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Everything posted by Vexy

  1. Event #141 Event type Last man standing Prize 1000000$ Winner[S] @Z|Elek [s=][/s]
  2. TMH Racers Take On: Noone Type: Raceflag Participants: Enes, @Miltingary @Energizer Location: LS Winner: Enes Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  3. Nickname: 157|Vexy Username: vexy Nationality: Latvian/Finland Age: 16 SECTION II - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: No im not . Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): [Hell Soliders]-Left because my friend called me to GSF, [GSF]- dies, [BloodZ]-Dies, [Lunas]-dies, [CDC]-left to join gt with my friends. Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? if so, who?: Nope Why shall we consider accepting you I dont talk much in Main chats. Im pretty friendly and can work with anyone that is Also I promise show my loyalty to Cdc again.:) How will you be benefiting CDC: Im active every day. I will recruit members to Cdc. Also i will post a activitys. I can help also rp management post roleplays i have always good ideas :) Message for cdc Have you see guys im trying to show myself again to you guys. As i can say i want back to my home and homies. Im very sorry when i left cdc in hard times. Important! Post pictures interacting in-game with CDC members [s=][/s]
  4. HBD VEX
  5. SECTION I - PERSONAL INFORMATION Nickname: 157|Vexy Username: vexy Nationality: / Age: 16 SECTION II - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: No Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): [Hell Soliders]-Left because my friend called me to GSF, [GSF]- dies, [BloodZ]-Dies, [Lunas]-dies, [CDC]-left to join gt with my friends. Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? if so, who?: No Why shall we consider accepting you?: Im a good driver also not bad shooting. Also i dont talk much in Main chats. Im pretty friendly and can work with anyone that is no problem. Also I promise show my loyalty to Cdc. How will you be benefiting CDC: I will make good role-plays. Also Im active every day. I will recruit members to Cdc. Also i will post a activitys. Apologize message To [CDC MEMBERS] Hello guys yesterday i left Gt to join back to my old family. Yeah guys u was very dumb when i left cdc. Im very sorry for that move that will not happen again. When i joined Gt i was a wrong because there was not the same things as in Cdc. Always we speak with cdc members in voice and we had a fun times. So guys i want back in cdc and had a old times what we had. I promise to you all i will not left Cdc again. I know someone of you guys are very mad to me. Im very sorry that will not happening again thanks for understanding. Important! Post pictures interacting in-game with CDC members [s=][/s]
  6. Section 1 - Non-RP Information Nickname: [G~T]Vexy Username: Vexy Old nickname/Other nicknames used in-game: All the time same Vexy-Sexy Age: 16 Gender: Male Current Gang/Squad: Ghost Triad- [G~T] Previous Gangs/Squads (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): [HS] -Left, [GSF]-Closed,[BloodZ]-Closed,[Lunas]-Closed,[CDC]-Left to join GT with my friends. How long have you been a member of your current Gang/Squad and what is your current rank? GT- 2months [Recruit Manager] Current groups: TMH,ALT Previous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): - Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you receive them: Punishment - Car dm. I was coming in saes for troll and didnt know the rules from start when i was a new player. Tell us something about yourself: Im a boy living in Finland. Im a firefighter in real life, also i like play basketball in my free time. Section 2 - Questions Do you understand that you will be given a couple of firefighting lessons/instructions before joining Fire Department? Yes i understand that. I have a lot of knowledge in firefighting things. What is your goal within the Fire Department? My goal in fire department is got a new friends and make some roleplays with members. Are you ready to be active daily and post activities in the media archive regularly? Yes im ready im active every day and can also post in media. Section 3 - Detailed Profile What are your strengths? I have a knowledge with fire fighter things. Im active,friendly, will not be released,listening other guys. What are your weaknesses? Dont like if someone insults me. Why do you want to join the SAFD? Help in activity,get new friends, and have nice time in. What specialization would you like to learn within the Fire Department? For now i dont acctualy know maybe make good roleplays. Applicant's signature: mcetg Date: 5/3/2022
