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Everything posted by barras

  1. toxic i like toxic ppl
  2. Activity type: Delivering logs from LV creek to mt chiliad Date: 27/04/2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2Ydx7am
  3. prfnl
  4. Starting price: 1m Minimum bid increase: 250k Buyout price: 5m https://i.imgur.com/znI3z7z.png
  5. happy birthday tabouna <3
  6. Address: 5 lil jet streer Account name: xfrozen Last seen: 24th March 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/H7IGNMU
  7. ALT Members: I Participants: @Homeless Information/Story: while I was driving around LV with my my towtruck and suddenly i had met a guy called 'Mr.X2' complaining there is mechanic repaired his car with fake pieces he was really so close to doing accident causes that shits so me apologized about what happened and bring his car to ALT garage mod where you May find everything you need and there is no doubts excellent pieces we offering there we met 'Mr.X2' whose was openminded and I offiered him a coffe ,howerer I stared expelling the plan to the both in the same time I explained status of the cars it really was has bad quality of pieces,after couple of hours we finally replaced successfully the fake pieces with best and strong quality we have and times to try it on road. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PVZnf2W
  8. ALT Members: I Participants: @Homeless Information/Story: While I was working at ALT garage I suddenly got a phone call from gang member asking us about the news of cars updating and told usmethat he'll come to ALT gargae at five ,after couple of hours he respond to location,however I began checking the vehicle but unfortunately we found it has the old engine generation so I decided to change it to the new one which is engine v8 that made by ALT company,finally our mission has done with succeeded and I rate it saven of ten. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/yhLheA0
  9. EVENT FORMAT Event Number: #5 Event's name and type: nrg knock LWS Hoster: dufabo Price: 350.000 3 rounds Winner(s): sherap twice / duff Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gRFsQll
  10. happy bithday patron big frrr
  11. Name: Barras Link to your topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3471/barras-s-lws-events/5 What do you need from us?: May I get my topic unlocked please? :clown_face:
  12. deleted
  13. Activity type: Trucking to Mt.chilliad Date: 16/04/2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/L6Kn7Mz Participates: @randow
  14. Address: 4 temptress road Account name: gramolas Last seen: 16th march 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/v3Spkxz
  15. richman house + 11m
  16. snome sousse wannabe
  17. Activity type: Trucking to Mt.chilliad Date: 15/04/2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/p0eEvOj
  18. happy birthday senior !
  19. Starting price: 5m Minimum bid increase: 250k Buyout price: 10m
  20. Starting price: 5m Minimum bid increase: 250k Buyout price: 10m
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