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Everything posted by Bidrift

  1. Happy birthday nice TWAT level 6 as a gift Edit: wanted to add something noninglis; kol esana wenta b5ir ya habibi
  2. second
  3. Dear @Flexman , After a discussion with the executive team within your own person, we have noticed that you did create/joi another organization while your application was held by our team. Therefore, I may announce you that you are ~[denied]~(red), you may reapply in one month from now, if you are interested. We also advice you to gain some ingame knowledge through joining SA Police Academy through this link ( https://saesrpg.uk/category/184/application-section ) and your chances in being a striker will increase. Sincerely, The Strike Team HQ, Bidrift
  4. Thank you everyone!
  5. Wish me a good birthday naggots!
  6. Name: Bidrift Username: bidrift9966 Rank before kick/leave: Full cadet with 0 stars, acquired with a DD license. How long have you been in sapa: I have been in SAPA for 2 years Who kicked you: - Date of kick/leave: I don't really remember, around 4 months ago. Reason for kick/leave: I was a bit disregarding the chance of getting my procop diploma inside the academy therefore I decided to get it externally and give up remaining inside the academy and it seemed like my plan worked on getting the diploma. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : I was willing to get the procop diploma externally. Why do you want back in? : I would like to get back to the academy and be one of the instructors in after achieving and reaching in getting my procop diploma. Therefore, I would like to institute and help reviving the copside. What have you learned from this? : I do not have anything to learn as I left, but as something I learnt from SAPA, is being strictly respectful to rules and regulations and being an official cop while doing my duties as one so. Who do you want to apologize to? : Harris, Tut Why should we give you a second chance?: It is the decision from your side or so.
  7. Dear @Flexman , After a bit of discussion within the executive team of The Strike Team, we have decided to give you a prechance for you to fix your application. You have a full deadline of 48 hours starting from now. Make sure you fix the following things as best as you can: Providing right and/or correct informations about questioning part Providing and showing more efforts in descripting things on your application Sincerely, The Strike Team HQ, Bidrift
  8. Dearn't @Razak , You may not reapply. Sincerely, The Strike Team HQ, Bidrift
  9. Address: 24 Seamen Road Account name: dahmom12345 Last seen: 25th August 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/noXDzmd
  10. @False , Please remain from posting false information/news on our topic, strangers, or more likely visitors are only expected to post application or something has a reason to be posted here, therefore, don't attempt to troll our applicants. Sincerely, Captain Bidrift
  11. RolePlay Number: 315 Participants: @TaJ @Elegant @Element @MatizZ @Pomie @Benny @Pomie @Nikki_ @Bidrift @IceCold @Reacher @Judyes @Disaster @Diamychuu Story: The Motor Heads racers issued a sign-up in a race comptetion that is upcoming in the few next months. Therefore, they willed to call their technical partners to set up fully their racer cars and bikes. Reacher and Bidrift was so excited to help the racers on their vehicles. They parked the vehicles in the motor heads' workshop garage. They have checked the cars, discussed with the racers what they would be doing, fixing, setting, replacing, etc... Both of the techs were starting the work on the cars. They had so nice and useful cars that will be enormous for them to participate and win the comptetion if they don't mess things up in a race. Both techs added new NOS with a better engine. They spilled better oil in the tank and on the engine' link to make it easier for them to move the car out. They added a more strong bumper and a smoother steeringwheel. They fixed some of the engine and acceleration issues and improved the pumper. After the setting up of the technicians, the racers decided to give the cunning stunts the cars in order to test their parts, in some nice stunts. In that occasion, they willed to buy them some nice motor heads' bikes. They sold three bikes with a good speed and strong wheels in order for them to use wheelies in stunts. As a gift for the testing and the sales, the motor heads willed to give cunning stunts some useful engines for drifty vehicles. They willed to have two engines for their elegies. The alliance is still on. Screenshots: will be posted soon
  12. Raiding Store Robberies as TTRU
  13. Event type : Deagle 2v2 Prize : 1,500,000$ ( 750,000$ each ) Winner(s) : @Petrow, @QieZZ Location : G6 Area Screens : https://imgur.com/a/Gy6JeEJ
  14. Event type : SF Bank Dropper Prize : 1,500,000$ Winner(s) : @Staifi Location : SF Bank Screens : https://imgur.com/a/VbIeKJv
  15. Event type : Reach the roses Prize : 4,500,000$ Winner(s) : @VeX Location : Jefferson Motel Screens : https://imgur.com/a/aSYMi4I
  16. first
