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Everything posted by Happ

  1. Activity SR Date: 09/06/2022 Screenshot(s): [s=][/s]
  2. Activity: SR Date: 4/05/2022 ScreenShots: [s=][/s]
  3. PART I: Introduction Ingame name: Happy login name: RatBite Age: 19 1/2 How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: for around 4yrs In 2-3 lines, tell us about yourself: im a person that likes rp games and situations PART II: Background Check Do you speak English: yes Tell us how good/bad you are at RP (SAI might be able to teach you things.): im prty good, i was a rp maneger at CDC Rate your radio usage skills and abilities: 0 never have used it Primary language: Latvian Other languages you speak: English, Lithuanian, Latvian Current groups: CDC Previous groups: CripZ, TMH PART III: Radio Check (California Penal Codes are mostly used in San Andreas.) https://saesrpg.uk/topic/235/sai-radio-protocol Have you read our radio codes topic? (This topic can also be found in SAPA.): not yet Explain what a 211 is: its a code for a robbery What does it mean if it's a code 3: its a responce type with sirens and lights Which 10 code is used when you're going on duty and you're announcing that you're available for duty? 10-8 PART IV: Role-Play Character First name: <Wayne> Surname: <Unser> Age: <62> Sex: <Male> Place of Birth: <Los Santos, United States of America> Date of Birth: (01/04/60) Country of residence: <California> Address: <Jo_mama_lane11> Convictions: <None> Tattoos: <None> Do you own a driving license, and for how long: <I obtained my valid driver's license when I was 18 years old.> Full backstory: My name is Wayne Unser I'm 62 years old, I live alone, have not seen my parents for 20 years, when I was 17 I started going through security guard training for my future job as a police officer, at least I intended that, so now I'm 60, and I'm a police officer trainee for 35 years finally something clicked, and I wanted to become something more professional like a SAI trooper
  4. Activity: SR Date: 23/04/2022 ScreenShots: [s=][/s]
  5. Activity: SR Date: 3/03/2022 ScreenShots: [s=][/s]
  6. Activity: SR Date: 3/03/2022 ScreenShots: [s=][/s]
  7. Activity: SR Date: 28/02/2022 Screenshot: [s=][/s]
  8. Role-play Number: Participants: @[CDC]Lego Role-play Story: so, after a long break I'm back from my vacation and ready for action Screenshot(s): [s=] [/s]
  9. Activity: SR Date: 28/02/2022 Screenshot: [s=][/s]
  10. Date and Time: 1/17/2022 22:45 - :22:50 Number of Members Online: happy, ScreenShot(s)/If Any: [s=] [/s]
  11. Activity: Assisting br Date: 3/1/2022 Screenshot: [s=][/s]
  12. Activity: SR Date: 2/1/2022 Screenshot: [s=][/s]
  13. Role-play Number: #23 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital, Role-play Story: it was a normal day in Los Santos but out of nowhere I received a call from my local buyer that there has been an anonymous drug sale in Los Santos by this new gang that I didn't know about, I knew that that would not be good for our business since we distribute to all Los Santos, I quickly got to work on getting these guy's info, I contacted a few buddies of mine that live in their area to get some info where they live and their block, after a few hours my friend called me back and told me that he saw a lot of cars driving away from their location, he told me that they were driving somewhere, that is perfect, I quickly gathered all Commando DA Capitals, we grabbed a lot of guns and ammo because we will need it since we will destroy their parked cars and their homes. We all heeded out as fast as possible, we got to the first location, it's the place where they keep all of their cars, The Stadium. Once we got there, we all hopped out and started laying bullets into the cars until they blow or look like Swiss cheese. Once we were done, the cars were destroyed, and we moved to the last and most important location since it was their homes and base location, when we got there we all aimed our weapons out of our car windows and shot their cars and the houses that were there. Out of nowhere I heard police sirens, and we all got out of that area and fled to our base since we knew the cops were alerted, and they are on their way to the location the guns were fired. The lesson here is, Don't fuck with our turfs or our business disclaimer! the Gang that was mentioned in MY story isn't a real existing Gang in Saes.rpg, don't take this as a weird way of us disrespecting you. screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  14. Activity: SR Date: 22/12/2021 ScreenShots: [s=][/s]
  15. RolePlay Number: 11 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital RolePlay Story: The folks and I were bored, and we decided to do something that can cure our boredness. We left our base, and we went to the nearest park, and we robbed a luxury car. It was quite easy, We cracked the car door, and we robbed the car, We took it to the less suspicious garage, we treated a mechanic, and we obliged him to disassemble the car. We took the important parts of the vehicle and placed it on our van. After finishing the job, we took our bounty, and we went on our way back to the base. Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  16. RolePlay Number: 10 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital RolePlay Story: We contacted a biker gang located in Bone County to supply us with a small amount of Guns as soon as possible. We didn't wait so long, their representant contacted us and informed us with their approval. The dark night has fallen on the country, we left our base carefully, and we went on our way to bone county to negotiate and purchase the goods as we planned. We arrived at the location, we spoke a little with their representant, and it ended up with finding an agreement about the price. He showed us the product, we unloaded it into our van, we paid him, and we went on our way back to the base. Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  17. Role-play Number: 9th Participants: @LalaStrala, @Comando-Da-Capital & @SAFP ( @aoxi & @schwaring) Role-play Story: As it says in the book, New month new opportunity's and new problems, sometimes the more you look forward to the good the worse it gets, and that's the case for this month. We were doing good not even good we were doing great, until our main drug buyers stepped out of the business we had, they apparently are stepping out of the drug business for now, but that's not good news for us because we will not have any major money income for some time I immanently started thinking of ways to make money for some time until we get up and running as we did. I had this and that in mind, but the one that stood out to me was robbing a few stores, it might sound crazy because stores don't have a lot of cash, but there is something way deeper than just cash so look by robbing stores yes we will get a few bucks but the thing I'm looking to get out of this is our name in the streets of LS to let them know who rules these streets, after a week of planing I was ready to hit the stores, but first I had to get my team my family my everything, CDC members, they are way more than family to me, they are freedom, brotherhood, family, wealth everything u can think of that is good they are that, so I arranged a meeting in our base to talk about my plan, a few of them were skeptical, but they have faith in my plan, so in the end they all agreed, we will rob a few stores and were done, It felt like a solid plan, in and out a few times and all good, at least I tough that, after the meeting and convincing we all got dressed up in matching anonymous outfits we also got a few bikes that we will ride around and rob the stores in, I retold them the plan, and we were on our bikes and gone faster than lighting, I was driving in the front and all the brothers were following my lead we rolled up to the 1st store, everything was going great we got all of our weapons out and pointed it at the cashier and told her to give us all the money she has in this store. But that son of a bitch pressed the panic button and all of the nearby stores were alerted of an ongoing robbery, we took all the cash and left, we knew we had to move fast if we wanted to not get chased by the cops, so we did, we drove faster than my father for milk in the mornings, in seconds we got to the next store, but there it was the consequences of the panic button all of the stores were on lock down, we were desperate for more action for more intimidation we rapidly came up with a plan to rob an Ammunition, because no one ever has enough guns, As this one saying take whatever u can get and believe me we did, we rolled up to the Ammunition we all got setup w our guns on the outside and quickly rushed in the salesman was scared, but after we told him to open the cash register and all the ammo for the guns he had in there he pulled a shotgun from under the counter and was in the motion of aiming at us one of our members didn't hesitate and shot him point-blank, there he was laying on the ground gasping for air. I could not let him die a slow death, I just had to put an end to him and I shot him in the head with his own gun, we quickly grabbed all of the guns and tossed 'em in our backpacks and ran out, we were all thinking of the same thing, we need to get back to our base and let the heat cool, so we rapidly got on our bikes and attempted to escape, we took the first turn and out of nowhere the cops had made a road block we almost all got past it because we were on bikes Luckily they didn't shoot, but one of our members crashed in to the police cruiser and by what I saw looking back getting thrown into a police car, we got to the base and with no hesitation we started to think of a plan to get our brother out of jail we knew we had limited time because he will be put in a holding cell and later transferred to a prison, we had to get him out before he is on his was to the prison, we got a few cars and a wan to put him in the back of when we break him out of the LSPD we all drove to the LSPD and pointed our weapons to the cops we were more than they were, so they didn't put up a fight, we disabled all the cameras and brought the cops to show us where the holding cells are and there he was our brother, we told the police officers for open the jail cell open and let him out, or we would have to kill them, they listened, and after that we knew that the cops would run to their offices when we get gone, so I had a plan in mind, let's lock them in the cells! We did that, and they didn't seem too happy with that, Of course, after we had locked them in we took off running out of the LSPD and quickly took the fastest rout to the base and laid low, Now the LSPD has messed with Us ................................ Revenge is coming soon Screenshot(s):[s=] [/s]
  18. Date: 05/12/2021 Activity: Assisting BR Screenshot(s) [s=][/s]
  19. Date: 05/12/2021 Activity: SR Screenshot(s): [s=][/s]
  20. Date: 04/12/2021 Activity: SR Screenshot(s): [s=][/s]
  21. Date: 04/12/2021 Activity: SR Screenshot(s): [s=][/s]
  22. Date: 04/12/2021 Activity: SR Screenshot(s): [s=][/s]
  23. Activity: SR Date: 03/12/2021 Screenshot(s): [s=][/s]
  24. Activity: SR Date: 03/12/2021 Screenshot(s): [s=][/s]
  25. Activity: Assisting HS br Date: 30/11/2021 Screenshot(s): [s=][/s]
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