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Everything posted by BurakO

  1. Activity date: 13/09/2021 ^[Turfing TR BC against O] ^[] ^[] [s=Zones] [/s]
  2. Activity date: 13/09/2021 ^[Turfing San Fierro and Whestone against Z] ^[] ^[] [s=Zones] [/s]
  3. Activity date: 12/09/2021 ^[Turfing San Fierro against RF Z] ^[] ^[] [s=Zones] [/s]
  4. Username: buraco Age: 20 Country: Argentina Languages spoken: English / Spanish From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 8 How long have you been playing on SAES: I started exactly at 28/03/2020, that makes it 1 year and half actively. In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assasins is the oldest and notorious organization around SA. They are widely involved within criminal activities, but they are known for their top tier supply of guns. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): INKAS: It was my first gang when i had 30 hours of playtime, i left the gang due to discussions with the HQ team about how they canceled activities periodically. NavM: I joined the gang and brought my friends without thinking we would bring it to the max level that some gang can achieve. After a year and one month we closed it due to the desmotivation around members being tired of holding the gang doing everything to keep it as level 5. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: N/A Name 3 Bankrob rules: You are not allowed to start a bankrob with less than 4 members inside the bank. You are not allowed to respond a bankrob as cop in order to make it fail. You are not allowed to defend outside if is not your bankrob. Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: Start a PBR, punch/bother crackers, killing criminals in purpose, etcetera. Name 3 Turf rules: You are not allowed to camp on an unclimable roof. You are not allowed to attend a turfwar as a cop. You are not allowed to kill a player if both are outside the zone. What is Roleplay?: Roleplay is the way you play acting as you would do in a real situation, keeping in mind things and actions which are possibles in real life. What is Deathmatching?: Kill/Damage a player or destroying a car without a valid reason. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: I would warn him first, if he continues i might talk with his HQs to handle it. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Nothing, i could not kill them since they are not trying to arrest me. if i do, it would be considered as DM. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Yes i know some AAs already :p Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): I can gladly say NavM has played a big role in this part as that's where I learnt and gained the most experience. As I was welcomed in this growing organization, I quickly climbed to a point where I was pretty much leading the gang in his hardest period, transitioning from level 4 to 5 which within the current server conditions was a real challenge which later on proved since we unfortunately had to close. During this time I developed leadership qualities and grew as a person. Mostly recruiting, hosting activities and chilling with friends :p
  5. buaa to el henry, ostias chaval feliz cumpleaos
  6. Display Name: BurakO^ username: buraco Link to all Donation Topics: 15 GBP(normal) = 15 points 10 GBP(normal) = 10 points 5 GBP(normal) = 5 points 10 GBP(normal) = 10 points 10 GBP(normal) = 10 points 10 GBP(bonus) = 20 points 20 GBP(normal)= 20 points Total number of Donation Points: 90
  7. ~[Roleplay Number:]~(sienna) #11 ~[ Date:]~(sienna) 1/09/2021 @bisollini said in Alex' CC Activities: ~[:]~(#654123) #6 ~[Participants:]~(#654123) Bisollini, BurakO, Christian, GamerZ, Faysal & Youssef. ~[Description:]~(#654123) San Fierro-Las Venturas Highway Garage was opened once again by Mr.Marksman. It was another busy day. A VIP has showed up. We had to work on a masterpiece, a Fletzer. There was no time for idle looks or surprised faces. We directly got to work. Firstly, we made a general-check. At first look, the vehicle wasn't damaged. The lights were fine. We proceed with the wheels/tires/rims. There was a flat one that I re-filled with air using my air pump. It was just a piece of cake work! After, we gave it more advanced & serious look. We checked what was under the hood. There weren't any rusty pipes. The air tubes were alright. There was a need of oil at the oil-pump so I re-filled it. All that wouldn't be done without my parther in this, BurakO, whose part you could check on his topic. We drank some beer with my parther & lighted a cigaratte. At the end, we made a full-detailed report to Mr.Marksman. ~[CC Members:]~(#654123) Marksman & Yoko ~[Screenshots:]~(#654123) Click on me if you want some screenshots or check the spoiler! ~[NOTE: The screenshots in the spoiler are less than in the imgur link!]~(red) ::: :::
  8. ~[Roleplay Number:]~(sienna) #10 ~[Participants:]~(sienna) @joakito ~[ Date:]~(sienna) 25/08/2021 ~[Story:]~(sienna) ^[] ^[I was idling at the Las Venturas shop when an All Load Trucking truck driver came by commenting on a problem with the oil and filters in his truck. From the beginning I could see the problem, I checked the oil pipe and filters, I returned to the workshop in search of new parts to solve the problem, we already had the spare parts ready, it is quite common to see deliveries from this company in the surroundings of San Andreas . I cleaned the oil pipe, changed the oil and replaced the filters and invited the trucker to test if the vehicle was working properly. All Load Trucking paid for the labor and new materials.] The whole scenario: ::: :::
  9. @sicario said in Sail away in peace NavM: Jajaja Greetings from lvl5 hater dog
  10. ^[ ] Hello Kings, As of today, 27th august of 2021, Navy Malistrip has been shutdown. The gang was originally created as a joke between a couple of friends back in February 2020, whom have never imagined it to last this long let alone reach level 5. Despite having many setbacks, NavM has always kept thriving up until now. Maintaining a level 5 gang or any gang in general within the current server conditions is very hard, it almost feels like a full time job trying to keep up with current GM requirements rather than a game. Real life has catched up with the remaining active HQ and they no longer have time to maintain the gang and give it the attention it needs. So instead of holding on and delaying what's coming, we have decided to let NavM sail away in peace. At last, we would like to thank Rogue21 and GJMC who were our first alliance and subsequently Niggaz wit Attitude as our second alliance, kind people who've always helped us out whenever needed. Everyone else who have always supported navm, we kindly thank you as well! Kind Regards, Navy Malistrip.
  11. ~[Patrol Number:]~(sienna) #10 @afufu said in Cuban Cars - Media Archive: Activity Type: Impounding illegally parked vehicles Participants: @Afufu @BurakO Duration: 1 hour+ Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/BshGyyC
  12. ~[Roleplay Number:]~(sienna) #9 ~[Participants:]~(sienna) @Borasi ~[ Date:]~(sienna) 23/08/2021 ~[ScreenShots:]~(sienna) ::: ::: ~[Story:]~(sienna) It was a normal afternoon when the worshop managers ordered me to answer an urgent call saying that there was an accident between two police patrols, so I left my tasks in the workshop and took the tow truck to go immediately to the place, the scene was a disaster , there were no fatalities but only minimal material damage, i checked the first patrol and then realized it had a serious body damage so another tow truck came looking for it. The second vehicle whose operator was there, was very cooperative, he told me how the accident was and after checking the damage we realized that the problem was the brake fluid, as expected in accidents like these, I went for a generic brake fluid that I had in the tow truck and after changing the fluid, the officer did the test with the vehicle to verify if the operation was correct, after solving the problem I told him the cost and the data to make the payment in charge of his agency.
  13. Address: Palomino Street 1 Account name: dyam98 Last seen: 12th july 2021 Screenshots:
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