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Posts posted by lazar_

  1. rI8kICY_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=gra
    The Robbery (Part 2) [#32] - 08/06/2023

    The sun had came up, and it was finally the day when we rob the Ammunation. We had decided on it because it was in a less dense area with little or no people living there.  The shop was also outdated with no technology. Me, my gangmate Orten and Do were ready to rob this place. We got in our car and went there prepared. After going inside, we held him hostage and I robbed the store till it was empty. We made sure the dealer wouldn't snitch. After robbing, we quickly got into our car and went out to our base before any problems arise. We decided to stay low after this robbery.




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  2. rI8kICY_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=gra
    The Robbery (Part 1, Planning) [#30] - 08/06/2023

    Me and my gangmate @Orten1 were looking to make an easy buck. We figured out for some time that what place would be best to rob and would give us good money as well as benefits. We thought of ammunation in TR. It is not in a dense place, police would take long to respond. We went there and examined the area for best routes and saw the inside aswell and talked to the dealer about what kind of guns he had. We went there normal suited so we would not look suspicious. After gathering the information, we went back to the base and planned it all out




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  3. rI8kICY_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=gra
    Repossession [#28] - 6/06/2023
    Story: This old contact called me and said that he needed these 2 cars that a person living in the "Richman" area has. He said if we bring him the cars he will pay us well. So we agreed on a good payment and went to Richman. Upon arriving at the house, the cars were parked outside the house and the owner wasnt present. We quickly lockpicked the doors and set for the place. We reached the place where he told us to and we handed him the cars and he inspected it to make sure no damage was done and he also took it for a ride and then paid.



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  4. rI8kICY_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=gra

    Doing Business [#27] - 6/06/2023
    Story: I got a call from Rogue that they required new weapons. I was quick to respond and quickly got the guns and put them in my Van. I got another gang member to go with my. As I reached the Rogue base I was greeted by @Ace
    and he invited me inside. He told us to come inside the warehouse where they stored the guns. He took the guns out of my van and put them inside. We agreed on a good amount of money and he paid me and I left the base.




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  5. rI8kICY_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=gra

    A Fake Drug Dealer [#26] - 6/06/2023
    It was finally the day where I was going to meet this new criminal that sells drugs. I heard about him that he sells nice quality weed. So I ordered a good amount of weed from him. We chose to meet an empty place where police doesnt come (go to somewhere near the forest). When we met, I asked him for some of the sample. He demanded I pay 50% before the sample was given. I only paid 25% and he agreed to give me the sample. It turned out to be fake weed. He was trying to run away with the money but I managed to get him. I tied him up and put him in the van where I took him to the base where I interrogated him. After he refuse to give any information, It was best to just kill him.





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  6. rI8kICY_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=gra

    A minor Inconvenience [#25] - 4/06/2023
    We were doing the routine thing of delivering weed to our base, when an unexpected surprise came. A cop. When he pulled us over, he asked us for our car registration and license. We provided them that. He also noticed some weird in the back of the van. He wanted to check. We hid the thing very well and were not too nervous. Yet he still managed to find the weed. We were quick to react and chose to kill the cop so that more cops will not come and become another Inconvenience. 










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