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Everything posted by KinGSmoke

  1. Happy Birthday Compadre!!!
  2. shut the fuck up, asslicker retarded
  4. Fight fight fight, kill them all, kill each other, bomb each country or no balls
  5. @adistar said in Happy Birthday Adistar: I AINT FKIN 29 OR 30 RETARDS, but ty bois Happy birthday, 31 years old, holy shit you are old.
  6. stop asslicking
  7. who thinks that they should had new banks, can jump of the bridge.
  8. @jukyplatinium no.
  9. happy Birthday bro
  10. @saradona said in Black~Bullets: ~[Applicant Main Information :]~(black) Nickname : Saradona Username : Gold8 Age : 17 Dow long have you been playing on SAES? : i have been playing saes since 2010 hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, so you have 17 years old, you born in 2004 right? How the hell you start playing in saes with 6 years old?!?!?!?!?!
  11. @Bodo420 where are you
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