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Posts posted by Rieeria

  1. alt text
    SAI member who you were with Ron_Downey ( @Fall-en ) Will_Zepelli ( @Bisollini )

    Commisioner_Reed ( @bas260 )

    Date, time and duration of Activity: 25/02/22, 16:43 GMT-17:21 GMT(Around 38 Minutes.)

    Type of Activity: Patrol

    Patrol details: Officer Ron and me started patrol from SAI HQ,then we got a call about crimes around SA,so we dealed with them. But in some cases we had to arrest crims.


  2. alt text
    SAI member who you were with Ron_Downey ( @Fall-en ) Leonard_Cold ( @Netro )

    Date, time and duration of Activity: 20/02/22, 12:43 GMT-13:14 GMT(Around 31 Minutes.)

    Type of Activity: Patrol,Routine chekcs/pullover.

    Patrol details: After a lunch,we started our patrol from sai hq,then after a time we got a call that there is a pickup truck carries drugs and weapons,so pulled over a truck,Then we made some routine checks. Also i searched cabin but it was clear. So we continued our patrol after it.

  3. alt text
    SAI member who you were with Patrice_Certaron ( @Tefa ) Mike_Jones ( @LandShark )

    Date, time and duration of Activity: 19/02/22, 14:11 GMT-14:43 GMT(Around 32 Minutes.)

    Type of Activity: RoadBlock,Patrol

    Patrol details: It was a normal day,we started patrol from SAI HQ,with Officer Patrice,after patrol we set roadblock with officer Jones.Then we made some routine checks.

  4. alt text
    SAI member who you were with Supreme_Wayne ( @Supreme) , Leonard_Cold ( @Netro )
    @DJO , @Blue Ron_Downey ( @Fall-en )

    Date, time and duration of Activity: 17/02/22, 16:18 GMT-16:58 GMT(Around 40 Minutes.)

    Type of Activity: Pull over roleplay+patrol+roadblocks.

    Patrol details: Officer Wayne and me started patrol from SAI HQ,then we saw suspicous vehicle doing traffic violent.After a check-ups we saw he is tourist,so we gave him warn.After we set up roadblock on highway,then did routine checks.


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    SAI member who you were with Waylon_Park ( @Legend )

    Date, time and duration of Activity: 13/02/22, 17:27 GMT-17:52 GMT(Around 25 Minutes.)

    Type of Activity: Pull over roleplay+patrol

    Patrol details: We started patrol from SAI HQ,and during our patrol,we caught a suspicous making illegal turn,when he rolled his window down,i noticed he was a guy that i searched 1 week ago.After a check routine i had to type a ticket for him,and contunied patrol with Waylon_Park.

  6. alt text
    SAI member who you were with Sergeant_Jackson ( @Sanfara ) Nicholas_Turner ( @Riley )

    Date, time and duration of Activity: 13/02/22, 12:31 GMT-13:00GMT(Around 29 Minutes.)

    Type of Activity: Rp Patrol

    Patrol details: We started patrol from SAI HQ,then we heard there was a suspicous stole dirty money from casino,in las venturas with sport car. So we started to check sport car users.Then we pulled him over and made general check,eveything was clear. So we contunied our patrol.


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    SAI member who you were with Jack_Deth ( @Sawos )

    Date, time and duration of Activity: 12/02/22, 19:45 GMT-20:29GMT(Around 44 Minutes.)

    Type of Activity: Rp Patrol+Roadblock

    Patrol details: We started patrol from SAI HQ,then we pulled over suspect.After some check-ups we set roadblock on highway.


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    SAI member who you were with N/A

    Date, time and duration of Activity: 12/02/22, 17:29 GMT-18.05 GMT(Around 36 Minutes.)

    Type of Activity: Rp Patrol

    Patrol details: I started patrol from LV-SF highway,then i got a call there is a suspicious crime group carrying guns and drugs with purple car,but there was not any more details. So cops started checking purple cars around Las Venturas,then i saw one and pulled him over.After a check-ups there was not anything wrong. After i resumed my patrol again.And i saw there was a guy with sport car driving without warning lights,also he made illegal turn. So i checked database and it was his first traffic violent,so i just gave him a warm.


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    SAI member who you were with Jerry_Schmidt ( @fandi )

    Date, time and duration of Activity: 11/02/22, 13:43 GMT-14:22 GMT(Around 39 Minutes.)

    Type of Activity: Rp Patrol

    Patrol details: Officer Jery and me started patrol,and during patrol we a got a call there was a wanted suspicous driving randomly and from wrong side.When we pulled him over we saw his car was damaged,and he was like drunk. So i made small dui test,and routine checks.I gave him a ticket and got his car,because there was a lots of traffic rulebreaks.


