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SAES Group Manager
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Everything posted by Yoko

  1. Money rewarded, cars placed. Thanks for donating!
  2. Money rewarded. Ty for donating!
  3. Contact an admin in-game when the warp is live, that should be 24 hours after Tut uploads the wrap.
  4. Vehicle ID: 519 Wrap access: officialjosuea Type of wrap: Custom Thread for reward change: N/A Wrap image:
  5. Money rewarded. Vehicles placed. Wrap will be requested soon. Sorted. Thanks for donating!
  6. Archiving as per the above.
  7. Archiving as per the above.
  8. This has been sorted already.
  9. This was sorted already.
  10. This was sorted already.
  11. This was sorted already.
  12. Sorted. Note: Shamal, NRGs had to be placed slightly differently as per the current amount of vehicles in B~B's base.
  13. Money rewarded. Sorted. Thanks for donating!
  14. Sorted. Next time make sure to edit the topic first and then contact an admin. Otherwise sorting the donation takes too long.
  15. No, I lost count lol, it should be added as a new one, I guess officialjosuea_12. Ty for double checking 😅
  16. Vehicle ID: 411 Wrap access: officialjosuea Type of wrap: Custom Thread for reward change: N/A Wrap image:
  17. It’s heartbreaking to see someone we know pass away, specially under that circumstances. R.I.P
  18. Done.
  19. Sorted.
  20. Sorted.
  21. Sorted.
  22. Thanks!
  23. I updated the image links, so I guess you used the first link I posted
  24. @Tut Can you update the wraps in-game to the current ones. It was uploaded with the previous images.
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