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Everything posted by TITCH

  1. Assisting on Bank Robbery - 29/01/2021 ::: :::
  2. Assisting on Bank Robberies - 20/01/2021 ::: :::
  3. Store Robberies - 20/01/2021 ::: :::
  4. Event type: chicken nader Event prize: ~[$1000000]~(lime,green) Winners: Avanger Lws/G6: @Trevor Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Store Robbery 19/01/2021 ::: :::
  6. Vip - 19/01/2021 ::: :::
  7. Event type: LMS Event prize: ~[$2.000.000]~(lime,green) Winners: @Disaster Lws/G6: @Laggiaze Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Event type: LMS Event prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(lime) Winners: @Candy Lws/G6: @Trevor Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Store Robbery 14/01/2021 ::: :::
  10. Event type: Chicken Nader Event prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(lime,green) Winners: @Klay Lws/G6: @Colobria Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Address: Bc Motel room #10 Account name: amrwesy Last seen: 31st october 2020 Screenshots:
  12. Event type: Dildo All vs All Event prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(lime,green) Winners: doom Lws/G6: @Solrac Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Event type: Rhino Shooter Event prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(lime) Winners: @222 Lws/G6: @Solrac Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Event type: Event prize: ~[$2.000.000]~(lime) Winners: Zero ,Ntruder ,VenusX ,ka0z ,silalius ,Ban, kadimperver Lws/G6: @KARIM Screenshots: ::: ::: ::: :::
  15. TITCH


    In-game name: TITCH Account name: TITCH Current gang: The outfit Current groups: SDO How long have you been playing in SAES?: 4months How active are you in SAES?: 8h hours per day Why do you wish to join the Chaos Society?: Well .. firstly i'm active player and i have a good knowledge about our server .. i got many skills from my current gang .. i can be useful and i liked this group so much .. he has a good concept & Role .. and i wanna be part to help and pushing for being the best
  16. :Personal Information:- Real name: Omar In-Game name: TITCH Account name: TITCH Age: 20 What is your gender?: Male Nationality: Tunisian English knowledge (1-10): 10 Timezone:+1 How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG ?: 4months How active are you on SAES:RPG ?: 4-7h per day Describe yourself with one word: Professionnel Tell us about you're self (Minium 100 words): Hi my name is omar tayech a tunisian who had 20 years old living in sousse ,tunisia, i study in a universite of management and i wish that i become a comercial director in a famous company and earn much money in the future hahahaha , i am a basketball fan and i play this sport on my free time and i am a big fan of derrick Rose , my favourite tabac is "leger",my favourite football team is real madrid ... besides this there is no thing interesting about my life , Ahhh!! i forgot i wanna leave this shityyy country as soon as possible!!!!! Write backstory for skydiver character: The 29 december 2016 , Kai packed his own parachute. He could just about do it with his eyes shut: straighten the lines, roll the canopy, fold in the outside, press out the excess air, then crease it into a package and carefully place the fabric in the deployment bag. That was for solo jumps, though. Leading sky dives was different. The were , the pressure was so great to move one load of customers after another, that instructors rarely packed their own chutes. :SDO Knowledge: - What do you know about SDO?: an old & unique group have special & skilled members ! Have you applied to join SDO before ?: No! Have you ever participated in Sky-Diving activity With our Organization?:Yes and it was very wonderful experience What's our Moto? : "If at first you dont succeed SKYDIVING is not for you" Flying Skills (0/10)?: 7 Driving skills (0/10)?: 7 How you Describe the lack of RolePlaying nowadays in our Server?: i can describe the Rp : acting like real life exactly .. and i don't have any idea about the lack ! its not my business .. How you can fit the organization if you become a part of us?: i liked the SDO 's concept & role & activity so i can be usefu .. i'm active player and i can help a lot with my skills . :Server Memberships: - Your current gang/squad/company: The OUTFIT What are your currently server groups?: N/A Have you been kicked/banned before from SAES:RPG (If yes, details please): N/A Have you read and understood the rules in F1?: Yes Describe with your own words SAES:RPG?: this server is my second hood ! i i think this sentence is totally enough to describe SAES .. really i found my comfort
  17. Event type: Lucky Tube Event prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green) Winners: @jojo.miboun Lws/G6: MrSolrac Screenshots: https://imgur.com/4vKh6Qv https://imgur.com/a/hnZ5HG5
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