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Everything posted by Dzeko

  1. I, furki5454, agree with the above contract and the mentionned conditions
  2. Date of Activity : 14.01.2021 Activity : Patrol Involved Members : @Camuraii @Zodgrim @Negan1498 @TaraKudo @Deev Screenshots:
  3. Title : Betray of loyalilty Date of Roleplay : 13.01.2021 Characters :@Negan1498 @Troones @dzeko Storyline : In this roleplay, treason will be both displayed and mentioned on MIT organisation. There is one strict leader called bayezid, and this roleplay is going to explain how MIT overcame all trouble is hard to be solved. Traitor is selim whose level is 6, and there is one member called hikmet whose level is 3. Despite fact that hikmets level is less, he has got more talent to figure sometings out. And selim knows it, so he seems innocent guy on leaders eyes! ::: Everyhing was seeming like normal but no one knew that everyhing started to change because of traitor selim! He was planing how to behave when all of them hear the problem! As soon as bayezid heard of blame on MIT, he got angry all of a sudden and he wanted to talk to all members! He is questioning two most important members! And they talk about how to solve this problem but even though he did not say the problem, selim blurted trouble out suddenly. And leader suspected selim if he has one action regarding it or not. They started to fight all of a sudden and leader wanted all of two to stop. He explains what to be done on it, and he releases all to go but none of them know that leader put GPS in their pocket! Hikmet and leader bayezid attempt to follow selims every step to find the files which was stolen. ![alt metni](They set off to understand where he goes.) Selim goes towards boat to escape from UK. They rush towards selim. They shoot selim while trying to escape but he could not do it and MIT members arrest him! And they take him to mit base and they decide to kill him, not arrest, and punishment is that everyone kills him in front of everyone! :::
  4. Starting price: 8.000.000$ -near 2 sr -Big property for a possible level 2/3 gang to map a base on -have 2 icon
  5. Date of Activity : 10.01.2021 Activity : sr,patrol,vip Involved Members :@Hunter-666 @TaraKudo @Negan1498 @Troones @M9co1337 @Damcek Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Date of Activity : 09.01.2021 Activity : sr,stopped br Involved Members : @GamerZ450 @TaraKudo @Troones @M9co1337 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Date of Activity : 07.01.2021 Activity : sr,vip Involved Members : @TaraKudo @Negan1498 @Troones Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Title : Mt member Dzeko was kidnapped Date of Roleplay : 07.01.2021 Characters : @Negan1498 @Troones Storyline : ::: Dzeko woke up one fine morning, got up from his bed and did his personal cleaning. Dzeko was going to work overtime. He left his home at 05:00 and started the car and headed for the MIT headquarters. On the road he turned on the radio and listened to the music. Dzeko immediately pulled the car over, and quickly got out of the car. Dzeko rushed towards the man and leaned over, checked his pulse, was pulsing. The man was conscious. Dzeko said wait to the man. Dzeko turned to the car. The man was lying on the ground. Dzeko took the radio from the car and announced it to the Mt headquarters. The approval came from the Mit headquarters and asked if you need support. Dzeko said I'll take care of it. San Andreas called emergency. Dzeko stood beside him until the emergency team arrived. He was okay. Dzeko picked him up and stood. When Dzeko saw the man's condition well, he wanted to take his statement to keep a report. Dzeko turned to the car and started looking for the documents in the luggage. Michael made the accident. Michael was worried when he heard the report being written, because Michael was a very famous and successful drug trafficker. Michael put his hand on his neck. He started thinking. Dzeko summoned him to him and had an idea. Michael went after him and took out the gun he had taken from his car. Then he hit Dzeko's head and knocked him down. Michael carried him to his crashed car. The car was running. Michael was driving. He was driving it into a forest. Michael had a minor bleeding. They came to the woods. Michael stole everything from him. Michael threw him from the car. He drew the gun. He fired at Dzeko. Dzeko was shot in the side of his heart. After Michael shot him, he