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Posts posted by sayliski

  1. Name: Sayliski
    Username: Sayliski
    Age: 13
    Languages Spoken: Arabic, French, English, Moroccan.

    Preferred Legion Designer
    Past experience with preferred Legion: I started photoshop like 2 years ago and I still like it, I started alone learning from youtube and I am still learning there, every time I learn something new and I use them in one art to test them.
    Examples of your work(Open a spoiler):




  2. alt text
    Ingame Nick: Sayliski
    Username: Sayliski
    Age: 13
    Gender: Male
    Current Organisation: Medellin Cartel
    Current Groups: N/A
    Previous Groups: N/A
    Which DJ program do you prefer to use? I don't know yet because I never tried.
    Why do you want to join us? I want to join a civilian group and make new friends I also wanna learn this job and because I want to help this group growing.
    Why should we accept you? I am friendly, I love to help ppl, and because I can help you to grow this group.
    Do you have any DJ experience? No, I don't have any experience, but I like this job and I will try my best to learn it while I am an applicant (either with group members or learn alone on the internet).
    Tell us something about yourself: Hello I am Sayliski my real name is Ilyass, I am Moroccan and I live there, I am 13 years old and I started gaming at 9 years old by playing games such as "COD4 MW, MTA, CSGO..."
    Did you take any punishment? (If yes why did you take it and what is your punishment) Yes, I had an Adminjail for starting solo bank rob but I was a newbie.
    When did you join SAES? 1 month ago with a total playtime of 153 hours.
    Is there anything you want to add? Thanks for taking ur time and read my application.

  3. alt text

    • Nickname: Sayliski

    • Username: Sayliski

    • Age (D/M/Y): 26/12/2006

    • Nationality: Morocco

    • Gender: Male

    • Current gang/squad: Medellin

    • Current group membership(s): N/A

    • Previous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): N/A

    • Have you been punished in the last 2 months? If yes, why?: Yes, Solo BR (I was a newbie)


    • Why would you like to join our company?: I like it, I like RP, I want to join my first group, and I like its role.

    • Can you offer anything special to the company?: help, friendship, activity...

    • Which division do you prefer? Trucking or Mechanical? (State the reason as well): I think trucking because it is less boring and idk.


    • Your strengths/weaknesses: active friendly serious helpful./Low FPS high PING :consider:

    • What does roleplay stand for?: roleplay is playing as another character by doing his animations and talking like him (it's like being an actor)

    • Do you have any experience in roleplaying? Yes a little bit, and I want to join GXT to learn more :)

    • Are you capable of obeying orders? Of course.

    • What do you do if someone insults you in main chat?: I ignore or laugh.

    • What do you do if someone deathmatches you?: F12 , /report

    • Additional Information: 1 month in saes(100hours) / 3 years in MTA.

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