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  1. Vehicle ID: 561 Wrap access: bosniapower Type of wrap: Custom (£10, can follow a template) Thread for reward change: Link your donation or reward change thread requesting this wrap. If left blank and a test is requested, the test may take a while to process, as you have no donation to request rewards for. Wrap image: Translations: (if custom wrap) N/A.
  2. Application Type: CS Your ingame username: bosniapower Your ingame alias: Bosnian Your real name: Samir Your DOB: 11/06/99 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Bosnian/Dutch Country of residence: The Netherlands Language skills: I know three languages those are: Dutch, English and Bosnian. My main language is dutch, while my english is a close second. English Proficiency: I speak english very fluently and I would give myself a 8/10 for it. How long you have been playing: I have been playing since october 2020. That's around 3 and a half years. Your strengths: My strengths are that i'm mature, skilled and being helpfull. I love giving tips to new coming players, so that they don't get any punishments and can enjoy the server without any problems. I'm known for leading wars for my current gang and the previous two. Further i'm just a active guy that wants to help anyone that needs it. Your weaknesses: I could only name one weakness and that is for some people being annoying and wants to make problems. The last couple of years I have learn to control my temper and that it doesn't get escalated. Now i'm mostly laughing it off or just ignoring it. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: What I stated before is that I wanna help out people when needed and that they can enjoy the server without any problems. While being active ingame and on Discord, I will sure you that I can make a difference about it. Unique qualities you can offer: While playing SAES around 3 and a half years now. I have shown my constantly activity over the years and in many activities, such as: SR, VIP, JB, BR and gang wars. Now trying out the next step by helping out players in need and making a fair/balance gaming environment to everyone. Last thing is that I have been playing as cop sometimes on the sideline to see their view too on some situations, so that I know both sides of their views (cirminal/cop) and that makes it easier to solve the problems and to understand them. Server Memberships: Santucci Mob [SM] - HQ Additional information: My real life name is Samir and born in the Netherlands. I have a own Security company for securing and helping out refugees in the Netherlands, that come from war areas in Syria and Ukraine. In my daily life I love hanging out with friends doing activities and playing games in my free time. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I got 1 aj I believe early 2021, while I was using my own base marker in the meantime getting chased by cops. Previous (legitimate) bans: None.
  3. May Allah guide you and your mother to jannah. 🤲
  4. Starting bid : 1.000.000$ Minimum bid increase: 1.000.000$ Screenshot :
  5. This is an automated post for: Bosnian Donation: GBP 20.00 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Stratum with wrap (bosniapower_1) Usernames to lock: bosniapower Where you want it placed: SM base
  6. Address: 7 Radioview Road Account name: pedrod Last seen: 10th december 2023 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/bop246Q
  7. Turfwar 15-09-2022 TR/BC Before: After:
  8. Turfwar 15-09-2022 SF/TR/BC Before: After:
  9. Turfwar 08-09-2022 LS/SF Before: After:
  10. Turfwar 07-09-2022 SF Before: After:
  11. It was a short, but good and fun time having you guys on our side. Good luck further in life! Rest in peace.
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