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Everything posted by Eusebio

  1. last seen : 4 august username :estinogen :https://imgur.com/a/zcGnUBq
  2. well 1M if you want
  3. In a normal working day eusebio was doing his daily patrol in Las Venturas, and it was there that found a sultan with a damaged engine the owner of that vehicle had not love for his car and he accelerated too much and broke the engine. Eusebio had his towTruck and then decided to tow the car to an area where he could to repair the car in silence. Eusebio opened the hood and took much smoke in the face . Eusebio took off his tools and began to make a check around the engine, eusebio saw what was causing that smoke and noticed quickly was the water pump. Eusebio try start the engine it works perfectly , then he took him to his house.
  4. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 40 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? lon time ago dont remember Why do you need this change? they disapear Links to your donation topics: old forum Links to your previous donation changes requests: old forum ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed nothing ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added All vehicles fully black and customizable (nitrous, blacked windows etc). Sentinel alpha Security car Jester Location: ToB base Username: jensen100
  5. Username: Jensen100 Nickname: Eusebio Age: 20 Nationality: Portuguese & Spanish Date of Birth: 3/01/98 Community Join Date: since 2012 What are your unique qualities you can offer: Roleplaying & driving and team leader What difficulties would you face: i can lead with any difficulties Additional Information about yourself: I start playing since 2012 and i already got a lot of experience in-game i stop palying some months ago and now im back ! i see a nice future on this gang and i identify my self , cause i created and a street race gang some time ago .
  6. @Canelas that profile isnt mine , someone is copy me .
  7. Hello this is Mid Night Club Media archive topic here you will find all our ativities like Roleplays, screenshots and events
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