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Everything posted by Terry

  1. 14 days have passed, no bids. Feel free to create another topic anytime. Archived.
  2. @Crash said in Business near BC Bank: 14 days passed @Terry you know what to do #locked Fag :D
  3. @Billionaire The name AK means white in Turkish. It stands for Adalet & Kalknma which means Justice and Development. As Ive previously mentioned in my posts, we took it from real life politicians. Please dont comment if youre incapable of reading a few lines before having an opinion, youre only making yourself look ridiculous. Unlike other governments, we havent been running in elections for power, we did it because we thought itd be cool to achieve what the previous governments including yours failed to do: keeping the government alive and running. @Filex I cant exactly understand what youre trying to say, but please hesitate from commenting if you have no clue what went down yesterday. You dont have to have an opinion about everything, youre only making it worse. @Joshbond @IG8820 One of you say that there was no coup attempt, the other one says coupt attempt could have been more organized. In case you havent seen what happened yesterday, let me clue you in. Not long after election results have been announced, shouldnt be more than an hour, we were added to Government spawns. I wanted to begin with a speech at White House as people have been showing up in there. I began speaking, and was interrupted in the middle of it by the law enforcement units consisting mostly FBI members which was led by IG. All I saw in localchat was something similar to STOP THIS and I was dead seconds later. Not to mention that IG kept going on with some other actions which led to his removal from a few groups. Seeing IGs post about people who go against him not being able to join some certain groups, I cant imagine what he could possibly have told FBI members to make them support him. I must remind you that IG made an announcement using FBIs account, declearing some sort of war against us on behalf of FBI, which is now thankfully removed, so CIA had enough reasons to go after FBI. Its also no good to us to bring up how things were done previously. All of 5 governments had faced a coup as you say Joshbond, but have you ever thought maybe thats exactly the reason why they all failed ? If we did a mistake in past, there is no point in repeating it. We should all learn from our mistakes and move on. You may or may not agree with previous coups against multiple governments, but just because they happened in past doesnt justify them happening again. Whats done is done, were against oh X happened to me in past, so it must happen to you too attitude. You have also said that no one is innocent here, thats wrong. Newly elected government is totally innocent. Put yourself in my shoes, it has been only 24 hours since we have been elected, and you see the kind of stuff we are dealing with. The government didnt ask CIA to create this topic, they did it on their own will, so dont blame us if you dont agree with them. Im happy that FBI removed their nonsense topic to go against Government. We just want to get over with this drama as soon as possible, and we dont want to blame FBI for a certain inviduals actions so please dont make us. Here is what we are going to do. All law enforcement units are going to act by their role, and a possible coup will not be tolerated. Any harmful act ingame in our RPs, such as a so called assasination RP which is not approved by both sides wont happen, in case they do, they will be treated as deathmatching, as it without doubt is. I hope you all calm your tits and let us do our art now. Dont judge us before you give us a chance.
  4. @IG8820 I will not quote you because it makes you look like you might have some points meanwhile all you type is simply bollocks. If it wasnt for you, we wouldnt be here discussing the legality of the current elected Government, if it wasnt for you, my RP speech wouldnt of turned into a massive shitfest yesterday and if you werent mistaken, you would still be a part of the mentioned groups in your so called threatening post in discord. You are at the center of this, dont you deny that. Isnt it hypocritical to imply yourself that AK Party intends to work with a known terrorist organization -which is totally bollocks- but when we do the same and assume you work with FBI, considering that you attacked White House with FBI members, you get mad ? I dont care about who you work with, FBI or the big joke called Junta that you created to coup. I just want you to stop being cocky and let us do our work to bring the government back. And then maybe you could earn the respect you lost with the time being.
