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Everything posted by Bangas

  1. @Beasty said in TST - The Strike Team: ~[Part 1 / Personal information.]~ Ingame Name: Beast Real Name: Filipe Age: 16 Country: Portugal Languages: Portuguese and English Accepted, find me in game for a final test
  2. @Platinum said in TST - The Strike Team: Part 1 / Personal information. Ingame Name: Platinum Real Name: hammouda Age: 19 Country: Tunisia Accepted find me in game for a final test.
  3. Event type:CarShow LWS: @Dufabo Prize : 1 Million Winner(s): @K2rhym Location :Las Venturas North Screens:here
  4. Attenders:@Twixx Story: Day15,january,2019.After i take my morning coffe at starbucks i went to the The Strike Team Offical Department where we can find our offices and many other things that is confidential information.I went to my office by the morning and started to organize my paperwork and sign it ,after a few hours later when i was almost done our secretary calls me and inform me that Mr.Commander.Gravity have told him i had to explore and map the base of The Company.The Company is a criminal organization wich is between us for a long time,also they have moved their base recently so we got to update all that information and files about it. At 11:00 on point i started to undercover my self,also asked to our secretary to get a way to bring my GTO to the offices. At 12:00 on point i put the hands on the steering wheel and drove on ThC bases way wich is located in Tierra robada, the path i have chosen would take me 3 hours to arrive there so i used our advanced system to find me the fastest way and so he did i only took 2 hours to arrive the base. At 14:09 i left my car brought my camera(with an extreame range) and took pictures of the base so i can map it latter and also i can record how many vehicles they had,where are the planes,where the cars parked,escape doors,escape paths,rooms and also where they do their deals and more things. After i took all the photos i that I considered crucial i decided to take a risk and try to infiltrate inside the base. Ive decided to pretend that my car were broke so some menber of thc could come to me and help. The best thing about it all was that the bait I created worked, and a guy came to me asking if i needed help with the car, we had a short talk, he asked me if he could try to start the engine,i gave him premetion to do that and when he came out he was a bit agressive and asked me to leave the area and so i did, actualy i pretended to be distracted a person so i can keep my undercover safe, i just started driving with the hood not fully closed. well fortunetly i am fine and i returned the base safely, i went to the map room as fast as i can so i can remenber the max things i saw,i did drawn the map of The Companys base and updated the quantity of vehicles that ThC owns wich incrased in 5 planes and i was not able to see that cars since the garage was a closed place, anyways i left a note with the files saying my gess(the quantity of cars has incrased as well). Some times we take big risks in order to have a litle piace of information,so we can keep our work and try to make the criminal activity disapear from San Andreas.We always do and look for the best to the community. Screens:Here.
  5. Event type: Chicken Kicker LWS: @Spentou Prize : 1 Million Winner(s): [FBI]Castre Location : G6 Screens: Here
  6. Attenders:@ElPadrino, @Bidrift. Story: Day14,January,2019,I wake up earlier in the morning in order to go to my office, because i was going to take care of some paperwork, when i entered my office i noticed a document with the same characteristics of government documents, also there was a written message by Rocker,the chief of staff.After analyse evrerything carefuly i found out that i had a mission with an extreame importance to do. The chief of staff,Rocker left me some tips, i picked up all those tips and dicided to create a draft with some important things that i should folow along the mission and before. ::: ::: After evrything planed and diceded i picked up Capitan.Bidrift and drove in Los Santos direction,We ate some tacos when we arrived and after the lunch we went to the white house. At 14:55 on point we arrived the White House so we had to wait 5 minutes by the Director.Thiago, when he came out we,me and Bidrift aproached him,we showed our identifications and presented ourselfs on law and governments service. We had a long talk about how should we proced, how carefull we had to be, i explained the whole path i had drawn(in order to use safest roads)and finaly i explained what he should do in case of some danger aproach. After all set,as planned, 15:30 PM we left the white house and the mission has started. I drove the car by Los Santos roads acording with the plan, fortunately no danger has come close till we arrive the bank. At the bank,before leave the veichle we seted up our guns and left it. At the entreace of the bank Capitan kept safe our back while i was in the front checking evrything, bank was clear so we withdraw the money without any problem we returned the car doing the inverse(Bidrift on front and i kept Mr.Director.Thiago backs safe). We reentered the car and drove back on White House way,once again fortunetely no danger has come close so we were able to drop Mr.Director.Thiago safe at the White house. As soon we arrived the White House, we left the car and immediatly gone inside, we took Mr.Director.Thiago till the door where we can find a restricted area which none of us (me and Bidrift) could access. As planed we informed Mr.Director.Thiago that we were going tos stay in the door to make sure he can do the deposit safe and after a half hour passed we should leave and take the mission as completed, so he agreed and went to the restricted area, We waited a half our nothing happened and the mission was completed. That day was a lucky day,because we had not a single trouble while we were in mission, but thats not how it works always.Sometimes we have to put the chest in front of the iron in order to keep the peace and the stability in San Andreas.Notice that we do it PROUDLY! Screens:Here
