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Everything posted by Chatti

  1. Username: davey Last login: 27th April 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kpWl9RA
  2. Username: lucky2001 Last login: 6th July 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0T0exz9
  3. Happy Brithday... ::: https://imgur.com/a/rLoC2kT :::
  4. 1.Personal information Nickname : Rami Chatti In game username : Chatti Age : 18 english proficiency : 7/10 Spoken languages : English , arabic , French roleplay skills : 7/10 Previous Organizations you join : N/A 2.Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: Hunting and killing enemies, targets either it was personal, for money also they do kidnapping and torture, robbing and stealing, arms and drugs dealing. Previous punishments/bans and reason: BANNED , Cheating. Why you want to join us : smart player, can do orders even when i think its not right, skilled and experienced player and want to a part of this organization, i'm experienced enough , im an old mta player and i have enough expirience in RPG servers. What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : I do not think there is a special reason to accept me but i have already a gang inreallife so i can share my experiences with you and if you want to see a roleplayer man in the your gang he is me. Maybe after i join wild angles being more fun and more exicitng bankrobs,gangrobs etc. 3.Additional Informations Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us?: Yes i do ,Strong, KayLer, XpooLx, SQuizo etc... What are your weaknesses: nothing What are your strengths: I am a good shooter and driver , I am comprehensive to a limit , I'll help people who need me. Something to add : Nothing.
  5. Missclick...
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