  5. @IG8820 said in CIA Declassification of Government case relating FBI: Additionally, I bring up the issue of RP as it was stated within the https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7330/register-your-political-party that parties would be considered in accordance with the 'non-RP Leadership team' - yet, a party, with a manifesto involving Turkey was allowed to be placed within the election. If nonsense like that is allowed, it is perfectly appropriate that law enforcement would want to take action against perceived foreigners/ criminals who have taken power over the government. I see that you are struggling to understand the fact that we are legally elected Government of San Andreas and it will not change until our reign is over in 4 months, no matter how hard you try. You lost the elections, so get over it. Im really ashamed to be having this conversation, I would have never expected such an immaturity from a guy like you considering that you must have been around our community for years now. Our party is founded by a group friends with a good sense of humour, we took names of real life Turkish politicians, and it eventually got us more attention among our community because other people are also seeing it funny and they are willing to proceed with us in the government and we are planning some good quality RPs, I thought I wouldnt have to point that out since we have won the elections, isnt it too obvious ? I fail to see what is wrong with that, maybe thats because nothing is really wrong with it. Its funny that no one has brought this up before we won the elections, maybe because you cant get over the fact that you lost and are looking for any excuse to blame us ? @Billionaire Id bother replying if it was coming from anyone else but you.
  6. I have been quiet until now thinking that IG was kind of trolling with the so called coup attempt, also due to respect that he was my superior in DE. It is without doubt now IG has intentions to fuck up the new government which we have finally brought active after it has been dead for a long time. I find it very ridiculous and ironic, since IG couldnt even manage his own squad and had to hand the leadership away because he wasnt active enough to manage it. Situation being that, he still ran for President. Now may I ask you, that even you dont deem that you cant be a good leader yourself, yet you still want to be The President, yet you still want to coup ? What are you going to do if the coup is successful, play the President yourself ? Ill laugh to that because you have managed to get yourself removed from high positions that you might have worked hard to achieve, and Ill see you in 4 months when our reign is over, youll surely regret being that pathetic. For those who might say Ig OnLy WaNtS tO rP RP my ass. We will not be RPing/working with anyone from FBI or people that have ties with you. Im pretty sure Secret Service will do necessary things and wont tolerate such actions as well. So you can fuck off with randomly showing up in my RP speech and shooting me down because now thats deathmatching and will get you punished. We are officially and legally elected government of San Andreas, and we have no ties with anyone, Government is above everything to us. -Your officially elected Vice President and a member of Desert Eagles
  7. Feel free to create a new topic, this one gets locked & archived because it's been 14 days.
  8. Feel free to create a new topic, this one gets locked & archived because it's been 14 days.
  9. Feel free to create a new topic, this one gets locked & archived because it's been more than 14 days.
  10. Feel free to create a new topic, this one gets locked & archived because it's been 14 days.
  11. @JoGe said in Richman house in LS (at top of the Vinewood): sold Locked.
  12. Feel free to create a new topic, this one gets locked & archived because it's been 14 days.
  13. @Joe said in SAES Elections 2019 - RESULTS!: THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA What we have all been waiting for. 240 Unique Votes were cast in the ballot box to elect the new President, and Vice President, of the United States. They are as follows.. Tayyip Erdogan ( @ODAKAB ) & Binali Yildirim ( @Terry ) - 88 votes. (36.7% of total votes) Michael Payne ( @IG8820 ) & Rakesh Gupta ( @Scorpyo ) - 80 votes. (33.3% of total votes) Billy Barbosa ( @Billionaire ) & Jazzy Jazz ( @flappy ) - 72 votes. (30.0% of total votes) Congratulations to Tayyip Erdogan & Binali Yildrim, your new democractically elected President and Vice President.
  14. Sorted. Your 2nd request this week, wait until Monday 00.00 London time before you make another request.
  15. Sorted. Next time include housing gui in your screenshots like you can see below ::: :::
  16. Please refrain from posting here unless you're bidding.
  17. Keep in mind to have a clear view of /seen on topbar next time as you can see below. Sorted.
  18. Happy birthday mate, enjoy getting another year older while you still can! :)
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