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Everything posted by Rieeria

  1. Participants: @rieeria Disctrict: All districts. Shift Period: 30 Minutes. Number Of Vehicles: 17 Vehicles. Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  2. Patrol # 2383 Personal Patrol # 30 Participants: @rieeria Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 28 Minutes. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/zYjkiul
  3. Participants: @rieeria Disctrict: All districts. Shift Period: 29 Minutes. Number Of Victims Healed Around 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/aP7Wlqq
  4. Participants: @rieeria Disctrict: All districts. Shift Period: 59 Minutes. Number Of Vehicles: 40 Vehicles. Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  5. Participants: @rieeria Disctrict: All districts. Shift Period: 27 Minutes. Number Of Victims Healed Around 14 Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  6. Participants: @rieeria Disctrict: All districts. Shift Period: 45 Minutes. Number Of Vehicles: 11 Vehicles. Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  7. Patrol # 2382 Personal Patrol # 29 Participants: @rieeria Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30 Minutes. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/qYnommG
  8. Participants: @rieeria Disctrict: All districts. Shift Period: 40 Minutes. Number Of Victims Healed Around 11 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/INHl5JA
  9. Participants: @rieeria Disctrict: All districts. Shift Period: 23 Minutes. Number Of Vehicles: 10 Vehicles. Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  10. Participants: @rieeria Disctrict: All districts. Shift Period: 25 Minutes. Number Of Victims Healed Around 5 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pl8CshB
  11. Participants: @rieeria Disctrict: All districts. Shift Period: 43 Minutes. Number Of Vehicles: 7 Vehicles. Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  12. Participants: @rieeria Disctrict: All districts. Shift Period: 27 Minutes. Number Of Victims Healed Around 9 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/T4vbIMU
  13. Participants: @rieeria Disctrict: All districts. Shift Period: 26 Minutes. Number Of Vehicles: 20 Vehicles. Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  14. Patrol # 2379 Personal Patrol # 28 Participants: @rieeria Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30 Minutes. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/cq6Ljh3
  15. Participants: @rieeria Disctrict: All districts. Shift Period: 33 Minutes. Number Of Victims Healed Around 6 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kpgfwh3
  16. Participants: @rieeria Disctrict: All districts. Shift Period: 26 Minutes. Number Of Victims Healed Around 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7q1CSDP
  17. Participants: @rieeria Disctrict: All districts. Shift Period: 34 Minutes. Number Of Vehicles: 13 Vehicles. Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  18. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32289/donation-undefined-amount-5-00-gbp New donation,+10 points
  19. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/31142/donation-point-balance-rieeria When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 24/04/22 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: RC Raider Location: O base Interior: - Vehicle 2: Leviathan Location: O base Interior: - ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Bullet Location: 2_hilltop_road Username: rieeria Interior: - Vehicle 2: Fbi rancher(red color),front bumper,extra mirrors Location: Small Backroom Basement Username: rieeria Interior: -
  20. This is an automated post TXN ID: 80T47740AT8278038 Donation Amount: 5.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/31142/donation-point-balance-rieeria/2?_=1654006533944 Requested Awards: Donation Spawn since i hit 30 points. Vehicle Type: FBI Rancher Vehicle Colour:Black Specify any upgrades:Front Bumper Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Rieeria Where you want it placed: LSPD For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  21. TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag Type: Raceflag Location: LS-RC Participants: Rieeria,Deagle,Manda,Durby Winners: Rieeria,Durby,Vacant SS: [s=] [/s]
  22. TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag Type: Raceflag Location: LS-LS Participants: Rieeria,Durby,Phoenix,Calibre,Chasin,Enes Winners: Rieeria,Durby,Chasin SS: [s=] [/s]
  23. ^[Race -28/05/2022 - #173]
  24. ^[Race -28/05/2022 - #172]
  25. Participants: @rieeria Disctrict: All districts. Shift Period: 27 Minutes. Number Of Vehicles: 17 Vehicles. Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
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