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Everything posted by Eusebio

  1. So where is ?
  2. Bring civilian side back ! ;D
  3. 10 years AGO
  4. So after you choose me to sell i was in-game you didint answer and then after hourse you sell to someone else , if i won the auction it should be sold to me Saha should do something , that is legal ?
  5. address: Dillimore Solarin Industries Corp account name: kinggamer last seen: 28 october 2023
  6. address: Imagine Being from Essex account name: truckertoast last seen: 9 july 2023
  7. Update please.
  8. This is an automated post for: Eusebio Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Requested Awards: Vehicle Type: 2 Hotring racer 3 (dodge one) Vehicle Colour: n/a Specify any upgrades: n/a Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) jensen100 Where you want it placed: Dillimore Bar next to other donations also the donation points and the money thanks For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  9. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 2022 Part II: What I Want to be Removed I was away 2 years all disapear Part III: What I Want to be Added 3 freeways 1 Securicar 1 Yankee 1Picador 1 Wayfarer RC bar at dillimore Username: jensen100 Interior: Not now
  10. Display Name:Eusebio Username: jensen100 Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/95232-donationeusbio-amount-1000-gbp/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/67292-donation-eusbio-amount-100/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/100745-donation-eusébio-amount-2900-gbp/ 2023- December
  11. Real name: Ricardo In-Game name: Eusebio Account name:jensen100 Age:25 What is your gender?:Male Nationality:Portuguese English knowledge (1-10):10 Timezone:0 How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG ? :12 Years How active are you on SAES:RPG ? : enough Describe yourself with one word: Trustable Tell us about you're self : Im good guy that love play S~S Knowledge: Ik the owners What do you know about S~S ? Its a good gang with potential Have you applied to join S~S before ? : no Do you have any friends in S~S ? : yees What's our Moto?: you can't see us until its too late What's SDO's Moto?: If at first you dont succeed SKYDIVING is not for you Did you read and understand our rules: yes Flying skills (0/10)?: 10 RP skills (0/10)?: normally 10 but in english chat 4-5 Cracking skills(0/10)?: 5 Shooting skills(0/10)?: 3 (low fps) What you gonna do in S~S if you got accepted ? : Im gonna help Server Memberships: Trevor zinyak+ What are your currently server groups?: nothing Have you been kicked/banned before from SAES:RPG (If yes, details please): Yes , a lot Have you read and understood the rules in F1?: yes Descrive with your own words SAES:RPG? : Its a roleplay server
  12. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 70$ When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 7 month ago Why do you need this change? Got ative again Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10279/donation-eusebio-amount-10-00-gbp https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/95232-donationeusbio-amount-1000-gbp/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/67292-donation-eusbio-amount-100/ timehttps://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/100745-donation-eus%C3%A9bio-amount-2900-gbp/?tab=comments#comment-1827 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/14646/donation-eusebio-amount-20-00-gbp/2 Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21897/eusebios-reward-change?_=1624284541620 Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: They are removed already Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added 1 Buffalo 1 Sentinel 1 Jester 1 Maverick 1 Security car 1 Turismo 1 Super Gt Location: GSF Base Username: jensen100
  13. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 70$ When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 7 month ago Why do you need this change? Got ative again Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10279/donation-eusebio-amount-10-00-gbp https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/95232-donationeusbio-amount-1000-gbp/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/67292-donation-eusbio-amount-100/ timehttps://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/100745-donation-eus%C3%A9bio-amount-2900-gbp/?tab=comments#comment-1827 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/14646/donation-eusebio-amount-20-00-gbp/2 Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/15190/eusebios-reward-change/2?_=1600369600865 Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: All vehs from a land in tierra robada Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added 1 Skyline 1 M3 1 Supra 1 Huntley 1 Security car 1 Lambo 1 Super Gt and 1 interior special on on my propertuie Location: My only propertie Username: jensen100
  14. ^[] Title: Searching for old stuff Date: 30/01/2020 Participants: @nutellaguy @LightSide @Bangas @Demon-Disciples-Motorcycle-Club At bar i was talking with Docpizza about our group and we are talking about that we need some tools and some engine parts to have for some unscrewing Then i got a idea to walk around to some old warehouse on Bone county with some buddies for search there and try get some luck When we arrive i told to bangas , doc and light side to try find some old parts , engines some tools , and everithing usefull for us , so i try contact XgangsterX our prez for he give me some advices for ik what was necessary for DDMC So after we found some small stuff ,like tools , filters some old metal parts we go to our warehouse at Las Paysadas cause it was near , so we clean everithing there with some products and then we carry them on our burrito And then we go to our Bar at Red County When we arrive at Red County i told them to place them behind the bar and wait for our club to check them
  15. ^[] Activity: Saturday Meeting Date: 22/02/2020 Participants: @Demon-Disciples-Motorcycle-Club and Supporters Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. ^[] ^[ Our discord : https://discord.gg/atb5zH] ^[] ^[Group money : $100.000.000**] ^[Date of Creation : 15.02.2019.] ^[Group Tag : Heist|name] ^[Group Base Location : Red County] ^[Group Color Code : #151515] ^[Group Skin: Westone > Criminal > Robber(2)] ^[] ^[] ^[Chapter 1 February 2020] We were all raised together since we were kids that we intended to do something big in life, our parents some of them already dead, always was in this life, small robberies, selling drugs and also killing . . . But we don't like to hurt anyone, we just like to be smarter and be able to penetrate systems to steal money and for that we have the best Robbers in the world as the best hackers and drivers . The Heist is a group made up of amateurs who want to grow in the world of crime. The heist is made up of several sectors such as Hacking, Transport, Driving and assault. For now we make small robberies to gold stores, small companies also steal crucial information that worth a lot of money, as well as steal coffers from large organizations. Our biggest goal is to be able to rob all San Andreas banks! ^[] ^[Leader : ] ^[This guy leads all the stuff inside the heist] ^[@Eusebio] ^[HQ ] ^[When the leader is not on duty this guy control all the situation] ^[@Bangas] ^[Assault :] ^[Here just mens with balls that dont have fear can fight with guns and deal with all kind of situations] ^[@hRL] ^[Driving :] ^[We just want the best drivers on our organization] ^[Hacking] ^[This guys need to crack and invade any system as fast as he can] ^[@RenQ ] ^[Members] ^[This guys help the guys above taking cars and weapons for assault or other kind of stuff] ^[Honorary] ^[This persons are not part of the group but in rare cases they come for help] ^[@XgangsterX] ^[More comming] ^[] ^[Main base here we meet and storage our vehs] ^[] This 2 places are hided after a Rob or a deal we stay there for a while, this place got food and everithing we need for 1 week or more ^[Our warehouse for save weapons , documents and all stuff] ^[] ^[] ^[Comming soon] ^[] Should Remind this is RP group!! Ingame name: What organization are you apart of? Nationality: Which sector you want be Drive/Assault/Hacking and why ?
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