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Posts posted by madrazo

  1. Name: madrazo
    Username: creptiz
    Rank before kick/leave: I left SAPA 2 times, 1st i was 3rd cadet when it was official squad, 2nd time i was 4th cadet
    Do you have PC: No, I don't have it
    How long have you been in sapa: In the first time i spent about 3 or 4 weeks, in the 2nd time I Didn't last for a long time
    Who kicked you: No one kicked me
    Date of kick/leave: I dont remember exactly that was a long time ago
    Reason for kick/leave: Well, In the 1st time there was instructors inactivity and i couldn't complete my lessons so i left, and in the 2nd time i had some internal problems so i couldn't last more in sapa
    What happened from your side/why did you leave? : At the 1st time there was some instructors inactivity and as it was offfical squad and for sapa rules i shouldn't leave base alone other side there was no one responding on my patrol calls from other squads and i was wasting my time inside base
    Why do you want back in? : Well,i have intent to get the PC this time because i tried hard in the last times
    What have you learned from this? : I learned to not make a fast dicitions
    Who do you want to apologize to? : I would like to apologize to whole SAPA HQ team for what i did and i hope the HQ majority give me another chance
    Why should we give you a second chance?: I think i didn't get fairly chance at first time and am glad to get another chance from HQ team

  2. SECTION 1

    Name: mostfa islam ali
    In-game name: madrazo
    Age: 16
    Sex: Male
    English proficiency: 7/10
    Native language: Arabic
    Other language(s): English and a little french
    Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: no, I dont have it
    When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: Since 2017
    Total gameplay (hours): it was 1289 last time i checked
    Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): 2 hours daily
    Average FPS: 40-60
    Average ping: 90-100
    Previous organizations and reasons for leaving: CripZx2, SAPA, TST, B~B
    1-CripZx1: I left for internal and lvl problems
    2-SAPA: there was instructors inactivity, and i felt am wasting my time there
    3-TST: I didn't really enjoy the squad as i felt boring from copside that time
    4-CripZx2: i thought that the gang is changed, but when i joined i found same shits, same shitty members and same boring situation so i decided to leave
    5-B~B: it was the best organization i have joined but by time i got bored from crim side
    Are you active user of Discord?: yes, am active daily on discord
    A. Define our role (FOX) FOX is an organization which is created to protect all san andreas people and perform justice all over saes, and to stop the dangerous terrorist threats
    B. Define marker arrest: it is defined as arresting people in the moment they enter/leave the marker zone without giving them a chance to leave the marker area
    C. Minimum arresting level: 10 wanted level
    D. Point out and define 4 major server rules:
    1-deathmatch is not allowed
    2-parker kill/arrest is not allowed
    3- speaking non-English in mainchat is not allowed
    4- marker kill/arrest is not allowed
    E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: because it is the role of the server also it shows respect to other players

    I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: well, am mostafa, I love playing video games, trolling people, I would like always to be clear to others, and i like living in peace
    II: Write your strengths and weaknesses: strengths are shooting, Flying, parachuting
    weakness are lagging and some times I face some fps drop so i don't show my best performance
    III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: well, FOX is one of the best squads that i knew, also i have many friends inside and they all good people and the perform a good family
    IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: well, i see that i have some good skills I could prove them and I can always prove my loyalty to my commanders and other people
    V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: all what i want to say thank y for reading my application, and ofc after my apologisations for what happened in the past, I would like to give FOX another try

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