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Everything posted by Dopen

  1. Roleplay #336 @pump said in Organization Zero | Media archive: Participants: @Dopen Story: OrganiZation Zero, after a lot of missions & criminal activities such as Bank Robberies & Store Robberies and Jail Breaks, was running out of guns & ammos. So the leader "John", which is one of the most known respectful leaders, ordered me since I'm the perfect choice for him because our dealers went to do their job around San Andreas Streets. He ordered me saying "James, I'm sorry, I need you in a mission which is not your business but as you know our dealers went to do their business, 2 hours ago, I sent "Jaimy" to check our hidden of guns, he said that we are out of it which is something unnormal for a popular gang like us, Let's think about it, "The Company" Is the best within this kind of stuff because they are making products by theirselves." I sent him a message back saying "I'm ready for any deal or mission, no need to worry, just send me their phone's number". Then I phoned them, someone from their special team of weapons' product answered me, He said that they weapons you are recommending will be ready tomorrow 4:00. So I thanked him then I went to my bed to take a rest since I worked a lot this day. Whatever, Within 5 Hours and 45 Minutes, I was awake, It was 3: 45, So I Got the keys of my car then loaded some money from our safe after I took the permission from my leader. Then I got on my way to the recommended location which was The Company Headquarters, It's location is well-Known around San Andreas, It is in Bone County where usually a lot of smuggling missions happen. When I reached the headquarters, I found the guy I called on the phone, We made it as fast as we can then I went back to the headquarters. Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. #390 Event Name: Hide and seak LWS/G6: @Dufabo Prize: 1.500.000$$ Winner(s): Frenzy Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/tGxqYdF
  3. #389 Event Name: Kill dopeen With Golfclub LWS/G6: @Dufabo Prize: 2.000.000$$ Winner(s): voiX Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/J5eClkh
  4. #388 Event Name: Knock dopeen out of his NRG-500 LWS/G6: @nyx_ Prize: 1.000.000$$ ( 500k each round ) Winner(s): 1 ) Flappy / 2) panzerkampfwagen Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/VOK6shG
  5. Username : gorgiev Last seen : 24 june 2018 SS: https://imgur.com/a/c96qQC0
  6. ~[Afternoon Activity]~(silver,black,black,gray)
  7. #380 Event Name: Hunter shooter LWS/G6: @PulaR Prize: 2.000.000$$ Winner(s): @Seth Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/aSD43H5
  8. ~[Evening Activity]~(gray,black,black)
  9. Happy Birthday Best gang :muscle: :smiling_imp:
  10. Selling warehouse for sale at bayside (Tierra robada) Starting bid: 6m Screens: https://imgur.com/a/4zmEu9Q
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