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Everything posted by Loka

  1. Garden Construction_number:1 Number of objects:100 objects Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing):N/A Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/gallery/Zf1UEfh
  2. Welcome to official portfulio for Loka In-game name: Loka Account name: dhia555 Rank: Worker
  3. RaceFlag -21/12/23- #977 Screnshot :
  4. Address: 1 Steephil Street Account name: y0mees Last seen: 17 November 2023 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/VqFT3qi.png
  5. Race -15/12/23- #971
  6. Race -15/12/23- #970
  7. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: SGT Location: (VVZ BASE Interior: sticker_1 ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Picador Location: HRMC BASE ( Los Santos Close to Hospital ) Username: dhia555 Interior: sticker_1
  8. Racing- 17/11/23 - #666
  9. Racing- 17/11/23 - #665
  10. Address: Appartment Block 168 Account name: goldenkruger Last seen: 26 april 2023 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/gallery/s6s3p8N
  11. Date: 25/10/2023 Event Type: Rhino Shooter Price: 1.000.000 LWS: @Judy Winner(s): @copi Screenshot(s):
  12. Date: 25/10/2023 Activity: HR Screenshot(s):
  13. SR [#292] 14/09/2023
  14. Marathon[#156] - 15/09/2023 Winner(s): @Csusza
  15. Fallout [#155] - 05/09/2023 Winner(s): @[thc]Nuke
  16. SR [#291] 14/09/2023
  17. Assisting Thc BR [#290] 13/09/2023 o n
  18. CR [#289] 13/09/2023
  19. Turfwar [#77] - 14/09/2023
  20. Turfwar [#76] - 14/09/2023
  21. SR [#288] 13/09/2023
  22. Bankrob - LV - 6/8 [#20] - 12/09/2023
  23. SR [#287] 12/09/2023
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