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Everything posted by hessan210

  1. ^[] ^[Camels are robbing a store in SF. (17/08/2021)] ::: ^[] :::
  2. ^[] ^[Camels are robbing a store in TR. (16/08/2021)] ::: ^[] :::
  3. ^[] ^[Camels assisting ThC at BR in SF (16/08/2021)] ::: ^[] ::: ^[]
  4. ^[] ^[Camels BR in SF 8/8 (15/08/2021)] ^[] ^[]
  5. ^[] ^[Camels BR in LS 8/8 (13/08/2021)] ^[] ^[]
  6. Your ingame username: hessan210 Your ingame alias: [B~B]Hessan35 Your year of birth: 2003 Your gender: Male Nationality: Afghanistan Country of residence: Germany How long you have been playing SAES: I have been playing since 2013, but I had long breaks. The years when I was really active were 2013 - 2015 - 2016 - 2021. Qualities you can offer: I'm very active. This activity makes me to help people, is a little hobby of mine, I would say. I'm a very determined person, when I enter a group / gang, I do my things right. Of course I' m also aware of my responsibilities, that's why I avoid any arguments or discussions with other players. It's very hard to make me go berserk. With me it' s easy to talk when there are problems, because I always keep a cool head. Moreover, I'm a cautious player who follows every rule as it should be. Of course, I'm not always serious, with me it is easy to laugh and exchange jokes. Situations when I know it will be serious, I stay serious. I know my worth and I still possess great plans in this server. I'm aware of the importance of this recruitment. Several factors that some players aren't aware of. Your weaknesses: I don't know if this is necessarily a weakness, however, I'm sometimes shy. With people I don't know, I sometimes don't know what to say. People in the call, also makes me nervous, however, I try to improve myself and not be ashamed of my way of speaking ( german accent ). Do you have Discord Installed: Yes. Hessan#8194 Reason for application: So as I help a lot of people, over time more people have written to me and advised me to join the next SAES recruitment. I wanted to participate and improve the possibility of helping more people. And since I'm already an old geezer here, I have to express my gratitude to the server. My activity makes it possible and I have very high expectations from myself. Server Memberships: rTech Racer ZIP Worker L.W.S Trusted Member Black ~ Bullets Additional information: Howdy, my name is Hessan and I'm 18 years old. I live in Germany, so in a pretty strong economy, which I'm also proud of. At the moment I attend a business high school, where I will do my high school diploma. Besides school I also go to work of course, where I deal with cars and paperwork. In my spare time I like to watch anime and also manga. In addition, I play very often MTA, which shows my activity, as I mentioned above. Many people know me through my unique and many events. Other than that I'm a normal person where loves to help people or host events for people. I'm a pretty determined person and do the things I need to do right. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Nothing serious, one joke mute from Ardron. Previous (legitimate) bans: -
  7. @JohnnyEnglish All the best! You have earned it, my german friend! @Element Sir, u have more power -> ban @Curny
  8. ^[] ^[Camels assisting JK at BR in TR (14/08/2021)] ::: ^[] ::: ^[]
  9. ^[] ^[Event #81] ^[] ^[Event type: Shitcarshow] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @PaiN500 ] ^[Winner(s): @TioPlay ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/gARgrwY] ^[] ^[Event #82] ^[] ^[Event type: 1v1 Sniper] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Derrick ] ^[Winner(s): @Aveyro ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/GvM867K] ^[] ^[Event #83] ^[] ^[Event type: Knock me off my NRG] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Zero ] ^[Winner(s): @Afufu ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/S8rrTPc] ^[] ^[Event #84] ^[] ^[Event type: SEX] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @PaiN500 ] ^[Winner(s): @YankaTa ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/1jPZYet] ^[] ^[Event #85] ^[] ^[Event type: LMS] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @aoxi ] ^[Winner(s): @Youssef-1 ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/so7gNH3] ^[] ^[Event #86] ^[] ^[Event type: T o F] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @nvidia ] ^[Winner(s): @baphomet ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/VLAkSER] ^[] ^[Event #87] ^[] ^[Event type: Kill the LWS] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @hessan210 ] ^[Winner(s): @Evans ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/WiVedIR] ^[] ^[Event #88] ^[] ^[Event type: SEX] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @aoxi ] ^[Winner(s): @YankaTa ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/etfED44] ^[] ^[Event #89] ^[] ^[Event type: Kill the LWS] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @hessan210 ] ^[Winner(s): @YankaTa ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/n31juMK] ^[] ^[Event #90] ^[] ^[Event type: Kill the LWS] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @hessan210 ] ^[Winner(s): @doom ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/IwLUWon] ^[] ^[Event #91] ^[] ^[Event type: Blindshot] ^[Price: 1 Million $ each 200k ] ^[Hoster(s): @baphomet ] ^[Winner(s): @Filex 's Team ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/nlxjcxK] ^[] ^[Event #92] ^[] ^[Event type: 1v1 Sniper] ^[Price: 10 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Diesel ] ^[Winner(s): @Scarface ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/CnqebN8] ^[] ^[Event #93] ^[] ^[Event type: Kamikaze my car] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Niklaus ] ^[Winner(s): @yamle ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/074MW1o] ^[] ^[Event #94] ^[] ^[Event type: Knock me off my nrg] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Niklaus ] ^[Winner(s): @Angel ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/EzZUwCc] ^[] ^[Event #94] ^[] ^[Event type: Knock me off my nrg] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Niklaus ] ^[Winner(s): @Angel ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/EzZUwCc] ^[] ^[Event #95] ^[] ^[Event type: 1v1 all weps] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Aveyro ] ^[Winner(s): @Niklaus ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/533fUpe] ^[] ^[Event #96] ^[] ^[Event type: Kill the LWS] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @RagnarTN ] ^[Winner(s): @SlapBobs ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/nW6vhqY] ^[] ^[Event #97] ^[] ^[Event type: 1v1 BOX] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Latinoo ] ^[Winner(s): @Aveyro ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/PFyXEID] ^[] ^[Event #98] ^[] ^[Event type: LMS] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Aveyro ] ^[Winner(s): @Youssef-1 ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/Z6l25Iq] ^[] ^[Event #99] ^[] ^[Event type: Lucky Nade] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Aveyro ] ^[Winner(s): @Ovallees ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/AJUNe7P] ^[] ^[Event #100] ^[] ^[Event type: Kill the LWS] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Ahron ] ^[Winner(s): @Versace ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/ZuMbVCk] ^[] ^[Event #101] ^[] ^[Event type: Lucky Nade] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Ahron ] ^[Winner(s): @Wbiss ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/ec9XcFZ] ^[] ^[Event #102] ^[] ^[Event type: Kill the LWS] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Razak ] ^[Winner(s): @Kuby ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/EHnJ8au] ^[] ^[Event #103] ^[] ^[Event type: Kill the LWS] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Niklaus ] ^[Winner(s): @Smurf ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/0T8C3xf] ^[] ^[Event #104] ^[] ^[Event type: Land on my DFT] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @PaiN500 ] ^[Winner(s): @Kok ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/YckDyh4] ^[] ^[Event #105] ^[] ^[Event type: KILL THE LWS] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Judyes ] ^[Winner(s): @Killer ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/8ETrgag] ^[] ^[Event #106] ^[] ^[Event type: KILL THE LWS] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @Derrick ] ^[Winner(s): @GamerZ450 ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/deNzORE] ^[] ^[Event #107] ^[] ^[Event type: First "Paramedic" in MC TOP win] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @LAPD_Spanish_VEN ] ^[Winner(s): @Killer ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/avhBjiL] ^[] ^[Event #108] ^[] ^[Event type: SEX] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @PaiN500 ] ^[Winner(s): @Kok ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/AituS6o] ^[] ^[Event #109] ^[] ^[Event type: Find me!] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @PaiN500 ] ^[Winner(s): @Kok ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/uKYt8RG] ^[] ^[Event #110] ^[] ^[Event type: Kamikaze my car] ^[Price: 1 Million $ ] ^[Hoster(s): @PaiN500 ] ^[Winner(s): @GamerZ450 ] ^[Screen(s): https://imgur.com/a/9Hjpvzc] ^[]
  10. ^[] ^[After Solrac got a building fair through the inactive property request, a specific someone needs to cry again.]
  11. ^[] ^[Camels are robbing a store in LV (10/08/2021)] ::: ^[] :::
  12. ^[] ^[Camels are robbing a store in LV (10/08/2021)] ::: ^[] :::
  13. ^[] ^[Camels assisting O at BR in SF (10/08/2021)] ::: ^[] ::: ^[]
  14. ^[] ^[Camels are robbing a store in SF (09/08/2021)] ::: ^[] :::
  15. ^[] ^[Camels are robbing a store in SF (09/08/2021)] ::: ^[] :::
  16. ^[] ^[Camels assisting O at BR in SF (09/08/2021)] ::: ^[] ::: ^[]
  17. ^[] ^[Camels are robbing a store in TR (09/08/2021)] ::: ^[] :::
  18. Good suggestions from one who uses the function daily. +++
  19. ^[] ^[Camels assisting NavM at BR in SF] ^[] ::: ^[] ::: ^[]
  20. ^[Hereyin gnlnzce olmas dileiyle. Umarm herkes sana hediyeler verir. Tanr seni korumal. HEREY GNLNCE OLSUN.]
  21. ^[] ^[04/08/2021 - Camels taking whole map] ^[] ^[Before:] ^[] ^[After:] ::: ^[] ::: ^[]
  22. Address: Ghosttown Council Building Account name: stonermkd Last seen: 5th July 2021. Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. ^[] ^[Store Robbery - 03/08/2021] ::: ] ::: ^[]
  24. Happy Birthday Gucci :moistpepe:
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