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    SAI member who you were with Jerry_Schmidt ( @fandi )

    Date, time and duration of Activity: 10/02/22, 18:38 GMT-19:02 GMT(Around 24 Minutes.)

    Type of Activity: Rp Patrol

    Patrol details: Officer Jerry and me started patrol from SAI HQ,then we moved to BC highway because we got a call there is a wanted delivery man was doing overpspeed. So we chased him and pulled over.After a check routine,i filled a ticket for him,and gave a warn.


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    SAI member who you were with Waylon_Park( @Legend),James_Smith( @Glayd), Mike_Jones ( @LandShark)

    Date, time and duration of Activity: 09/02/22, 18:34 GMT-20:00 GMT(Around 1 hour and 30 mins.)

    Type of Activity: Rp Patrol+Roadblocks

    Patrol details: Waylon_Park and me started patrol from SAI HQ,after we estabilished roadblocks.We made some routine checks.After that we saw a accident,we went thgorugh it and saw a suspicous can't breathe. So we took him to hospital.After it we got a call a suspicous driving randomly around highway,we pulled him and made some dui tests.


  12. PART I: Introduction

    Ingame name: SAFP|Rieeria

    login name: rieeria

    Age: 16

    How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: Almost 1 year,i started at 2021 March.

    In 2-3 lines, tell us about yourself: My name is Emir,and i was born in Turkey.I like to listen some musics and walking at dark weathers for relaxings.Also in my free time i play mta.

    PART II: Background Check

    Do you speak English: Yes.

    Tell us how good/bad you are at RP (SAI might be able to teach you things.): I think its 7.5/10 on that,i'm always trying to improve things for myself. So i think it will be better than current status by the time.

    Rate your radio usage skills and abilities: I'd say it's 7/10.Because i'm using radio in Safd,Sam. Also rps on SAFP.

    Primary language: Turkish

    Other languages you speak: English,and a bit german(just a basic things).

    Current groups: Safd,Sam,Brinks,rTech,Cunning Stunts,Gxt,Tmh

    Previous groups: N/A

    PART III: Radio Check

    (California Penal Codes are mostly used in San Andreas.)


    Have you read our radio codes topic? (This topic can also be found in SAPA.): Yes,i did.

    Explain what a 211 is: 211 means there is a on going robbery on store.

    What does it mean if it's a code 3: It means there is a emergency,which you should response with lights and sirens.

    Which 10 code is used when you're going on duty and you're announcing that you're available for duty? 10-8

    PART IV: Role-Play Character

    First name: Luciano

    Surname: Sanz
    Age: 29

    Sex: Male

    Place of Birth: Pescara,Italy

    Date of Birth: 24th of May,1993

    Country of residence: United States Of America

    Address: 3 China Town Road

    Convictions: <None>

    Tattoos: Navy related tattoo on breast.

    Do you own a driving license, and for how long: I obtained my valid driver's license when I was 22 years old.

    Full backstory:

    Luciano Sanz was born in Italy,his dad's name is Flavio Sanz.Flavio is a ex-marine soldier.He lost his left arm on the pirate attack,so he had to retire from his job.And goverment paid him so much money for that.His mother is Fei Hong,she is from north of China.Luciano never knew how they met.Luciano had a really good chil times,but after his dad retire from job,they decided to move into USA,San Fierro.I was 14 years old when i came here,so i started highschool in here. My dad was teaching me a lot of things in his free time.Like i learned how to fight from him,and i won a lot of competitions on there.Also i learned how to use handguns very well,so i was the best shooter in shooting competitions. Then i had to select university,well i had a lot of iddeas of becoming soldier but,my dad didnt want to. So i worked on orthopedic on university,then i graduated. I tried to find a jobs but i decided it was not best job for me. So i tried to become a police officer on san fierro department. After a lot of work i became a part of it ,and orthopedic helps me on here, because i know human anotomy,which helps me tend broken bone cases around department. But by the time passes,i saw a lot of drug/weapon delivers using highways instead of streets. Crime rises in here day by day,so i want to become state trooper on San Andreas Interceptors to help to prevent crimes.

  13. alt text
    Date: 25/01/2022
    Participants: @rieeria @yazan123 @aoxi @ReZzY @BOB
    Type of activity: Money transporting.
    Description: Transporting money from various banks around SA to the SF federal mint.
    Link to images: https://imgur.com/a/Uc0intI
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