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Posts posted by DAIn

  1. alt text
    @Lucifer said in Peaky Blinders Media Archive:

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    Date of the Role-Play: 09/01/2020
    Location: Peaky Blinders Pub
    After a hard day of work setting down their new pub, Arthur called 3 of his means to go drink some whiskey , relax and share some laugs. Few hours later, and Officer from the FBI entered in the Pub aiming at them, and asking them to get on their knees. Meanwhile a @Skomorje that was outside saw through the window Arthur ( @Arma ) on his knees and a FBI agent. He took his gun and entered really slowly without making any noise, so the copper wouldnt notice him. While the Officer was showing off, saying that he arrested the famous Peaky Blinders on his own, the Skomorje was behind him with a loaded gun aiming on his head. ''I don't fooking think that it's a good idea Officer.'' Arthur said with a small smile on his face. ''What so funny Mr.Shelby?'' said the Officer. ''This.'' said Skomorje with a gun pointed on the Officer Head. The cop dropped his gun, Arthur reached his gun and shoot the cop. Blood was all over the floor, we took his corpse, loaded him in a black car, and drove to the sea. They went on top of the foothpath boardwalk with the cop dead body. And threw it down in the sea where no one will find him.
    And that was the first Peaky Blinder's Murder.

    Screens: https://imgur.com/a/GCk5Vd4
    Attendants:[FBI] @Reus

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    Event #(99)
    Type of event: Attackers vs defenders
    Prize: 200.000$ each * 13
    LWS/G6 Helper(s): @KARIM
    Winner(s): @greed @Garcia1999 @Killer @laminee @M7mDGr7 @Pump more ..
    Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/LA3ls7o
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