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Everything posted by GanJa

  1. RP #5: Participant: Frank Story: So earlier today we got a call from mr.Frank, a famous gambler, he said he want to get a private jet and fly all other from las venturas to los santos airport, so we came to his motel with our heli and picked him up and got to the airport right away, After mr.Frank packed his baggage to the jet, we took off directly from Las Venturas airport and headed to Los Santos airport. After we landed in our destination, we found his driver ready there waiting for him, then we helped him to move his baggage to the admiral. Participant: Frank ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/z80xdnG
  2. Roleplay Number: 304 Participants: Wild Angels. Story: So were chilling at our base last night, then me and my gang mate arone, decided to check if there is any apportunity to rob BC bank, so without any further a do ,we took the huntley and camped right in front of the bank. It was a little sketchy at the beginning because there was plenty of cops there, after a couple of minutes, the bank start closing their gates and 2 security guys left the area so we rushed into the bank to start our robberie. Then i ordered arone to take care of the cashier and the other guard in the back of the bank, he knocked them out and then i put my mask on and entered to the safes area, and started packing. Once we were done, we left the bank and headed directly to the huntley to go hide so cops won't find us.
  3. Roleplay Number: 65 @pump said in Wild~Angels Media Archive: Roleplay Number: 277. Participants: Wild Angels & Venturas Tunings. Story: Yesterday, Wild Angels' Leader took the decision, it was about going to Russia to take some guns from there, He knew that these guns will cost for him a lot, That's why he recommended one of Wild Angels trusted members "James" to make some deals or mission for money. So James Got an idea, it was about selling the bikes he bought lastly from OrganiZation Zero after he used it on a special mission with some of his Gangmates. He called one of the Venturas Tunings members to do this deal since they like to upgrade Bike and sell them. Whatever, The guy from VT sent a message back to James saying that they will buy it after he asked his Vice_Leader about that. So James took the bikes with him to VT Headquarters in Los Santos located in Santa Maria Beach. He knew that they will pay a lot for these bikes since these bikes are the new modded ones. So he offered 1 Million dollars for 5 Bikes. The VT guy accepted without any problems. So they started getting VT headquarters loaded with these bikes. Then The CripZ guy grabbed from the safe like 6 bags then he came to James, Gave him the bags, James loaded it in his car's trunk. Then he came back to their headquarters with his gangmate. He has putten the Money in the Safe. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lo3E6cq
  4. @nicus Don't lose hope jefe, we will make it next time.
  5. -=(silver)Deleted!=-
  6. Twelve must be difficult for you. I dont mean BEING twelve, I mean that being your IQ.
  7. Hello everyone, we created this method to make things maybe a little easier for you: http://bit.ly/San_Andreas_Airlines But you still can apply for SAA using this new application format: ::: Nickname: Username: Nationality and age: How long have you been playing in SAES: Your curent groups: Why you want to join SAA? What will you offer to this group? ::: Regards, SAA HQ team.
  8. @zeus74330 -=(red)Denied.=- Very poor application, you may re-apply in 24 hours if still interested.
  9. San Andreas Airlines: https://discord.gg/gZVK4jF
  10. RP #4: Participant: Mr.Smith Story: So later on today, we got a call from mr.Smith, he said that he is going to visit our office as soon as possible to get his VISA. So our secretary gave him an appointment (8:00 AM on Saturday) Then, secretary brenda brought mr.Smith to our director who is responsable for all the paper work such as VISAs atc ... Normaly, we give visas not for everyone, we choose students mostly because our community are pretty aware from terrorists and immigrates. and our costumer looks pretty mature, however he said he is going to continue studying at San Fierro, so they shaked hands and made the deal without any doubt or any problem then we sorted his VISA right away and delievered it to his house within 1 week. Two weeks after, mr.Smith contacted us via E-Mail and booked his flight from Las Venturas to San Fierro. After 2 days or so, the passenger came to the airport and flew all the way to San Fierro.
  11. @bangas -=(lime)ACCEPTED.=-
  12. @combine said in I'm leavin, its been a good ride: It's a shame... Hey guys! If you want to get a "We will miss you TheK" T-Shirts you are at the right place! I'm talking about only 10 bucks per T-Shirt, what a bargain! You can have them any colour too! Payments will be done to my paypal account before any shipping, then they will be sent! Come on, buy now a T-Shirt for you and your whole family, even your dog wants to wear this! They selling like hotcakes! Always plug
  13. Gas ya zabour, happy birthday !
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft071uT3hfM
  15. Username: plenary Lastseen: 13 april 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/p06Fz2I
  16. Username: neinn Lastseen: 14 may 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7aBIFrb
  17. @ziad -=(lime)Accepted=- @Riley -=(lime)Accepted=-
  18. @ziad -=(orange)Pending=- Hit me on discord for a talk... https://discord.gg/gZVK4jF
  19. @kyrat -=(lime,lime)Accepted=- Meet me in-game for an interview.