got into the car and quickly drove away. Dzeko was lying on the ground in pain. When the Mt headquarters Dzeko did not respond to the radios, they realized that there was a mishap. They immediately went to the private room. Each Mt member has a hidden chip in her pants.In this way, Dzeko's location was determined. And the coordinates were sent from the computer to all teams. Negan, who was successful in search and rescue activities, was immediately sent to duty. He found Negan Dzeko and immediately gave emergency assistance. He put Negan Dzeko on the helicopter and they set out. The helicopter reached the headquarters, the headquarters doctor Troones waving. They put Dzeko into the ambulance, and Dzeko was on his way to the military hospital. Dzeko recovered after 2 weeks and was discharged from the hospital. He went to the headquarters and the Mt members greeted him.Dzeko drew the picture of the criminal on the computer. To be continued To be continued To be continued :::
  9. ::: Participants: @SlapBobs History: It was a sunny day. Dzeko got up early to feed his poor family and went to the all load trucking company. It was delivered. He got on the Dzeko truck and set out to pick up the trailer. A woman was waving when she got to Los santosa. He seemed to need help. Dzeko pulled his truck to the right and went over to him for help. The woman was crying. He said he needed help. The car's wheels burst. Dzeko agreed and went home. They entered the house. Then the woman took Dzeko to her bedroom and pushed it to the bed. Dzeko fell to bed and they started having sex. Dzeko was satisfied, then the woman drank and drank coffee. Coffee contained sleeping pills. Dzeko fainted suddenly in bed. He stole $ 5000. This woman was a swindler wanted by the MIT. When Dzeko woke up he noticed everything but it didn't work. :::
  10. happy birthday element
  11. Participants:@Negan1498 History: ::: It was a sunny day. Dzeko got up early in the morning and went to work. All Freight Transport went to the firm and took delivery of the truck. He was given a lot of money for this job. He was surprised. Then he set out to pick up his trailer. He took the trailer and set off. The company owner warned him not to leave the main road. they said go the desert road. Dzeko turned on the music in the car and quietly continued on his way. Then, while on the way, he suddenly entered the MIT police control. The officer asked him to extract the documents. Dzeko handed the documents and checked the police. Then the police searched the dzekon and put on the handcuffs. Dzeko asked him what happened. Police told him he was carrying illegal motorcycles and arrested him. Then he went to the Mt office. he went to jail. :::
  12. Date of Activity : 05.01.2021 Activity : stopped br, sr Involved Members : @Troones @Negan1498 Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Date of Activity : 04.01.2021 Activity : 2 stopped br,sr Involved Members : @Negan1498 @Troones Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Date of Activity : 03.01.2021 Activity : 3 STOPPED BR,vip Involved Members : @Troones Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Date of Activity : 02.01.2021 Activity : sr,br Involved Members : @Hunter-666 @Troones Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. @dzeko said in Inactive in sf: Address: 28 north street Account name:princemj Last seen: 01.12.2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Address: 28 north street Account name:princemj Last seen: 01.12.2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. Date of Activity : 29.12.2020 Activity : sr,vip Involved Members : @PoLaT @Sollozzo @Troones Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. Date of Activity : 28.12.2020 Activity : vip,sr,patrol Involved Members : @Troones @Negan1498 @Sollozzo @b4tuke Screenshots: ::: :::
  20. Address: 4 juniper Slope Account name: ngas Last seen: 06.09.2020 Screenshots:
  21. Address: appartment block 186 Account name: berkanplb Last seen: 10.11.2020 Screenshots:
  22. Date of Activity : 27.12.2020 Activity : br Involved Members : @Troones @PoLaT @Sollozzo Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. Date of Event : 28.12.2020 Event Type : LMS LWS/G6 : @Colo Prize : 1 million Winner : ButcheR Screenshots : ::: :::
  24. Date of Activity : 26.12.2020 Activity : patrol (trainee training) Involved Members : @Troones @Sollozzo Screenshots: ::: :::
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