SECTION I : PERSONAL INFORMATION ~[N]~(maroon)ickname: Matrix ~[U]~(maroon)sername: angel06 ~[N]~(maroon)ationality: :macedonia: ~[A]~(maroon)ge: 15 SECTION II - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ~[H]~(maroon)ave you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: Nope ~[P]~(maroon)revious memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): M(ded),Cripz(left)HS(left)O(left)RF(left)M(left)The reason will be explain in game ~[D]~(maroon)id any ~[CDC]~(maroon) member suggest that you should apply? if so, who?: ~[Proton]~(maroon) & ~[Killer]~(maroon) ~[W]~(maroon)hy shall we consider accepting you?: I'll be loyal and because I want to play with my friends in ~[CDC]~(maroon) ~[H]~(maroon)ow will you be benefiting ~[CDC]~(maroon): I'll be active,and as I said I will be loyal ,I can crack,I am also good in Dm and I can rules Important! Post pictures interacting in-game with ~[CDC]~(maroon) members (use a spoiler): [s=~[Click here]]~(maroon)[/s]