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Everything posted by BurakO

  1. @spetnazz said in Tuga Thugs' Departure from SAES: @burako said in Tuga Thugs' Departure from SAES: rip what rip, rip you Oiii meu irmao kkkkk vai se fuder
  2. BurakO


    @garcia said in LS Jail (Remaster): cops be voting no then later on cry about the small corridors :honk: That's exactly what i'm realising
  3. @velo said in [FEATURE] Headshot at kill logs: :) https://streamable.com/syqlbf The code is ready in case this suggestion is accepted Beautiful man, i hope to see this feature ingame, also would help to discern when a 1hp player dies by headshot or bodyshot.
  4. @daryl said in [QoL] Optimise rT Base: Any further feedback - is this still an issue? Spoke to some people and polled rT members and this doesn't seem to be as bad as it once was. I have no issues with rT base but... MIT BASE makes me cry, specially when i'm flying with 40 criminals going to LV Bank.
  5. +1, imagine that i have to edit every RP screenshots deleting every non-RP line for making it presentable/postable
  6. What? xdd no man, bad idea, also no one uses AT-400.
  7. 100% agree, it will make the server more enjoyable during big activities/turfs/events.
  8. The sub-idea is implemented, but the main idea is not bad, +1.
  9. ~[Roleplay Number:]~(sienna) #8 (CC Intership) ~[Participants:]~(sienna) @Brondy ~[ Date:]~(sienna) 23/07/2021 ~[Story:]~(sienna) ^[] "It was a typical afternoon when Mr.Brondy opened the garage, i went to help him looking for any task to sort out when Santos appeared suddenly telling us he crashed with another car. Luckily there was small damages in the bodywork and the front ligths, after check his car model i went to the storage looking for new parts in order to replace it all, after replacement he paid 150 pound for each front light and the work was done!" ~[ScreenShots:]~(sienna) ::: :::
  10. Address: Apartment 37 Lv Complexsouth user name: grandtheftautossss last seen: 15th june 2021 screenshot:
  11. Inactive TR Address: 1 Teepee Track Account name: riseagain Last seen: 7th june 2021 Screenshots:
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