. Filex :) Do you want to be next? This is your nick in game? :D Etc, I Arrest all ''life'' Clo during 1week x3+
  20. Licano 3/3 :D https://imgur.com/a/84fP9V5 i love Jail CLO. Btw i have Sparrow 1/3 :D
  21. Licano! Why did not you tell me? ;/ My 1,75M!
  22. Username: kiwtfbr Last Seen:23th September 2018 screen: https://imgur.com/a/2fVapLt
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