  7. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30352/title-donation-point-balance-cdc-sexy?_=1642714371436 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 2 Months ago ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Statrum,jester,savanna Location: snobel street Interior: my one house i want inteior i didnt added when i donated i guess now its time to get that ID-22
  8. > Type of activity: Trucking > Date: 30/03/2022 > Participants: @Vexy > Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  9. > Type of activity: Trucking > Date: 30/03/2022 > Participants: @Vexy > Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  10. Type of activity: Delivery Date: 30/03/2022 Participants: @Vexy Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  11. bye bro
  12. TMH Technicians Working on: 20/3/2022 TMH Technicians Involved: vexy Location: LVX Estimated Duration of Working: 5mins Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 2+ Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  13. TMH Technicians Working on: 20/3/2022 TMH Technicians Involved: @CeSaR. Location: LVX Estimated Duration of Working: 25 mins Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 5+ Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  14. TMH Technicians Working on: 17/3/2022 TMH Technicians Involved: @Senpai-1 Location: LVX Estimated Duration of Working: 15 mins Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 2+ Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  15. Activity: SRS Date: 14/03/2022 ScreenShots: [s=][/s]
  16. Activity: SR Date: 1/03/2022 ScreenShots: [s=][/s]
  17. Event: #78 Event type: LMS Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS Helper(s): @Colo Winner(s): @MilkySky ScreenShots: [s=][/s]
  18. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30352/title-donation-point-balance-cdc-sexy?_=1642714371436 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 20januray 2022 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Super Gt,statrum Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) CDC BASE Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: super gt,statrum Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) vexy house near cdc base Username: (YOUR USERNAME ONLY, USE ./DVM FOR ANY ADDITIONAL USERNAMES) vexy Interior: N/A
  19. Activity: SR Date: 26/02/2022 Screenshot(s):
  20. RolePlay Number: 40 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital @MilkySky @Lerov99 @Senpai-1 RolePlay Story: One day Mr Cranck called me and asked ''Hello do you need a tec-9 for 2000$ dollars?" I answered ''yes for sure i need that gun'' They meet at Los Santos Airiport At 18:00 A clock. Mr Cranck has a white plane he is from Mexsico and real drugs,guns dealer of Usa and Canada. We meet this time is here we shakeed a hands with him and had a deal. He sayed to me i will call you again i have a more guns and drugs to deal to Usa. He asked me to be to hes Dealer i thinking a bit and sayd 'yes'' He gives to me a One of ballas hood member number. I called him and we meet at Balla hood. I gived to him a gun and sayd 'bye''. [s=][/s]
  21. RolePlay Number: 36 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital @Senpai-1 @Valmet RolePlay Story: One day me and comando da capital gang boys take a decision to rob atm near in Los Santos airiport. Girl saying "lets get on work boys'' Comando gang members jumped in cars and was in way to atm. Girl saying ''get that bat and hit to that atm so we can open that, boys take that fucking money girl was saying'' Money was takeed from atm and comando was in Sweet Ls tunnel. [s=][/s]
  22. RolePlay Number: #30 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital @MilkySky @Lerov99 RolePlay Story: One day we understand that we dont have very much money. We was thinking how we can get a money then i had a good idea "boys lets rob a pizza shop" boys answer "good idea". We tolerated a lowrider and we was going to a pizza shop"go go go hands up Jesse take that fucking money'' Pizza boy answer ''guys pls dont kill me'' Comando gang member says ''shut the fuck up or we will kill you''. Comando de capital was gone after five mins in ground car park. [s=][/s]
  23. Activity: SR Date: 22/02/2022 ScreenShots: [s=][/s]
  24. Activity: HS BR Date: 07/02/2022 ScreenShots: [s=][/s]
  25. > Activity: SR > Date: 4/02/2022 > ScreenShots: [s=][/s]
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