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Everything posted by alperens

  1. Activity number: 44 Date: 24.04.2021 Information: Patrolling and Repairing with @Hetler and @Anas_ around SA CC members: @Hetler @Anas_ Other members: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ypoZuJ0
  2. Activity number: 43 Date: 22.04.2021 Information: Patrolling and Repairing with @Rick around SA CC members: @Rick Other members: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JE4TrZv
  3. Date and time: 22/04/21 20.00 Type of activity: Repairing Cars ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/jenAR75
  4. Date and time: 21/04/21 20.00 Type of activity: Repairing Cars Participants: @Killer ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/1HMYIN5
  5. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 21.04.2021 Participations: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eUed854
  6. Date and time: 20/04/21 14.30 Type of activity: Repairing Cars ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/j359OTD
  7. Activity number: 42 Date: 18.04.2021 Information: Reparing Car in LV GARAGE It was Ramadan day and sunday. I was serving a repairing service in LVx. After some cars repairing mr John call me. His car was out of fuel. When I arrived there, I talked him about the trouble of car. While we talking sir @niklaus came there. We decided to take car to garage with my tow truck. I went to take my tow truck and came back to there. I got the car with tow truck and carried it to garage. sir @niklaus opened the LV garage. While he take care of the customer, I searched the car. The engine pipe was broke so I changed it with new ones. The pipes are not drip anymore. We checked the car with sir niklaus. It looks perfect. We solved the problem in a short time and delivered the car to customer. He was really pleased from our service and he give extra tip to me. Thanks to help sir @Niklaus CC members: @Niklaus Other members: Jones Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WXD9P5m
  8. Activity number: 41 Date: 17.04.2021 Information: Patrolling and Repairing with @Calibre around SA CC members: @Calibre Other members: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hXVW1CC
  9. Activity number: 40 Date: 16.04.2021 Information: Repairing in LV X CC members: - Other members: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vsASX1k
  10. Date and time: 15/04/21 13.30 Type of activity: Repairing Cars ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/5yNlRxO
  11. ~[E]~(yellow)vent Number: 36 ~[T]~(yellow)ype of Event: Rhino Shooter ~[L]~(yellow)WS Helpers: @Stoner ~[P]~(yellow)rize: 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(yellow)inner: @kapen ~[S]~(yellow)creenShots: ::: :::
  12. ~[E]~(yellow)vent Number: 35 ~[T]~(yellow)ype of Event: Picador Race ~[L]~(yellow)WS Helpers: @Stoner ~[P]~(yellow)rize: 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(yellow)inner: @m4ski ~[S]~(yellow)creenShots: ::: :::
  13. ~[E]~(yellow)vent Number: 34 ~[T]~(yellow)ype of Event: Chicken Nader ~[L]~(yellow)WS Helpers: @Stoner ~[P]~(yellow)rize: 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(yellow)inner: @jordskjelv ~[S]~(yellow)creenShots: ::: :::
  14. ~[E]~(yellow)vent Number: 33 ~[T]~(yellow)ype of Event: A v D ~[L]~(yellow)WS Helpers: @Stoner ~[P]~(yellow)rize: 2.000.000$ ~[W]~(yellow)inner: 31 TEAM ~[S]~(yellow)creenShots: ::: :::
  15. ~[E]~(yellow)vent Number: 32 ~[T]~(yellow)ype of Event: Chicken Shooter ~[L]~(yellow)WS Helpers: @Stoner ~[P]~(yellow)rize: 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(yellow)inner: @Cherry159 ~[S]~(yellow)creenShots: ::: :::
  16. Type Of Activity: Event Date: 14.04.2021 ::: :::
  17. Activity number: 39 Event type : Rhino Shooter Hoster(s) : @Stoner Prize : $$1,000,000 Winner(s) : @kapen Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. Event Type: Lucky Nader LWS: @Stoner Date: 14.04.2021 Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(s): @jordskjelv ScreenShots:
  19. Activity number: 38 Date: 14.04.2021 Information: Patrolling and Repairing with @Afufu and @beauty around LV CC members: @Afufu and @beauty Other members: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qx4NSck
  20. Activity number: 37 Date: 14.04.2021 Information: Internship Program on LS-LV Highway Garage *It was a good Ramadan day. I was fasted and really hungry. I was doing repairs on the LV X so that time would pass quickly. Meanwhile I got a call from sir @beauty, he said that "Can you come to LV garage, I want to test you." When I heard that, I went to the garage with joy. He welcomed me in front of the garage. After some explanation, I got to work. First of all, I looked the engine of the car. Some smoke was coming from the engine. After some thinking, I realized that the problem stemmed from where. It was about the heated, pipes were thin and broken cause of heat. I changed them with new ones. After that, I examined the left front wheel of the car. It was flat tire, I repaired it. Last of all, sir @beauty wanted from me changing the nitro. I removed the old nitro and changed it with new nitro. I spent a little time but it was good for me. Thanks to help @beauty * CC members: @beauty Other members: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nDPLE8I
  21. Activity number: 36 Date: 14.04.2021 Information: Repairing in LV X CC members: - Other members: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/UbAvpDu
  22. Date and time: 14/04/21 11.10 Type of activity: Repairing Cars ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/WuEVI1C
  23. 1) -TMH Racers Take On: - Type: Race Flag Participants: @Teller @Jccx @brotherhoodman @fad @Nik0 Location: LS Winner & Prize: 1st @brotherhoodman 2nd @Teller 3rd @Jccx Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eMBx4ie -TMH Racers Take On: - Type: Race Flag Participants: @Teller @brotherhoodman @Sharlock Location: TR Winner & Prize: 1st @brotherhoodman 2nd @Teller 3rd me Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/LnUpWfG
  24. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 11.04.2021 Participations: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/TpMRtHI
  25. Activity number: 35 Date: 11.04.2021 Information: Repairing in LV X CC members: - Other members: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qtrbH8h
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