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Everything posted by hessan210

  1. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/29068/inactive-ls
  2. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/29068/inactive-ls
  3. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/29068/inactive-ls
  4. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/29068/inactive-ls
  5. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/29068/inactive-ls
  6. Address: Teabag Teepee #1 Account name: jerome11 Last seen: 29th August 2021 Screenshots: ^[]
  7. @hessan210 said in House Removals: Account name : hessan210 Icon name : Bc Motel Room #12 sorted
  8. Account name : hessan210 Icon name : Bc Motel Room #12
  9. ^[You can reach the bank in 5 seconds.] ^[https://streamable.com/ukanl2] ^[Starting bid: $1.000.000] [s=Screenshots] ^[]] [/s]
  10. Address: Super Ls Electronics Account name: ryadmahsoudi Last seen: 27th August 2021 Screenshots: ^[]
  11. Congratulations. Contact a SAHA agent ingame and claim the property within 48 hours. @Bean
  12. ^[Building #6] ^[] Title: ZIZIPIP-Restaurant Date: 26.09.21 Description: A beautiful restaurant with a view of the sea. Worker(s): @hessan210 X @PaiN500 Code: - [s=Screenshots:] ^[] [/s]
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