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SAES Group Manager
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Yoko last won the day on November 5

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  1. Lightning World Sports Greetings gents. The L.W.S. HQ team have decided it's time to OPEN our recruitment. As always recruitment process is focused more on the applicant(s) effort and dedication, building, ability to focus, creativity, and lastly adequacy for the job, business as usual. Alongside the basic application format which is posted below will be a shortlist of 'x' number of applicants. These shortlisted applicants will then be tested by L.W.S. HQ. Be advised our recruitment application process will end on December 25th, during this time, you may edit your application. NOTE: The LWS HQ team reserves the right to deny or remove any applicant from the application process at any time. This can happen for many reasons, and LWS HQ will not have to explain their reasoning to applicants should this happen. Here's some examples of why your application may be removed/denied: If you are caught plagiarizing another applicant's app, or event links you will automatically be removed from the application process. Overall behavior and suitability for the spawn, it's access and features. General attitude towards community will be an important factor. L.W.S Former Members are not required to open an event topic. Those who want to apply must: Have been playing on the server for over a year or more. We will focus on in-game activity for the last months. Minimal reports the last 6 months. Be mature and responsible enough to take on the role. Have done a minimum of 30 to 80 events through the course of 2023 - 2024. <- We take this a lot into consideration. Must join our LWS Discord server: https://discord.gg/u6jNacw Application format: In-game Name: Account username: Age: Joined the server on (Date): Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships: Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": Explain why you want to join L.W.S: Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member: State something briefly about yourself: Failing the application format will get you instantly denied. Have any questions regarding the recruitment? Feel free to open a ticket on L.W.S.' discord: https://discord.gg/u6jNacw Good luck! Exclusivity, Quality and Fun! L.W.S. HQ Management President: SAES>Yoko Vice President: Colobria HQs: Brondy, Ava Supervisor: nCov Best regards, L.W.S President.
  2. Vehicles sorted. Money rewarded. Ty for donating!
  3. The SAHA auction rules apply for this auction. Don't fake Bid, you will be fined 25% of the bids that you fail to provide. Increase the previous bid by at least 10% OR $1,000,000 Failure to claim property within 48 hours will lose your rights to the property and fines and punishments will be applied. To prevent bid sniping the auction will be extended by 12 hours and will keep on extending till no bids appear. The Auction will end after 5 days at the same hour or after 48 hours from last bid placed. Whichever comes first. Property Address: San Fierro Airport Corp Property Location: San Fierro Owner: SAES>Yoko Property Perks: 200k daily income Min bid Increase: $1.000.000 Screenshots: Starting bid: $100.000.000
  4. Archiving as per ^. Sorted by Terry.
  5. Sorted. Note: Vehicle 2: Cheetah Location: LV X, Ed Sheeran Store Username: hamapro ^ Has been placed in the Four Dragon Casino.
  6. Looks like this was sorted. If otherwise let me know in-game or request another reward change.
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