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Everything posted by Terry

  1. Property name is: Ls South Flats Business for the record, and it has already been requested here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7177/inactive-ls Request denied.
  2. @SAFP-Carl said in [Selling Businees] Rodeo Victim Shop @LS - 2,4K income: Sold Locked.
  3. @MrSolrac said in Selling nice house in Los Santos near jail: Sold Locked.
  4. @ferthis said in Big LS house with carspawn: Sold Locked.
  5. [In-game Update, 19.03.2019] Now you can reply to the latest PM received by using /re text If you want to bind it, use /bind key chatbox re
  6. This property has already been requested here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7098/inactive-ls Request denied.
  7. Failure to claim the property within 48 hours, therefore it's been put up to public sale.
  8. @ZoRo said in inactive house in LS: last seen : 18th March 2019 ?? Request denied, read the rules before requesting.
  9. Failure to claim the property within 48 hours, therefore it's been put up to public sale. Also keep in mind to use the correct format next time: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4936/request-format
  10. Failure to claim the property within 48 hours, therefore it's been put up to public sale. Also keep in mind to use the correct format next time: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4936/request-format
  11. Failure to claim the property within 48 hours, therefore it has been put up to public sale.
  12. Locking this topic because: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7074/inactive-prop-in-bc
  13. mierburns is SAES>Henry, therefore request denied.
  14. @Zei said in Wearhouse in LS near SR, can be used as base: SOLD Locked.
  15. Feel free to start a new topic if you haven't sold your property yet, locked.
  16. Requested 2 hours early, try again at 00.00 London time. Request denied.
  17. Request denied. Property belongs to SAES>Henry.
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