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Posts posted by Rieeria

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    Roleplay :
    Description: I was repairing the car when phone started to ringing. I answered phone and the guy called us for help. As he said his engine stopped working for no reason,so i took a tow truck and moved to scene. When i arrived on scene we talked about details,and i checked the car a bit. There were some several problems on car,so i had to take vehicle to the base for detailed check. We made a deal and he said i should bring car to the MS13 Base. I moved to our base,checked/fixed car and dropped the car on the designated location.
    Participants: @Rieeria @ZeCabra (MS13)
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/FIjreRS
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  2. ^[alt text]
    ^[Roleplay - 03/10/2022 - #220]
    Story: At our last car meeting,one of our cars was stolen by a gang called the "Ghost Triads(@nCov )". Kai and I have decided to take back what was ours. We took our pistols from the base and started tracking our car from GPS. When we saw our car, alpha, Kai pointed the gun at the car. We drove our car in front of him and got out of the car with the guns in our hands. We killed the gang member, got our car back and delivered it to the base.
    Screens: https://imgur.com/a/cpSx5ke

  3. ^[alt text]
    ^[Roleplay - 02/10/2022 - #218]
    Story: We found a customer from the gang named "CDC", he said he needed a fast sports car. So I went to the parking lot and looked for the most suitable car. I found a super GT and got the car ready. After that, we met at Lv and talked about the car. We checked the car and made a deal.
    Screens: https://imgur.com/a/lIkvBCs

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    Roleplay :
    Description: I was delivering the bulks around SF,until my car started to struggle with engine problems. So i parked my car and called our company and requested a mechanic on my location.When mechanic came , we moved our truck back to the base. I parked car to the ramp and wore my outfit. Firstly i checked the oil tanker of car,for any leaks. Then i checked the engine and under of the car. I saw some oil leaks on ground,so we fixed it quickly. After fixing the rest of the problems,i adjusted the pressure of tyres
    Participants: @Rieeria
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wQAEnw9
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    Roleplay :
    Description: Our company's phone rang and caller was the MI6 Agent.
    We knew him already from the last weapon/equipments deal. He said he needs some tactical equipments,so i invited him to our base. When he came we took a look at our newest bulks. So we decided about what he wants,he said he needs these bulks on his own truck,so i loaded the things to the truck. After all we made a deal.
    Participants: @rieeria @Kaiser1235 (MI-6)
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/p4MRL9v

  6. ^[alt text]
    ^[Roleplay - 02/10/2022 - #215]
    Story: When our phone rang,i answered it. One of the customers from MI6 called and told us that he needs some customizations on his car. I waited until he came our base.After he came he parked his car to the our mod-shop. So we talked about what he wants,and he showed us his front bumper was damaged from the last chase. So i changed his front bumper with better one,and lastly he wanted to add nitro on his car. After these , we made a deal about the price.
    Screens: https://imgur.com/a/15BV4Jn

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    Roleplay type: EMT Roleplay
    Description of Roleplay: One of the MI6 Agents reported that he need medic on his location via radio. So i prepared at SFFD,and moved to scene fastly. When i arrived on scene i saw that agent was lying on ground,he was bit shocked and he said he got some small glass cuts on his legs. I wrapped his cuts with bandages. Then i reported our firefighters to take care of the car,if there would be any fire. I took agent with me to the ambulance,and moved to the hospital.
    Location: SF Bridge
    Participants: @rieeria @Kaiser1235 (MI-6)
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/XGSgA8c

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    Roleplay type: 904B
    Description of Roleplay: I received a 904b call in North SF. One of the mech shops in SF caught up small fire ,so i prepared at SFFD and moved to scene. When i arrived on scene i checked the hoses/water tank, then i adjusted water pressure to the maxiumum. After it i entered back to truck,and used water to extinguish fire. I putted out most of the fires but there were still some . So i grabbed extinguisher and took care of the rest with it.
    Location: Mech Shop,SF
    Participants: @rieeria
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/P7UUoiF

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    Roleplay type: General Check of SFFD.
    Description of Roleplay: It was an ordinary weekend for me. I was sitting in my office and decided to check/count the tools/equipment.
    First of all I moved to the place where we store our halligans / extinguishers. I counted them and checked the barometric pressure of the extinguishers.
    After that, I checked the water levels and fuel levels of our trucks, then moved to our helipad and checked our helicopter. Finally, I moved to our boats and checked the equipment there.
    Location: SFFD
    Participants: @rieeria
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/f9oRAVH

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    Roleplay type: 904A
    Description of Roleplay: I was on my way to home from Sffd, then the car had some problems when I was on the SF Bridge, I thought it wasn't that important. After a while the engine started smoking,I parked my car on the right side. I was calling the mechanics before the car caught fire. When I saw the fire, I ran to the trunk and grabbed the fire extinguisher. I pointed the fire extinguisher at the hood and put out the fires.
    Location: BC Highway
    Participants: @rieeria
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2tcCXQd

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    Roleplay type: 904B
    Description of Roleplay: We've received a 904b call from Northeast Lv. A shop owner called us and asked for help. Cargo containers caught fire,so we were prepared in LVFD and responded with 2 engines, 1 battalion car and 1 ambulance. We also noticed that there was a victim at the top of the roof. Our EMT unit rescued the victim,and the others took care of the fire.We extinguished it,transported the victim to the hospital and arrived at the station.
    Location: LV Ammu Nation
    Participants: @CeSaR @rieeria @Glayd @Bozi
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AxNuyUw

