1st Assembly Date: 13/10/2018 Attendees: Absent, Dnsas, Knele, Ryler, Sam, Pilcrow Phases: 2 Phase 1 - Advanced Parachuting Training Instructor - Pilcrow Instructor Assistant - Absent (mostly) Description: The objective of this training is to improve control of parachuting skills necessary in operations including (but not limited to) SR and base raids. The attendees were flown to the roof of a skyscraper in San Fierro in a squad helicopter. They were then instructed to parachute from the building to the helicopter, where they grab the landing bars. Failure meant missing the helicopter entirely. The attendees were given 3 tries and all have managed to succeed. Phase 2 - TDM Training Instructor - Absent Description: The objective of this training is to build coordination and teamwork essential in many combat scenarios. The attendees were flown to GT, where the training took place. The objective was simple: last team standing wins. With classic rules (minus rush; it was allowed a couple minutes into rounds), the attendees have shown critical teamwork skills. Screenshots: ::: Phase 1 Phase 2 :::