  17. ~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 303 ~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: @Riley ~[R]~(green)P Scenario: The Motor Head's hotline has recently received a call from a random customer, he was about to call for a technical mechanic due to some criminal activity that caused his car to be totally damaged and almost destroyed, hopefully not. As he was an available technician, Bidrift wanted to consider the call and take care of the situation as he will handle it after the hang up of the call. Therefore, he received the location of the customer from the hotline office. He went through the motor head's garage since he would get all of his necessary equipments fully prepared and ready. For that, he decided to take in a towtruck in case of being in need of transporting and towing the customer's vehicle to the motor head's workshop garage. Once he reached, Bidrift had a very basic quick discussion with the customer, and then he proceeded in checking the vehicle's status and most commun visible - and noticable - issues or damaged parts. Thus, the engine was releasing a very obvious smell of a flame. When he opened the hood, he found the the engine is releasing some blacksmoke and that there is a lot of oil on some electric parts, that caused the engine to overheat and get more damaged. The criminals probably did mess up with the oilbank. The bumper and the lights were also completely damaged as if someone did hit them with a piece of wood, but guess so they did. Bidrift had only the decision of taking the vehicle to the The Motor Head's workshop in order to make a full repair and fix on the vehicle and its parts. When he reached there, he asked the customer to permit him looking forward to letting the vehicle inside the workshop for several days. They did so. ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/Typxf0E
  18. Instructors Involved: @Bidrift Nature of Instructions Provided [Racing/Technical/Both]: Both TMH Members Present: @DJO @Judyes @TheClaw Participants/Customers: @Narcilius @Bangas @Gladiator and Yamii Courses Provided [along with Total Fee]: RP Courses Details: Importance of showing chat logs on the RP screenshots Improvements of using the /me and how to RP more properly. Fixed some commun mistakes such as powergaming and gramatical mistakes. ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/zXtEdoB
  19. Involved SAI members: SPTU - Howard Penkins (( @Bidrift )), Giggs Benson (( @Ntruder )), Tyler Miguel (( @ShaGGy )), Marshall (( @Sam )), George Wood (( ? )), SAES>Royalty (( @Royalty )), [SWAT]Silence (( @Silence )), Mike Johnson (( ? )), Marksman (( @MarksMan )), Ryan Wilson (( @Alperreis )), Bozi (( @Bozi )), V.Schmidt (( ? )), Jesse Custer (( @Blu )), H.Hernandez (( ? )) Responsible SAI Teams involved: Commissioner Thomas Reed (( @bas260 )) Other involved people: [SWAT]Flame (( @FlaMe )), Agent.Kasparov (( @Kasparov )), SAES>Ardron (( @Ardron )), Agent.Heskett (( @Denox )), Agent.Kane (( ? )) Date, time and duration of activity: 5th of January 2018, starting from 17:53 to 18:46 ( 53 minutes ) Activity type: SPTU Convoy Details: The temporary president, as a communism president of San Andreas, has been willing to give a thankful words to the state's squads and policing organizations for all of their amazing work in covering and spreading peace on San Andreas as they've been preventing most of the criminal and terroristical attacks and activities. The president has choosen to not only get protected by the government's secret sevice agents, but also by the "State Police Tactical Unit(s)". Meanwhile the convoy, they faced some issues of papparazi drivers and such things like that. They always had to permission to prevent them to get close to the convoy trip by 15 feet from the last and the first vehicle leading. They S.P.T.U. units were always ready, they had a police enforcer behind the president's limo, an F.B.I. Rancher leading, two (2) classy police cruisers surrounding the convoy, and two (2) police bikes. They first moved to Los Santos through the highway, moving to National Narrotics Bureau headquarters, the area was successfully secured and under control by the S.S. Agents and S.P.T.U, therefore, there was no negative consequences threatening the president nor the agents, units. After giving the right speech to N.N.B, the president looked as he'd want to go to the "Special Weapons And Tactics" headquarters, for their amazing job. Therefore, they moved to there from Los Santos to Las Venturas and from Las Venturas to San Fierro, they reached to the mentionned headquarters within a minimized period. The president was speaking with the S.W.A.T. Officers. Meanwhile, the S.P.T.U. and the S.S. Agents were perfectly covering and surroundering the area. Unfortunately yet suddenly, while the convoy was leading to a neighbourhood on San Fierro North West, they faced some crazy drivers were they wanted to execute the president. However and hopefully, the SPTU reached to arrest and get red of all the harrassers. Therefore, the convoy was still driving there. Thus, after noticing some unusual criminal activity on San Fierro, the president was informed by the SPTU that all of them should get back to SAI Headquarters for the president's safety. At the headquarters, the president was perfectly, gently and nicely welcomed by the "San Andreas Interceptors", where they were a bit talking about San Andreas security and how they would change and improve it. After that, the S.S. Agents took the president back to the White House, the rest is unknown... Screenshots: N/A
  20. I agree with this since it would be more realistic, however, you should be expecting some negative and hard-to-face consequences, like the cargrab would be disabling the player's collision, he would be able to shoot but for a cop it's hard for him to arrest him, either shoot him on a chase, and if you enable collision, on a chase he would shoot the suspect grabbing instead of the car, he would be unwanted and it will turn into a DM debate, this is only an issue that I've though of.
  21. Happy birthday saha frr arma
  22. @Denox wtf frr what doin here omek gei
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