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SAES Group Manager
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Everything posted by Yoko

  1. Current Recruitment Status: CLOSED To join the organization, head to the link below and create a topic for your application with the format in the pinned topic. OUTBREAK HQ
  2. General Information This is a Criminal Organization What is OutBreak? OutBreak was one of the most respected organizations around back in 2014, however due to government's decisions and strikes, the organization lost members until it disappeared, yet their spirit still around and has waken... Our main work is not to dm, we are an organization that its role is Kidnap and assault trucks, do Jail break, but with extreme precision and organization, and yeah, if we are wanted, we will strike the police down if it's needed. We are not a random group that makes dm around, everything we do, is in order to have fun, not to fight or find problems. - Information you should know. New Rookie members will need to prove themselves towards the organization once they join, by hosting events, attending to activities such as Roleplays and Organized Jailbreaks. - How do you join? We have 2 type of recruitment process at the moment, either by application where you apply via forums or we can also invite you to the group if you prove yourself a trusted and qualified member. First of all you should try to join our main discord channel DISCORD before anything. Here's our Media Archive check it out You can find our main topic here Any questions you can go ahead and ask any HQ member. OUTBREAK HQ
  3. @Iheb-sa The recruitment is closed atm, therefore the application is denied.
  4. Address: Bud barkleys House Starting Bid: 2m Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. @Siirtuga good luck
  6. 10m Bid has been cancelled on user's request.
  7. -69- Event Type: LMS Sniper Only. Location: North East LV Price: ~[$3,000,000]~(green) Screenshots: ~[Thanks to our members.]~(511B1B)
  8. -68- Event Type: Arrest The Target Location: @Jefferson Motel Price: ~[$10,000,000]~(green) Screenshots:
  9. Hi there gents, we appreciate the interest you guys show to apply for our organization, the three applications are pretty decent, and we're looking forward to see you more ingame and meet our members so that we can make a final decision, for now @Reus @RadiO @RocketLuncher and @Bernasx consider yourself ~[under review]~(orange). Good luck !
  10. Event : Arrest event at @LS Park. Prize: ~[$15.000.000]~(green) Winner(s): [FOX]Alex Hoster: @Bartman @Gal @yoko_Kurama Screens :
  11. @Beckham and @Brondy Your applications are ~[under review]~(orange,orange), stick close with our members so they can know you better and you get alone with them, aside from that, your applications are decent, remember you have 1 shot only don't miss it, good luck ;)
  12. @Pok and @Sanya decent applications overall, you both are really quiet, still though always show maturity and willingness to help us, you guys are ~[under review]~(orange) for the time being. Good luck !!
  13. Good afternoon. @Kim Thank you for applying for ~[Outbreak]~(312020), we appreciate your interest, your application is a decent one, please join our discord and show us what are you made of, for now consider yourself ~[Under review]~(orange). @JaKeL and @Judyes you will be answered shortly. The topic has been updated as well. ~[Outbreak HQ]~(312020)
  14. Event : Colt 45 1v1 Prize: $2.500.000 Winner(s): @Fugitive Hoster: ~[Arms Assassins]~(99004d) Helper Lws/G6: @Yoko_kurama Screens : ::: :::
  15. ~[AA ]~(99004d) Activity activity today ~[First]~(99004d) Bank rob ~[Second]~(99004d) Bank rob
  16. ~[AA ]~(99004d) Activity late at night
  17. ~[AA ]~(99004d) Turfing ~[AA FTW]~(99004d) @Gal @Troyano @yoko_kurama @Licano @Rubik @Will @Hoodie @Mr-Gucci @Kybali0n @Elite Here's Pics of our activity plus, taking the whole map. ::: ::: Here's the poem Kyba:
  18. ~[AA ]~(99004d) Turfing ~[AA FTW]~(99004d) @Gal @Avengr @yoko_kurama ~[Alphadet187]~(orange) @Snowyyy @Licano @Rubik @Mr-Stark @Will @master @Hoodie @Bartman Here's Pics of our activity plus, taking the whole map. ::: :::
  19. Good morning people, thank you for applying for ~[Outbreak]~(3a2020) we appriciate your interest, just wanted to make sure you guys are aware we're reviewing the applications and, also giving you time to show us your efforts in activity. Thanks for being patient, an HQ will be posting results regarding your behavior soon, so stay tuned. @PewD @Nav @Judyes @RadiO @Jude-Obiasca @TheNew123 @xDarkMan @Beckham @Filex @Pedro0 @JaKeL @XpookS @Reus Consider yourself ~[Under Review]~(orange) for now, and show us what you got. ~[HQs]~(3a2020) will answer applications soon.
  20. Event : Colt 45 1v1 Prize: $1.000.000 Winner(s): @batya Hoster: ~[Arms Assassins]~(99004d) Helper Lws/G6: @Yoko_kurama Screens : ::: :::
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