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Everything posted by Thundeer

  1. ^[] ^[SRs] ^[] ^[] ^[]
  2. ^[] ^[TURF WAR BEFORE] ^[] ^[TURF WAR AFTER] ^[]
  3. ^[] ^[Srs and Vip] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[]
  4. ^[] ^[Store Robbery] ^[] ^[] ^[]
  5. Ingame name: Jamila710 Username: Thunder Country of Residence and Nationality: tunisia / tunisian Spoken Languages: Arabic / englich / french Age: 15 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 2 or 3 months Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: Thc : i did a solo Br i was new so i got kicked / M : left nicely to join back my friends in ThC Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: Yes, Strong, Lightside, Docpizza
  6. First Part Nickname: darkboy Account Name: YuKi Gender: male Age: 15 Nationality: Tunisian Primary Language: arabe Secondry Language(s): english For how long have you been playing SAES?: 46 hours How many hours have you spent in server? (Use TAB): 46 hours Which G/S/C have you been in? ; Gang Why did you leave (get kicked) from your previous G/S/C?: yeah Have you ever been kicked/banned by any admin? If yes, why?: none What is your motivation to join BBMC? :Because I don't have a gang right now. What can you bring to the gang?: I can help in every activty Did anyone suggest you to apply for BBMC?: yeah its jaster
  7. ^[] ^[JK BR ASSISTANCE] ^[]
  8. ^[] ^[TURF WAR BEFORE] ^[] ^[TURF WAR AFTER] ^[]
  9. Ingame name : darkboy Username : jamila710 Country of Residence and Nationality : Tunisia, Tunisian Spoken Languages : English, Arabic, French Age : 15 years old Date of the beginning of your SAES career : To be honest I created an account since 1 month, I played a bit with my hood mates and I went inactive for some real life reasons and I'm back to play again since 2 days ago Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out : N/A Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who? : Yes, It was LightSide he taught me a lot
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