  7. Attenders: @Kalashrie , @KARIM Story: In 10/01/2019, as the superiors have requested i,Private.Bangas, were doing my morning patrol.After a few hours patroling i noticed 2 suspects with pink colors on the cloths,wich means that both of the suspects may be menbers of an organization known as "Wild Angels" as the law says i must be sure that the comunity is safe, and in order to accomplish that i have decided to pull them over and check if evrything was in order. After i asked for the ids and the driver licence of Mr.Karim so i verified it,evrything was in orther. They didnt denied the gang conection and they have tryed to convince me that they had nothing to deal with crime so ive asked to check the trunk,they opend it and i found some cocain,immediately Mr.Karim gun pointed me and made me get in the van. The van was completely black inside with black windows, so i was not able to see anything to outside. they just made me come out in a place that i think that is wild angels base after that they locked up me in a trailer. Fortunately i were able to break the door and run away, i tried to leave by a door close there but i heard some voices wich means that they were inside that room, so ive decided tu jump by the base wall i just got shooted once in the leg but the survival instincts made me run and run. For my good i already had a house close there so i knew where i was i just ran to my car as fast as i can and drove on The Strike Team base way, once i got there i put the hand on the cars door to leave and i just blacked out. I woke up in the next day in a hospital room with lieutenant.Bori beside me,i still dont have memories of that,but he found me in the ground and assisted me, fortunetly i end up alive and i will be able to help with base maping and location for a future raid. This is what a officer can pass by,but we live to the law. Screens:Here
  8. Event type:Last Man Standing LWS: @Filippo Prize : 1 Million Winner(s): @KARIM Location : G6Arena Screens: ::: :::
  9. Event type:Chicken Arrest LWS: @Kowalski Prize : 1 Million Winner(s): @Solrac Location : Las Venturas Cross Screens: ::: :::
  10. @bangas said in weapons factory: @barras Is it the same exterior from the https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3238/richman-house-ls
  11. @barras Is it the same exterior from the
  12. user : estinogen ss :https://imgur.com/a/NDFxVXg lastseen : 4th august 2018
  13. user : estinogen ss : https://imgur.com/a/dVqL34x lastseen : 4th august 2018
  14. Username:jmyx Nickname:Bangas Age:17 Nationality:Portuguese Date of Birth:23/10/2000 Community Join Date:--/--/2015 (i cant remenber the day and the month that i started to play) What are your unique qualities you can offer:i can offer a unique sense of humor also i able to do alot of stuff with qualityy that benefit the gang What difficulties would you face: honestly there is nothing coming to my head so i think that i am able to say, none. Additional Information about yourself:I think that there s not mutch to add, "you" know , you are aware what i am capable and not capable of .
  15. PART 1: In-Game name: Bangas,sometimes i add |GOD tag. Username:jmyx. Nationalty:Portuguese. Gender:male. Age:i am 18 years old. PART 2: Why do you want to join SSA:well, i like to RP also piloting is one of the main hobbies, so I thought that would be nice do something where i have pleasure and at same time having fun and of course create new contacts know new people is also very important. Why we should accept you: The answer is relatively simple, in my mind this group is looking for people that must have good skills with aircrafts and a good knowlage about RP but also that people should be decent,i mean, decent english, mature,etc.. and last but not least the people who you are looking for must be able to post and help the group with activities. All this to say that I think I fulfill all the requirements I mentioned. Thanks for read, Regards, Bangas.
  16. Nick:jmyx Playing since:2013 Position you are applying for: Club Security. Previous experience in position you are applying for:I already did a few jobs with Enternia and BES. Can you stand loud music:yes i can, i am used to frequent bigger partys and night clubs. Other groups you are part of:I'm not a member of any groups yet Anything else you want us to know about you:At the moment I can not think of anything you need to know that will harm the group. Thanks for your time, Regards, Bangas.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05whjOps3eo
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