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Posts posted by schwaring

  1. @FoxZilla said in Military Intelligence Section 6 - Media Archive:

    alt metni
    Participants: Schwaring , FoxZilla , Rieeria
    Story: San Andreas woke up to a beautiful sunny day this morning. As a result of the unsuccessful raid of the LSPD on a gang it had been on for a while, the task was handed over to MI-6 and we have to work hard on this beautiful day. In line with the information, we have LSPD informed us that this gang has been dealing in arms for a long time and they could not be arrested. We quickly got down to business as MI-6 and reviewed the gang's past activities and prepared reports. While preparing these reports, we determined that they are hiding in a villa in LV and the location of the villa in LV, and where the gang was affiliated. The gang was used as a hitman in a commission formed among wealthy people in business. We think that this commission has many activities, but for now, we will only arrest this gang and reach the top by time. With the information we have, our Task Force team conducted a raid on the villa and detained the criminals.


    [s=]alt metni
    alt metni
    alt metni
    alt metni

  2. alt text
    Participants: @tokiits @marcofercam @MaZen20 @schwaring
    Groups: Z and GXT
    Story: It was around 5 pm when were driving around the city and suddenly a phone call came from our trusted plug, our guy told us on the phone, "A truck loaded with guns is going to pass by the SF-WH road." When we heard this information, we immediately drove to the empty road and waited for the truck to come around the corner, after a few minutes the truck driver showed up and we could easily ambush the truck and its driver, we told him, "We're confiscating these weapons, either you work with us or we'll kill you," and the trucker agreed to work with us. We told him the instruction and we began driving to our base, we got to the base and got the truck inside to unload the weapons in it. After we unloaded weapons, we didn't want to take any risks, so we took him to the farthest river from our base and killed him.
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/h6dCj9T

  3. This is a manual post

    TXN ID: 1581000770827078

    Donation Amount: 5.00Gbp

    Requested Rewards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

    Donation Tracking Topic: More info here

    Vehicle Type: Infernus
    Vehicle Colour:
    Specify any upgrades:
    Username to lock: shiroi36
    Where you want it placed: 4_river_street

    Interior: large interior 18

    same place with this photo
    [s=]alt text[/s]

    confirm pls @Brophy

  4. alt text
    Date: 15/06/2022
    Participants: @Sou @Afufu @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @schwaring @Aoxy @Winter-Soldier @CeSaR @glayd
    Type of activity: Money transporting
    Description: Transporting money from different banks to the SF Mint.
    [s=]alt textalt textalt textalt text[/s]

  5. alt text
    Date: 15/06/2022
    Participants: @Sou @Afufu @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @schwaring @Aoxy @Winter-Soldier @CeSaR @glayd
    Type of activity: Money transporting
    Description: Transporting money from different banks to the SF Mint.
    [s=]alt textalt text[/s]

  6. alt text
    Date: 15/06/2022
    Participants: @Sou @Afufu @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @schwaring @Aoxy @Winter-Soldier @CeSaR @glayd
    Type of activity: Money transporting
    Description: Transporting money from different banks to the SF Mint.
    [s=]alt textalt text[/s]

  7. alt text
    Date: 15/06/2022
    Participants: @Sou @Afufu @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @schwaring @Aoxy @Winter-Soldier @CeSaR @glayd
    Type of activity: Money transporting
    Description: Transporting money from different banks to the SF Mint.
    [s=]alt textalt text[/s]

  8. alt text
    Date: 15/06/2022
    Participants: @Sou @Afufu @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @schwaring @Aoxy @Winter-Soldier @CeSaR @glayd
    Type of activity: Money transporting
    Description: Transporting money from different banks to the SF Mint.
    [s=]alt textalt text[/s]

  9. alt text
    Date: 15/06/2022
    Participants: @Sou @Afufu @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @schwaring @Aoxy @Winter-Soldier @CeSaR @glayd
    Type of activity: Money transporting
    Description: Transporting money from different banks to the SF Mint.
    [s=]alt textalt text[/s]

  10. Part I:
    How much have you donated for the server? 30

    When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 2-3monhts ago

    Why do you need this change? I want to add new vehicle

    Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/29820/donation-point-balance-schwaring

    Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/31628/schwaring-s-reward-change?_=1654368442674


    Part II: What I Want to be Add

    Vehicle 1: Comet

    Location: 4_river_street

    Username: shiroi36

    [s=]alt text[/s]

    (I will edit vehicles positions )

  11. This is an automated post

    TXN ID: 45T904115G3276237

    Donation Amount: 5.00GBP

    Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic:

    Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

    Vehicle Type:
    Vehicle Colour:
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    Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames)
    Where you want it placed:

    For any help with rewards, please check this topic.

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