  20. RP #1: Getting mr.Smith to San Fierro Court asap Participants: Smith_bogera Story: So San Andreas Airlines got a call yesterday from this judge, apparently he have some beef and he have to be at SF court as soon as possible, so without any further a do, i booked his flight right away, but there was a problem, no planes were available that time, so we was obligated to launch our private jet. So i told our driver to go and get mr.Smith from his hotel at 6am in the morning so he would get earlier to the airport to make it a little faster since our client was in a hury. After mr.smith got inside the jet, our pilot asked for permission to take off, and it was all clear, so without any further a do, we left LS airport and headed directly to SF. It was a perfect day, and the flight came perfectly set while the sunset is still going on, so we asked for permission to land then we landed successfuly at SF airport. So the pilot parked the plane to get some fuel, and there mr.Smith found our driver with a huntley to take him to SF court right in time.
  21. Im a big fan of Bob, and when i saw his song i got inspired so i named myself "GanJa" https://youtu.be/RBjPZfyO0as
  22. San Andreas Airlines Promo Video: https://youtu.be/A9P1CR1qP50
  23. @flex said in San Andreas Airlines: @ganja said in San Andreas Airlines: Toilet Cleaner and flight attendant: @Flex ?
  24. Group name: San Andreas Airlines Group tags : [SAA]Nick for normal members [SAA]nick<HQ> for HQs Motto: -=(cyan,#3ea2b3)San Andreas Airlines affordable plus confortable...=- Color Code: #00EEEE Leader : @GanJa Vice Leader : HeadQuarter (HQ) : @hope, @Reacher, @Noisyboy , @Karma Sub HQ (sHQ) : @Scorpyo, @Note @FlaMe Members : @JoseFrags , @Kaylerr , @XpookS, @ziad, @Riley, @Bangas Date of creation: 20.06.18 Discord link: https://discord.gg/MJD3BAE Media Archive Link: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/954/san-andreas-airlines-media-archive WHAT IS SAA ? SSA is a group based on RP, we thought about doing this a long time ago, since its unique and propably never done before, so thats why we thought about launching this small project right away since lately a lot of players are spawned as pilots so this will be a good apportunity for them and "us" to learn from it and to gain experience... Story: we started back in the eighties when mr.Tuhn won the lottery, so he decided to invest all of his money and buy a simple aircraft so he can can start his own airlines, after 2 years of hard work, mr.Tuhn made a lot of money so he decided to extend more his project by buying new aircafts and moving on new airports. on 2018, San Andreas Airlines became one of the best airlines ever, they took part in all most all San Andreas airports and they have high trained pilots and full equiped teams plus they do have all kinds of aircrafts... Our current members and Roles: General: @GanJa Vice General: N/A professional Pilots: @hope @Reacher @Noisyboy Official Pilots: @Scorpyo @FlaMe Flight attendant: @Note Pilots: @JoseFrags @Kaylerr @XpookS Newbie Pilot: @Bangas @ziad @Riley Our main role is to transport passengers, thats why we took care of this section very well. Confort : our budget allows us to offer all of our passengers the best quality(chairs, pillows, drinks, food, entertainment such us TVs, Beds, etc... finally a lot of space so the passengers can freely move(only for business class) Prices: From Los Santos airport => Las venturas airport 1st class: 50k business class: 30k economy class: 15k Prices: From Los santos airport => San fierro airport 1st class: 70k business class: 50k economy class: 30k Prices: From Las venturas airport => San fierro airport 1st class: 60k business class: 40k economy class: 20k Those prices were set according to in-game money(it will propably change after the money reset) Secondary role: This group have two sides, the bright one (legal) and the dark one (illegal). Legal transportation: mainly for squads (weapons, ammos etc...) Illegal transportation: for gangs and criminals ( drugs, weapons, ammos etc...) SAA skins: https://imgur.com/a/m9HWW1J SAA aircrafts: We use all kinds of aircrafts atm (except andromada etc...) READ THIS CAREFULY BEFORE APPLYING : -To join our group and to become a part of our family you better be respectful and atleast have a good reputation around our dear community. -Respect all the server rules. -Respect your leader and high ranked members. -Since we are a RolePlay group, any childish act or mouvement will get you an instant kick. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE THAT YOU CAN FOLLOW THIS RULES GET THE F*CK OUT OF HERE ! You can apply for SAA by copying this application format : Nickname: Username: Nationality and age: How long have you been playing in SAES: Your curent groups: Why you want to join SAA? What will you offer to this group? RECRUITMENT STATUS: -=(lime)OPEN=- Straight from, GanJa.
  25. -=(red)ONLY MEMBERS CAN POST HERE !=- In this topic, SAA members will post RolePlays, Activities and Events. Our members should use this format : Event number: Event Type: Date: Prize: Winner: Screenchots: RP #number: Participants: Story: ScreenShots: Activity #number: Activity type: Flight from (...) to (...) Money made: ScreenShots: Banners:
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