  12. alt text
    Date: 4/09/22
    Participants: @Energizer @rieeria
    Type of activity: Money transporting
    Description Transporting money from different banks to the SF Mint.
    Link to images: https://imgur.com/a/iERimrE

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    Date: 4/09/22
    Participants: @Energizer @rieeria
    Type of activity: Money transporting
    Description Transporting money from different banks to the SF Mint.
    Link to images: https://imgur.com/a/QBgSmJX

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    Date: 4/09/22
    Participants: @Energizer @rieeria
    Type of activity: Money transporting
    Description Transporting money from different banks to the SF Mint.
    Link to images: https://imgur.com/a/OVlCEzr

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    Date: 4/09/22
    Participants: @Energizer @rieeria
    Type of activity: Money transporting
    Description Transporting money from different banks to the SF Mint.
    Link to images: https://imgur.com/a/T5vYocQ

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    Date: 6/09/22
    Participants: @Energizer @rieeria
    Type of activity: Money transporting
    Description Transporting money from different banks to the SF Mint.
    Link to images: https://imgur.com/a/34ER73n

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    Date: 6/09/22
    Participants: @Energizer @rieeria
    Type of activity: Money transporting
    Description Transporting money from different banks to the SF Mint.
    Link to images: https://imgur.com/a/Ga8zTVb

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    Date: 6/09/22
    Participants: @Energizer @rieeria
    Type of activity: Money transporting
    Description Transporting money from different banks to the SF Mint.
    Link to images: https://imgur.com/a/h3bTnpe

  13. @Lou-2 said in Ghost Triad | Media Archive:

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    RolePlay Title: Car Repair
    Story: I was sitting at the bar drinking by myself. At that time, a woman came up to me. She was attacked by street gangs on his way back from the pizzeria. He said there was nothing wrong with him, but the car he was driving was smashed to pieces. I went to check on the car. The condition of the car was really bad. I decided to call an old friend. She was an expert mechanic. She didn't break my offer and came to me after 5 minutes. She checked the condition of the car. While fleeing with the vehicle, he said that he had caused damage to the engine, that the wheels and the door needed to be changed, and he connected the car to the tow truck. I told him we'd pay him after the cars were repaired. She went by car to his repair shop. When the car is repaired, our friend who was attacked will take delivery of her old car.
    Participants: @zerdust @Rieeria

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  14. @Lou-2 said in Ghost Triad | Media Archive:

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    RolePlay Title: Car
    Story: I was sitting at home with a friend. He's a guy who repairs and modifies cars in the gang. He is also a street racer. When I was talking to him, he told me about a car. According to him, the car was brought from Italy by a rich businessman. The car was a fairly fast and convenient car. He had a large trunk. Thanks to this, we could quickly take the goods wherever we wanted and use the car for street racing. He said we could buy this car, which normally has a market value of $ 6 million, on the black market for 1.5 million. After that, we met with the thief who stole the car to examine the car. He looked like a very rich man. According to him, he was making a lot of money from this theft business. I checked around the car. The car was flawless. We asked him to take us for a test drive and take us to the street. He himself admitted this. We quickly returned to the street. The car was really huge. I gave a check for $750 thousand as a priority. We agreed to pay the rest of the money after 2 months.
    Participants: @Rieeria @zerdust

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  15. alt text
    Roleplay :
    Description: I was doing casual work at our company until our phone rang. I picked up the phone and the local gang called "Ghost Triad" asked us for some legal weapons/stacks.
    We started loading things into our car and waited for the members. They came to our company and took a look at our trucks. Then we made a deal and moved to their base, during that they ensured the safety of the truck. I got to their base and took the money from them.
    Participants: @rieeria @Lou-2 @zerdust (Ghost Triad)
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xWTHW8v

  16. alt text
    Participants: @rieeria
    Disctrict: All districts.
    Shift Period: 26 Minutes.
    Number Of Vehicles: 11 Vehicles.
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    Participants: @rieeria
    Disctrict: All districts.
    Shift Period: 25 Minutes.
    Number Of Vehicles: 8 Vehicles.
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    Participants: @rieeria
    Disctrict: All districts.
    Shift Period: 20 Minutes.
    Number Of Vehicles: 6 Vehicles.
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    Participants: @rieeria
    Disctrict: All districts.
    Shift Period: 45 Minutes.
    Number Of Vehicles: 30 vehicles.
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    Participants: @rieeria
    Disctrict: All districts.
    Shift Period: 41 Minutes.
    Number Of Vehicles: 13 vehicles.
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  17. alt text
    Roleplay :
    Description: We were doing the usual repairs on our cars until one of the MI6 Agents called us in the morning. He was saying that his car was damaged during the accident, he also told us that his tires blew out. I moved to the scene,made a deal and returned to our station. We parked the car on the ramp and started repairing it.
    Participants: @Kaiser1235 ( @Military-Intelligence-Section-6 ) @rieeria
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WQN9IP9

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    Roleplay # 149
    Personal Roleplay # 1
    Participants: @rieeria @Military-Intelligence-Section-6
    Description: I got an emergency call from west of SF. The victim was telling us about the car accident, he also said that he had several injuries. So I answered the call with the ambulance, when I got to the scene I saw that he was in shock. After that, I wrapped some of his cuts with bandages, then took him to the ambulance. I went back to the hospital, took an X-ray of his body. After everything, we did medical treatment as usual.
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ilULyiE
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